Alex Winker


Deep in the Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story
Uma celebração visualmente deslumbrante do que torna o Texas único, suas diversas paisagens e comportamento notável da vida selvagem que não pode ser encontrado em nenhum outro lugar do mundo.
Coby and Stephen are in Love
Through handmade outfits and dancing, Coby, a 93 year old retired Chinatown nightclub performer, and Stephen, an artist twenty years her junior, find unlikely love, despite dissimilarities in culture and age. As their last performance in Las Vegas approaches, Coby and Stephen prepare a final routine.
Return of the Desert Bighorn
After all native desert bighorn sheep were eliminated from Texas by the 1960s, conservationists began the long fight for their return. Now, after many years of hard work and trial and error, healthy populations roam parts of the state. Return of the Desert Bighorn follows wildlife biologists as they capture, collar, and relocate desert bighorn to restore populations in West Texas.
Moving Together
Moving Together is a celebratory love letter to music and dance that brims with kinetic life and energy. This documentary explores the intricate collaboration between dancers and musicians, moving seamlessly between Flamenco, Modern, and New Orleans Second Line.