Ricki and Martina assist to a party during the solar eclipse of the century to say goodbye to Pippo. During the party all of them will have to face the fears, frustrations, disappointment and vulnerabilities typical of this plutonic generation on the verge of an internal breakdown.
Ricki and Martina assist to a party during the solar eclipse of the century to say goodbye to Pippo. During the party all of them will have to face the fears, frustrations, disappointment and vulnerabilities typical of this plutonic generation on the verge of an internal breakdown.
Cinco histórias de amor e sexo se desenrolam ao longo de um quente verão em Madrid, quando os personagens descobrem fontes de prazer estranhas e incomuns com nomes impronunciáveis: Dacrifilia, Hifefilia, Somnofilia, Harpaxofilia... tabus são quebrados, um a um, conforme nossos casais excitados se envolvem em uma emocionante libertação onde nenhum prazer é negado, seja qual for a sua forma.