Abel Gance

Abel Gance

Nascimento : 1889-10-25, Paris, France

Morte : 1981-11-10


Abel Gance (Paris, 25 de outubro de 1889 — Paris, 10 de novembro de 1981) foi um cineasta, produtor e editor de filmes, escritor e ator francês. Gance era filho ilegítimo. Seus pais queriam que ele se tornasse um advogado, mas desde a infância Gance foi atraído pelo teatro. Ele fez sua primeira apresentação como ator em Bruxelas com a idade de 19 anos e atuou em seu primeiro filme em 1909 em Molière. Ele continuou atuando e escrevendo roteiros antes de formar a sua própria companhia de produção em 1911. No mesmo ano, ele fez seu primeiro filme, La Digue, mas foi um fracasso. Sua nova produção, Victoire de Samothrace, no qual ele apareceria ao lado de Sarah Bernhardt, foi cancelado com a eclosão da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Devido à sua frágil saúde, Gance conseguiu não participar da maior parte da guerra e ele retornou a fazer filmes, agora com mais sucesso. Em 1919, ele obteve o reconhecimento internacional com seu filme épico de três horas J’Accuse, um filme contra a guerra que incluiu cenas de batalhas ao longo do fim da Primeira Guerra. O filme usou técnicas experimentais que Gance desenvolveria mais tarde em seu filme maior, Napoléon (1927). O sucesso desse filme foi prejudicado pela duração de seis horas e por necessitar de equipamentos de projeção de filmes especiais para mostrá-lo, particularmente na sua parte final onde a tela triplica em tamanho para mostrar um panorama chocante de um campo de batalha. Um filme de orçamento pequeno e filme secundário, Vénus aveugle (1941), sobre um casal, uma tragédia de barco e fantasia, mostra uma terrível tendência para os efeitos melodramáticos e o constante desejo para a criação de um poderoso imaginário poético. O filme tem muita quebra de continuidade. Gance não conseguiu fazer bem a transição do filme mudo para o falado. Embora ele tenha continuado a fazer filmes por muitas décadas, ele nunca mais alcançou o reconhecimento e o sucesso que ele havia experimentado nos anos de 1920. Ele gastou muito do seu tempo modernizando seus antigos filmes mudos, produzindo versões sonoras para suas obras-primas anteriores, J'Accuse e Napoléon.


Abel Gance


Bonaparte et la révolution
Abel Gance's 1971 sound edition of his epic 1927 'Napoleon', which contains much of the silent original, with new material shot and added in both 1965 and 1971, and with sound synchronization from both the 1932 reissue and this version.
Abel Gance: The Charm of Dynamite
BBC documentary on the long and flamboyant career of French filmmaker Abel Gance.
Cyrano and d'Artagnan
Duelist and poet Cyrano de Bergerac and musketeer d'Artagnan meet and team up to stop the conspiracy against King Louis XIII of France.
Cyrano and d'Artagnan
Duelist and poet Cyrano de Bergerac and musketeer d'Artagnan meet and team up to stop the conspiracy against King Louis XIII of France.
Abel Gance, Yesterday and Tomorrow
The life and work of Abel Gance as told by himself. Includes extracts from many of his films and considers his contribution to the cinema.
A Batalha de Austerlitz
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
A Batalha de Austerlitz
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
A portmanteau work in four segments,designed to illustrate the expressive possibilities of director Abel Gance,s creation, Polyvision, which preceded the American invention of Cinerama, and used three screens to present a drama of simultaneous images.
Tower of Lust
France, the beginning of the XIV century. Every night, Queen Margaret of Burgundy and her two sisters arrange orgies, to which beautiful nobles are invited. The young men were brought blindfolded, and after a night of love they were killed and their corpses thrown into the river, because the queen was afraid that her husband would learn about her adventures. One of her lovers managed to escape death. He knows the secrets of the queen, knows that she once gave birth to a son from him, claims that he has evidence that Margarita wanted to kill her father and blackmails her.
Tower of Lust
France, the beginning of the XIV century. Every night, Queen Margaret of Burgundy and her two sisters arrange orgies, to which beautiful nobles are invited. The young men were brought blindfolded, and after a night of love they were killed and their corpses thrown into the river, because the queen was afraid that her husband would learn about her adventures. One of her lovers managed to escape death. He knows the secrets of the queen, knows that she once gave birth to a son from him, claims that he has evidence that Margarita wanted to kill her father and blackmails her.
Queen Margot
Captain Fracasse
Out of love for an actress, Isabelle, the Baron de Sigognac joins a traveling troop en route to Paris. When an actor dies, he takes over his role: that of Captain Fracasse.
