Nikolay Olyalin

Nikolay Olyalin


Nikolay Olyalin


Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Bummer 2
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Guardiões do Dia
The Inquisitor
A antiga guerra entre as forças da Luz e da Escuridão está perto do fim. Cada lado ganhou um poderoso guardião, que se dirigem para um conflito decisivo. De um lado está o filho de Anton Gorodetsky, Yegor, que se uniu às forças da Escuridão. Svetlana, o amor de Anton, é a esperança das forças da Luz. Paralelamente Anton precisa fugir, pois é acusado de assassinato.
Guardiões da Noite
Primeiro filme da trilogia inspirada no romance de Sergei Luyanenko narra a guerra desencadeada quando uma série de eventos misteriosos traz à tona uma antiga profecia, encerrando o centenário equilíbrio entre as forças da Luz e das Trevas.
The Outskirts
The hero is an ordinary farmer, Philip Safronov, whose peaceful life is aggressively interrupted when his land is appropriated by a mysterious group to exploit its oil resources.
Running from death
In the house of goldmaker Tikhon Kondratievich Molokov, carnival is celebrated noisily, on a grand scale, with gypsies. Everyone drank pretty, and when the mayor tried to “seduce” the owner’s daughter Anisya, the girl’s father broke his nose. Frightened by the consequences of this incident, Tikhon Kondratievich decided to flee the city.
Ne Ostrelennaya Muzyka
Вадим Нечаев
История любви бывшего «афганца» к красивой, нежной и беспредельно искренней Оле.
Ne Ostrelennaya Muzyka
История любви бывшего «афганца» к красивой, нежной и беспредельно искренней Оле.
Faithfulness We Pledge
Story of Sergio Rodriguez, commissar of an International Battalion in the Spanish Civil War
Help Me, Bros!
Boyars are trying to marry their tsar in a country of far far away.
Ваш специальный корреспондент
Андрей Регалие
В одну единственную жизнь
Берега в тумане
Две версии одного столкновения
Приходи свободным
The Legend of Princess Olga
Oleh the Wise, Prince of Kyiv
The film is a poetic adaptation of a series of stories (oral and written) about Princess Olha of Kyivan Rus' (Ukraine-Rusʹ) at the start of the 11th century. Inspired by chronicles and folk legends this is a story of a common girl Olha who married Prince Ihor and became his successor on the throne after his murder and one of the most remarkable political leaders in early medieval European history. She converted to Christianity and brought her realm into Europe.
Young Russia
The film is set in the era of Peter I The Great, on the Russian North. The plot revolves around the fate of three people: Captain-Commander Sylvester Ievlev, customs army lieutenant Athanasius Krykov vaster and-White Sea Ivan Ryabov. Ivan Ryabov - a real historical character. In 1701, during the defense of Arkhangelsk from the Swedish military squadron of Charles XII, accomplished the feat as a vaster under the guise of traitors planted swedish flagship aground under fire from shore batteries.
It Was the Fourth Year of the War
A group of Russian spies are trying to gather an important information about the German forces before the attack of the Soviet Army in this action movie set during WWII.
Hot Summer in Kabul
A Russian doctor is invited to work at Afghanistan's top hospital during the war, and sees firsthand the carnage caused by the Islamist mujaheddin as they attempt to overthrow the socialist government.
Шел четвертый год войны...
Сергей Павловский
Punchy Man
начальник управления
Поединок в тайге
Вижу цель!
Подполковник Клоков
The Golden Fleece
Eight very different people are looking for a treasure on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.
Golden River
The continuation of the story started by adventure movie "The Lost Expedition" set in 1923.
The Lost Expedition
An expedition of a few geologists is going to Siberia in order to found a gold sources during 1918.
Hard rain
Spring, 1945. Sasha, who lost her parents, goes to the village of Vyselki to find her aunt there. Her last hope for the existence of a loved one does not come true. But acquaintance with ordinary residents of the village, an unexpected love for the forester and a first feeling of joy from the necessary work return the girl the thirst for life.
The Ocean
