Brad Erickson


Garage Sale Mystery: The Wedding Dress
Assistant Location Manager
Jennifer Shannon has made a career of finding rare garage sale treasures to resell at the consignment store she owns with her business partner, Dani. When she finds a wedding dress that was worn on the day a groom went missing, Jennifer uses her knack for solving puzzles to investigate this unsolved cold case. After meeting the dress’s original owner, Helen, and finding traces of blood on the dress, Jennifer digs deeper into the decades-old mystery with the help of Detective Lynwood, and the support of her husband, Jason. With every clue that Jennifer uncovers, she gets closer to either finding the long-missing groom, or uncovering a wedding day murder.
A Saga Twilight: Eclipse
Assistant Location Manager
Bella volta a estar no centro do perigo quando Seattle é devastada por uma série de mortes misteriosas e uma vampira rancorosa continua a persegui-la em busca de vingança. É neste cenário que terá de escolher entre o amor por Edward e a amizade com Jacob, sabendo que a sua decisão irá inflamar a eterna batalha entre vampiros e lobisomens.
People's Stuff
Production Assistant
People's Stuff is a document of six collectors of unusual objects. Creating an environment for storytelling, the subjects reveal inner dreams and motivations as they share both their collections and their lives with the viewer. Charmaine Burrell collects Purple Cows. Fred Crane, Professor Emeritus of Musicology at the University of Iowa, collects jaw harps (he calls the instrument a trump). George Preston collected commercial signs. Ruth Rasmussen is in the Guinness Book of World Records for her salt and pepper shaker collection. Irene Redfearn collects sea shells and Craig Starr, spark plugs. Ruth Rasmussen is in the Guinness Book of World Records for her salt and pepper shaker collection. Irene Redfearn collects sea shells and Craig Starr, spark plugs.