Captain Fracasse
Out of love for an actress, Isabelle, the Baron de Sigognac joins a traveling troop en route to Paris. When an actor dies, he takes over his role: that of Captain Fracasse.
Blind Venus
Vénus aveugle (Blind Venus) is a 1941 French film melodrama, directed by Abel Gance, and one of the first films to be undertaken in France during the German occupation. Although the film is not set in any specified period, Gance wanted it to be seen as relevant to the contemporary situation in France. He wrote, "...La Vénus aveugle is at the crossroads of reality and legend... The heroine ... gradually sinks deeper and deeper into despair. Only when she has reached the bottom of the abyss does she encounter the smile of Providence that life reserves for those who have faith in it, and she can then go serenely back up the slope towards happiness. If I have been able to show in this film that elevated feelings are the only force that can triumph over Fate, then my efforts will not have been in vain."
Blind Venus
Vénus aveugle (Blind Venus) is a 1941 French film melodrama, directed by Abel Gance, and one of the first films to be undertaken in France during the German occupation. Although the film is not set in any specified period, Gance wanted it to be seen as relevant to the contemporary situation in France. He wrote, "...La Vénus aveugle is at the crossroads of reality and legend... The heroine ... gradually sinks deeper and deeper into despair. Only when she has reached the bottom of the abyss does she encounter the smile of Providence that life reserves for those who have faith in it, and she can then go serenely back up the slope towards happiness. If I have been able to show in this film that elevated feelings are the only force that can triumph over Fate, then my efforts will not have been in vain."
Paradis perdu
Scenario Writer
In pre-World Ward I in Paris, a budding artist, Pierre LeBlanc, falls in love and marries Janine, a dressmaker's assistant. Pierre has a flair for designing clothes, and he and his bride live in a blissful paradise, until the war breaks out and he becomes a soldier. Janine dies in childbirth and, no longer desiring to live, Pierre volunteers for a dangerous patrol behind German lines. While recuperating in the hospital from a wound he received on the mission, Pierre spends his time drawing sketches of dresses. He becomes rich and famous after the war. Years later, after devoting himself to his daughter, Pierre seeks a marriage with a girl no older than his daughter. A conflict develops and to ensure his daughter's happiness, Pierre sacrifices his own plans.
Paradis perdu
In pre-World Ward I in Paris, a budding artist, Pierre LeBlanc, falls in love and marries Janine, a dressmaker's assistant. Pierre has a flair for designing clothes, and he and his bride live in a blissful paradise, until the war breaks out and he becomes a soldier. Janine dies in childbirth and, no longer desiring to live, Pierre volunteers for a dangerous patrol behind German lines. While recuperating in the hospital from a wound he received on the mission, Pierre spends his time drawing sketches of dresses. He becomes rich and famous after the war. Years later, after devoting himself to his daughter, Pierre seeks a marriage with a girl no older than his daughter. A conflict develops and to ensure his daughter's happiness, Pierre sacrifices his own plans.
What was it about opera diva Grace Moore that attracted the attention of filmdom's top directors? Moore's 1937 American movie vehicle When You're in Love had been directed by Josef Von Sternberg; two years later, her French starrer Louise was helmed by no less than Abel Gance, who a decade earlier had revolutionized the "historical epic" genre with the awesome Napoleon. There was, however, little that was revolutionary in this cinemadaption of Gustave Charpentier's opera. Moore plays Louise, a poor seamstress who is led astray by the rakish Julien (Georges Thill). After falling from grace (no pun intended), our heroine is rescued by her understanding father (Andre Pernet), who demonstrates his forgiveness by singing to her (it is, after all, an opera). Though it played to enthusiastic crowds in both London and Paris, Louise turned out to be Grace Moore's final film; conversely, Abel Gance continued to make commercial potboilers well into the 1970s.
The Woman Thief
The woman thief evades a young lady who is onto his game, but then tries his wiles elsewhere on a married woman by attempting to compromise and ruin the husband she is happy with.
I Accuse
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
I Accuse
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
The Life and Loves of Beethoven
Lyrical biography of the classical composer, depicted as a romantic hero, an accursed artist.
The Life and Loves of Beethoven
Lyrical biography of the classical composer, depicted as a romantic hero, an accursed artist.
Lucrezia Borgia
French silent film pioneer Abel Gance directs this 1935 classic about Lucrezia Borgia, her brother, Cesare. and her father, Pope Alexander VI -- one of history's most ruthless and ambitious crime families.
