Mikko Martin


The Man from Hervanta
Mysterious stranger arrives in the post apocalyptic town of Steel Manse. He starts working for the two dangerous crime lords but he has reasons of his own.
The Trap
Four bankrobbers escape the police to an abandoned factory which is filled with blood-thirsty zombies. They must fight their way out or die.
Hervanta Homicide
Bar customer #3
Kallinen from Hervanta homicide, and his new partner, Kuokka, fight against the evil crimelord of Hervanta, known as Kunkku (The King), who has killed a teacher who stole drugs from him.
Avaruuden Teurastajat
Camper #2
Um meteorito cai na terra traz consigo uma estranha forma de vida carregando um vírus mortal. Depois que a criatura morde a mão de um idiota local, ele lentamente começa a se transformar em um zumbi faminto por carne humana. A doença se espalha e então o cara mais durão do Controle de OVNIs é enviado para cuidar dessa situação desesperadora.