Three classmates of the naval school met many years later in the Northern Fleet. Their fates were different. One of them became the commander of a cruiser, while the other two had complex personal problems. In these circumstances, everyone behaves differently, sometimes not opening up from the best side.
Nochnoy Mototsiklist
Pavel Ivanovich Starina
A Long Path on a Short Day
Maxim Nerchin
Based on the novel by Natan Rybak “Soldiers Without Uniforms”. Director of a research institute engaged in research in the field of nuclear physics, Maxim Nerchin is testing a new research method. And although the method did not justify itself, Nerchin with unreasonable confidence began to build a more powerful installation... He uses almost all the institute's funds to create it and is so sure of success that he loudly announced it at a foreign symposium, thereby causing special attention to his institute on the part of those American circles who are primarily interested in creating weapons that bring death and destruction...
The Cool Guy
Soviet engineer Viktor Loginov, who came to one of the East as a technical representative of the Minsk Automobile Plant, had to take part in an international rally due to the illness of a professional racer. Among the experienced aces from other countries, Victor was a beginner. Many representatives of foreign firms are interested in losing in the most difficult struggle. This would give an occasion to close the path to the world market for the new Soviet machine. But courage, mutual assistance and self-confidence help Victor overcome all stages of the most difficult path, where the danger came from both nature and people.
A group of Red Army scouts are trying to find a secret Hitler's headquarters in Ukraine during WWII.
Gentlemen of Fortune
Полковник милиции
It so happens that peaceful kindergarten teacher is incredibly similar to the terrible villain who stole the helmet of Alexander the Great. And villain's accomplices are unexpectedly similar to children - they also need love and care.
Libertação 5 O Ataque Final
In Berlin, Lieutenant Yartsev's infantry and Tzvetaev's battery fight their way in the U-Bahn. Captain Neustroev's company is selected to hoist the Victory Banner atop the Reichstag.
No Road Back
Мир хижинам, война дворцам
The Flight
The film is about a group of people who in other times wouldn't have anything in common, some of them innocent bystanders, some moral criminals. But nothing is straightforward and simple. From Russia "the run" continues to Constantinople, to Paris, back to Russia. Some of them have understood that they can't live outside Russia and go back maybe to be happy, maybe not, some go back to face sure death for their crimes, some don't go back and know that are going to miss homeland forever, some are comfortably well off (are they?) in exile. Sentimental without syrup, tragic and comical at the same time.
I'm Going To You
Sergei Merzhinskiy
The main motive of the film - a tragic love of Lesya Ukrainka to Marxist revolutionary Sergei Merzhinskiy. The film is about the poetess' trip to her beloved, in the literal and metaphorical sense at the same time.
Libertação 3 Rumo ao Golpe Principal
Parte 1 e Parte 2
Libertação 2 Ruptura
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".
Libertação 1 O Arco de Fogo
O trabalho mais famoso do diretor de cinema russo Yuri Ozerov é o épico Osvobozhdenie (A Libertação) sobre a WWII, feito em cinco partes e 470 minutos, que foi muito popular em seu país. Cada uma das duas primeiras partes foi visto por 56 milhões de pessoas. Osvobozhdenie (1967-1971), seu maior sucesso, foi notável não só por suas impressionantes cenas de batalha, mas também por sua tentativa de mostrar a guerra pela perspectiva dos soldados russos comuns. 1 O Arco de Fogo 2 O Avanço 3 Rumo ao Golpe Principal (parte 1) 3 Rumo ao Golpe Principal (parte 2) 4 A Batalha por Berlim 5 O Ataque Final
Flying Days
Nikolai Boldyrev
All the years spent behind the school bench, they were devoted to the dream of flying. And now they are again students, but they are solving completely different problems. Three young daredevils conquer the sky, forgetting about earthly problems and disputes. But the everyday life of test pilots of supersonic fighters is unpredictable and dangerous. A routine training flight overnight can be a harsh test of courage for them. Today, future aces will face a difficult exam, for which life itself will put a mark.