Lucrezia Borgia
French silent film pioneer Abel Gance directs this 1935 classic about Lucrezia Borgia, her brother, Cesare. and her father, Pope Alexander VI -- one of history's most ruthless and ambitious crime families.
The Queen and the Cardinal
A hero of the Paris streets is recruited for a conspiracy against Mazarin in the court of the King, but he reveals the subversive plot to Anne of Austria.
The Queen and the Cardinal
A hero of the Paris streets is recruited for a conspiracy against Mazarin in the court of the King, but he reveals the subversive plot to Anne of Austria.
Napoléon Bonaparte
A second version of Gance's Napoléon, with sound.
Napoléon Bonaparte
A second version of Gance's Napoléon, with sound.
Napoléon Bonaparte
A second version of Gance's Napoléon, with sound.
Napoléon Bonaparte
A second version of Gance's Napoléon, with sound.
Le Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre
Le Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre
La Dame aux camélias
Alexandre Dumas' romantic novel Lady of the Camelias (more popularly known as Camille) was filmed twice in 1953, first in Argentina, then in France. The Argentine film was heavily modernized, while the French version returns to Dumas' 19th-century milieu. Micheline Presle is excellent as Marguerite, the gorgeous courtesan who flits from man to man until she finds true love in the form of the much-younger Armand (Rolande Alexandre). Though he is willing to marry her despite her past, she is persuaded to forsake him, lest his reputation be ruined. The story then wends its way towards its famous tragic finale, as the consumptive Marguerite is permitted a few brief moments of happiness before her flame is permanently extinguished. Advertised as the seventh version of the Dumas classic, La Dame aux Camelias was certainly not the last.
Didier Méreuil, affectionately called Poliche, is in love with Rosine, a beautiful girl, so he does everything to please her. She does not love him, and accepts a seductive airplane pilot who proposes to her. One day, she discovers that the funny man is just a front behind which there is a serious Didier. She will try to make up and live with him - but the gap between them is already too large.
The Ironmaster
A young noblewoman is unhappy about needing to marry the village ironmaster for financial reasons, but later comes to appreciate her husband.
Mater Dolorosa
One of the most popular melodrama films directed by Abel Gance. A paranoide, fanatical and obsessively jealous husband obducts his own son to bully his wife.
Mater Dolorosa
One of the most popular melodrama films directed by Abel Gance. A paranoide, fanatical and obsessively jealous husband obducts his own son to bully his wife.
O Fim do Mundo
Jean e Martial Novalic são dois irmão divididos pelo amor à mesma mulher, Genevieve. O primeiro é um poeta obcecado com a morte; o segundo, um astrônomo que descobre um cometa em rota de colisão com a Terra. A notícia de que a humanidade tem apenas mais uma centena de dias antes da destruição do planeta gera o caos, mas também acirra o triângulo amoroso entre os irmãos Novalic, que têm reações bastante diversas sobre a tragédia iminente.
O Fim do Mundo
Jean Novalic
Jean e Martial Novalic são dois irmão divididos pelo amor à mesma mulher, Genevieve. O primeiro é um poeta obcecado com a morte; o segundo, um astrônomo que descobre um cometa em rota de colisão com a Terra. A notícia de que a humanidade tem apenas mais uma centena de dias antes da destruição do planeta gera o caos, mas também acirra o triângulo amoroso entre os irmãos Novalic, que têm reações bastante diversas sobre a tragédia iminente.
O Fim do Mundo
Jean e Martial Novalic são dois irmão divididos pelo amor à mesma mulher, Genevieve. O primeiro é um poeta obcecado com a morte; o segundo, um astrônomo que descobre um cometa em rota de colisão com a Terra. A notícia de que a humanidade tem apenas mais uma centena de dias antes da destruição do planeta gera o caos, mas também acirra o triângulo amoroso entre os irmãos Novalic, que têm reações bastante diversas sobre a tragédia iminente.
Around the End of the World
An 18-minute silent documentary on the making of the 1931 Abel Gance directed film, "La Fin Du Monde".
Napoleon at St. Helena
Napoleon at Saint Helena (German: Napoleon auf Sankt Helena) is a 1929 German silent historical film directed by Lupu Pick and starring Werner Krauss, Hanna Ralph and Albert Bassermann. The film depicts the final years of Napoleon between 1815 and 1821 during his period of exile on the British Atlantic island of Saint Helena following his defeat at Waterloo.
A Queda da Casa de Usher
O Lorde Roderick Usher vive numa casa perdida no meio dos lagos, evitada pela população da vila próxima, e está muito preocupado com a saúde da esposa Madeleine. Ele envia uma carta a um velho amigo, que vai visitá-lo neste lugar carregado de angústia e o encontra pintando com obstinação o retrato da mulher. Certo dia, a esposa de Usher morre e é enterrada na cripta da propriedade. Mas Roderick está convencido de que ela está apenas adormecida.
