Jon Van Ness

Jon Van Ness

Nascimento : 1947-12-23, Summitville, Indiana


Born in Summitville, Indiana. A 1976 graduate of Butler University, he honed his acting skills at Christian Theological Seminary Reportory Theater at Butler. He was active in many Indiana venues including The Brown County Playhouse, The Black Curtain Dinner Theatre, and Starlight Musicals. Moved to New York and then Hollywood. His biggest break was his appearance in "Brubaker" where he became friends with Robert Redford. This led to his role in "The Natural."


Jon Van Ness


Henry Downs
A desperate man kills a mother of twins, takes them to a house in the woods, and locks them up. His madness escalates keeping his dark secret. When a house fire causes a collapse on all of them, the story is buried until a young woman stumbles on the truth.
Ultra Violent Vengeance: The Talent & Technicians of X-Ray
Feature length documentary that takes a look at the making of X-RAY.
Julgamento de Fogo
Det. Morgan
A high-school teacher tries to help one of her troubled male students, who misinterprets her interest.
From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One
Rudy Karlotts
In the first of a potential series of films inspired by the real-life experiences of Los Angeles police officer turned bestselling author Joseph Wambaugh, an on-the-skids detective, with memories of having accidentally shot and killed his partner while they were pursuing a pair of bank robbers, tries to put his life back in order.
Código de Honra
Witnessing a drug deal involving local gang members and cops, an Australian police officer feels he can no longer be just an observer. He joins forces with a local teacher who just happens to be a karate expert and together they try to take back the streets.
Alligator 2: A Mutação
Officer Trimble
Filhote do jacaré cresce de forma gigantesca nos esgotos, atacando em uma pequena cidade.
Tune in Tomorrow...
Brent Moconnochie
Martin works at the local radio station, which just hired a new scriptwriter with a reputation for great drama, Pedro Carmichael. Martin’s aunt Julia, not related by blood, returns home after many years away and Martin falls for her. Once Pedro finds out about this romance, he starts incorporating details of it into the script of his daily drama series. Soon, Martin and Julia are not only hearing about their fictional selves over the radio, but about what they are going to do next.
Resgate Infernal
Quando Harry é seqüestrado por terrorristas sul-americanos e o governo americano decide lavar as mãos, sua família contrata os serviços de um mercenário para resgatá-lo.
A Morte Pede Carona
Trooper Hapscomb
Um jovem que escapa das garras de um assassino é posteriormente perseguido pelo assassino e acusado de seus crimes.
Um Homem Fora de Série
John Olsen
Misterioso rebatedor de meia-idade surge do nada e conduz à glória um fracassado time de beisebol profissional. O passado deste homem guarda um drama que interrompeu precocemente uma carreira brilhante e agora tudo parece voltar à tona.
Os Bostonianos
Henry Burrage
A bored lawyer and a suffragette vie for the attention of a faith healer's charismatic daughter.
Assassins are after a prostitute who has come into possession of a cigarette lighter that, unbeknownst to her, contains the negatives that show a politician's assassination. A delightfully playful giallo starring the beautiful Carole Bouquet as Mystère, a high class call girl who becomes the target for a couple of assassins.
In the Custody of Strangers
A teenage delinquent who goes on a drunken joyride is left in jail overnight by his parents in the hope that he might learn a lesson from it. But events follow which result in the boy spending far longer behind bars than anyone had foreseen.
Hospital Massacre
After making what should have been a routine visit to a local county hospital on Valentine's Day, divorcee Susan Jeremy finds herself detained for further observation. Meanwhile, a homicidal maniac disguised as a surgeon wanders around the hospital, killing all the staff members associated with her.
O Destino Bate à Sua Porta
Motorcycle Cop
Dono de um posto de gasolina contrata novo empregado. Jovem e sedutor, acaba se envolvendo com a esposa do patrão e com ela planeja matar o dono do local para herdar seus bens.
Deputy Dave
Madoc County is a quiet and peaceful place until vagrant Kyle Hanson arrives. The people of Madoc County are repelled by his appearance and want to chase him out of the city. Unfortunately for them, Kyle Hanson is a former Vietnam elite soldier and he uses his skills to fight back.
Na prisão sulista de Wakefield, Henry Brubaker, o novo diretor, chega disfarçado de prisioneiro e assim convive com os detentos, podendo apurar livremente todos os tipos de corrupções e ilegalidades que imperam na instituição. Quando ele se revela encontra uma oposição velada, pois suas idéias reformistas contrariam vários interesses políticos e financeiros.
Armadilha para Turistas
Quatro jovens têm problemas no automóvel e vão parar em um velho posto de gasolina numa estrada secundária, onde também funcionam um motel e um museu de cera. Ali, encontram um misterioso homem, o Sr. Slausen (Chuck Connors), que pode ou não ter alguma relação com uma misteriosa figura mascarada que circula pelo local, matando turistas desavisados e transformando-os em manequins/zumbis.
O Dia do Juízo Final
Mr. Sanchez
After witnessing a man's death in a bizzare accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world conquest.