Marines et cristeaux
Marines et cristeaux is a silent film from 1928
Este filme biográfico épico de Napoleão abrange muitas das experiências que moldaram o rápido avanço do líder francês. Desde seus dias de escola até seu voo da Córsega, bem como a Revolução Francesa e o terror, culminando na sua invasão triunfante da Itália em 1797.
Este filme biográfico épico de Napoleão abrange muitas das experiências que moldaram o rápido avanço do líder francês. Desde seus dias de escola até seu voo da Córsega, bem como a Revolução Francesa e o terror, culminando na sua invasão triunfante da Itália em 1797.
Este filme biográfico épico de Napoleão abrange muitas das experiências que moldaram o rápido avanço do líder francês. Desde seus dias de escola até seu voo da Córsega, bem como a Revolução Francesa e o terror, culminando na sua invasão triunfante da Itália em 1797.
Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just
Este filme biográfico épico de Napoleão abrange muitas das experiências que moldaram o rápido avanço do líder francês. Desde seus dias de escola até seu voo da Córsega, bem como a Revolução Francesa e o terror, culminando na sua invasão triunfante da Itália em 1797.
Au Secours!
Max accepts a wager that he cannot remain in a haunted castle for one hour (11 PM to midnight) without crying for help. As soon as he arrives he encounters strange and nightmarish visions, but he is nevertheless on the verge of winning the bet when a phone-call brings startling news.
Au Secours!
Max accepts a wager that he cannot remain in a haunted castle for one hour (11 PM to midnight) without crying for help. As soon as he arrives he encounters strange and nightmarish visions, but he is nevertheless on the verge of winning the bet when a phone-call brings startling news.
Au Secours!
Max accepts a wager that he cannot remain in a haunted castle for one hour (11 PM to midnight) without crying for help. As soon as he arrives he encounters strange and nightmarish visions, but he is nevertheless on the verge of winning the bet when a phone-call brings startling news.
A Roda
O maquinista Sisif salva a pequena Norma de um acidente ferroviário e decide criá-la. À medida que cresce, ela se apaixona por Elie, filho de Sisif que ela pensa ser seu irmão. Ao mesmo tempo, Sisif também se apaixona por ela, criando um complexo triângulo amoroso.
A Roda
O maquinista Sisif salva a pequena Norma de um acidente ferroviário e decide criá-la. À medida que cresce, ela se apaixona por Elie, filho de Sisif que ela pensa ser seu irmão. Ao mesmo tempo, Sisif também se apaixona por ela, criando um complexo triângulo amoroso.
A Roda
O maquinista Sisif salva a pequena Norma de um acidente ferroviário e decide criá-la. À medida que cresce, ela se apaixona por Elie, filho de Sisif que ela pensa ser seu irmão. Ao mesmo tempo, Sisif também se apaixona por ela, criando um complexo triângulo amoroso.
A Roda
O maquinista Sisif salva a pequena Norma de um acidente ferroviário e decide criá-la. À medida que cresce, ela se apaixona por Elie, filho de Sisif que ela pensa ser seu irmão. Ao mesmo tempo, Sisif também se apaixona por ela, criando um complexo triângulo amoroso.
The Hearth
Directed by Robert Boudrioz.
Eu Acuso!
A história de dois homens, um casado e o outro amante da esposa do outro, que se encontram nas trincheiras da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e como a história deles se torna um microcosmo para os horrores da guerra.
Eu Acuso!
A história de dois homens, um casado e o outro amante da esposa do outro, que se encontram nas trincheiras da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e como a história deles se torna um microcosmo para os horrores da guerra.
Eu Acuso!
A história de dois homens, um casado e o outro amante da esposa do outro, que se encontram nas trincheiras da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e como a história deles se torna um microcosmo para os horrores da guerra.
The Tenth Symphony
Composer Enrid Damor knows nothing of the past life of his new wife Eve Dinant : she lived as a debauchee with an adventurer, Fred Ryce. Fred Ryce meets Damor's daughter, Claire, and tries to marries her. He blackmails Eve. Enric learns something about her and Fred and composes a symphony to express his pain... The Tenth Symphony is considered the first major film of the Impressionist movement.
The Tenth Symphony
Composer Enrid Damor knows nothing of the past life of his new wife Eve Dinant : she lived as a debauchee with an adventurer, Fred Ryce. Fred Ryce meets Damor's daughter, Claire, and tries to marries her. He blackmails Eve. Enric learns something about her and Fred and composes a symphony to express his pain... The Tenth Symphony is considered the first major film of the Impressionist movement.
La zone de la mort
Film by Abel Gance.
La zone de la mort
Film by Abel Gance.
A journalist attempt to stop a mysterious criminal : "Barbe rousse".
A journalist attempt to stop a mysterious criminal : "Barbe rousse".
The Torture of Silence
Hardly one of French filmmaker Abel Gance's masterpieces, The Torture of Silence nevertheless has more dramatic and psychological value than your average romantic-triangle tale. Simply put, the film concerns a doctor, his wife, and his brother. The doctor, a specialist in pediatrics, has no time for his wife Marthe. She seeks solace in the arms of his brother. Unable to keep up the charade, Marthe attempts to shoot herself, but it is her lover who is mortally wounded.
The Torture of Silence
Hardly one of French filmmaker Abel Gance's masterpieces, The Torture of Silence nevertheless has more dramatic and psychological value than your average romantic-triangle tale. Simply put, the film concerns a doctor, his wife, and his brother. The doctor, a specialist in pediatrics, has no time for his wife Marthe. She seeks solace in the arms of his brother. Unable to keep up the charade, Marthe attempts to shoot herself, but it is her lover who is mortally wounded.
The Right to Life
A young girl marries a financier knowing he has only a short time to live, so she can inherit his money.Her lover, who has made a fortune away in America, returns and wants to hasten the financier's death.
The Right to Life
A young girl marries a financier knowing he has only a short time to live, so she can inherit his money.Her lover, who has made a fortune away in America, returns and wants to hasten the financier's death.
Deadly Gas
Hopson, a prestigious scientist, studies the effect of snake venom to cure many diseases of mankind. His son enlists in the army when the Great War breaks out. A series of circumstances will lead the scientist to change his way of thinking about values ​​and principles that until then he had as immovable.
Deadly Gas
Hopson, a prestigious scientist, studies the effect of snake venom to cure many diseases of mankind. His son enlists in the army when the Great War breaks out. A series of circumstances will lead the scientist to change his way of thinking about values ​​and principles that until then he had as immovable.
Le fou de la falaise
Le fou de la falaise is a 1916 silent film
Le fou de la falaise
Le fou de la falaise is a 1916 silent film
Le périscope
Le périscope is a 1928 film
Le périscope
Le périscope is a 1928 film
Un drame au château d'Acre
Un drame au château d'Acre is a 1915 silent short
Un drame au château d'Acre
Un drame au château d'Acre is a 1915 silent short
L'énigme de dix heures
Guards are posted to protect various important figures who are threatened with a phone call, that by 10 p.m. the following night they will be dead.Somehow they still meet their deaths, despite the protection.
L'énigme de dix heures
Guards are posted to protect various important figures who are threatened with a phone call, that by 10 p.m. the following night they will be dead.Somehow they still meet their deaths, despite the protection.
L'héroïsme de Paddy
L'héroïsme de Paddy is a 1915 silent film
L'héroïsme de Paddy
L'héroïsme de Paddy is a 1915 silent film
As Loucuras do Doutor Tube
O cientista Dr. Tube inventa uma substância que acredita ser capaz de causar distorções na realidade. Ele então usa cobaias para testa-la, até que a utiliza em si mesmo.
As Loucuras do Doutor Tube
O cientista Dr. Tube inventa uma substância que acredita ser capaz de causar distorções na realidade. Ele então usa cobaias para testa-la, até que a utiliza em si mesmo.
L'infirmière is a 1914 silent film.
The Mask of Horror
A mad sculptor, searching for the perfect realization of "the mask of horror", places himself in front of a mirror after smearing blood over himself with the glass of an oil lamp. He then swallows a virulent poison to observe the effects of pain.
The Mask of Horror
A mad sculptor, searching for the perfect realization of "the mask of horror", places himself in front of a mirror after smearing blood over himself with the glass of an oil lamp. He then swallows a virulent poison to observe the effects of pain.
A Tragic Love of Mona Lisa
La digue
La digue is a 1911 silent film
La digue
La digue is a 1911 silent film
Jephté's Daughter
The Death of the Duke D'Enghien
The incidents in this picture took place in 1803-4, when Napoleon was First Consul. In August, 1803, Napoleon discovered a conspiracy hatched in England in which three Englishmen were implicated; The aim of the conspirators was to restore to the throne of France one of the Bourbons.
Molière jeune
A film about the life of Molière (1622-1673).
A film about the life of Molière (1622-1673).
Le portrait de Mireille
Le portrait de Mireille is a 1909 short film