Peter Finch

Peter Finch

Nascimento : 1916-09-27, South Kensington, London, England

Morte : 1977-01-14


Frederick George Peter Ingle Finch (28 September 1916 – 14 January 1977) was an English-Australian actor. He is best remembered for his role as crazed television anchorman Howard Beale in the 1976 film Network, which earned him a posthumous Academy Award for Best Actor, his fifth Best Actor award from the BAFTA, and a Best Actor award from the Golden Globes. He was the first of two people to win a posthumous Academy Award in an acting category; the other was fellow Australian Heath Ledger. Description above from the Wikipedia article Peter Finch, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. ​


Peter Finch
Peter Finch
Peter Finch


Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the making of 20th Century Fox's 1963 film "Cleopatra," then the most expensive film of all time.
Resgate Fantástico
Yitzhak Rabin
A operação de resgate dos passageiros e tripulantes de um avião sequestrado por palestinos. Com a velada simpatia do ditador africano Idi Amin Dada, os terroristas permanecem em Uganda, exigindo a libertação de 53 palestinos presos pelos israelenses em troca dos reféns. Baseado em fatos reais.
Rede de Intrigas
Howard Beale
Um locutor de noticiário de uma rede de televisão estadunidense é demitido em razão da baixa audiência do programa. Ele então anuncia que irá cometer suicídio no ar. Por esta razão, os índices de audiência do programa voltam a crescer, ele passa a ser conhecido como o Profeta Louco, e é readmitdo. Mas seu comportamento insano faz com que os responsáveis pela sua ascensão decidam detê-lo.
A Abdicação de uma Rainha
A Rainha Cristina da Suécia abdica e viaja para Roma para abraçar a Igreja Católica.
England Made Me
Erich Krogh
A young, English, ne'er-do-well who goes to stay with his sister and her wealthy fiancé/benefactor in 1930's Germany, just before the rise of the Nazi party.
Bequest to the Nation
Adm. Lord Horatio Nelson
Set before the Battle of Trafalgar, this is the story of relationship between Admiral Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton during the Napoleonic Wars.
Horizonte Perdido
Richard Conway
Durante uma tempestade, um avião cai em algum lugar do Himalaia. Em busca de ajuda, os sobreviventes acabam encontrando um mundo estranho e maravilhoso chamado Shangri-la, onde existe a eterna juventude e a felicidade plena.
Something to Hide
Harry Field
A man having marital problems with his shrewish wife picks up a young, pretty and pregnant hitchhiker. Before he knows it, he's in over his head and mixed up in violence and murder.
Domingo Maldito
Dr. Daniel Hirsh
Recently divorced career woman Alex Greville begins a romantic relationship with glamorous mod artist Bob Elkin, fully aware that he's also intimately involved with middle-aged doctor Daniel Hirsh. For both Alex and Daniel, the younger man represents a break with their repressive pasts, and though both know that Bob is seeing both of them, neither is willing to let go of the youth and vitality he brings to their otherwise stable lives.
The Greatest Mother of 'em All
Sean Howard
Stage mother Dolly Murdock (Ann Sothern) uses the attractiveness of her teenage daughter Tricia (Alexandra Hay) for her own economic gains, leading Tricia to experience a nightmarish loss of innocence.
A Tenda Vermelha
Umberto Nobile
Dilacerado por culpa pessoal o general italiano Umberto Nobile relembra sua fracassada expedição ao Ártico, em 1928, a bordo do avião Itália, do acidente e dos esforços de resgate subsequentes. Os 'fantasmas' de pessoas envolvidas nos eventos aparecem em suas memórias para ajudá-lo a determinar sua culpa no caso. As reminiscências são misturadas com a ação real: o voo do 'Itália', a operação de resgate aéreo do aeródromo de Kings Bay e a expedição do quebra-gelo 'Krassin'. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
The Legend of Lylah Clare
Lewis Zarken / Louie Flack
A dictatorial film director hires an unknown actress to play the lead role in a planned movie biography of a late, great Hollywood star.
Longe Deste Insensato Mundo
William Boldwood
A herdeira de uma fazenda contrata seu rejeitado pretendente como pastor de ovelhas. Depois comete o erro de apaixonar-se e casar com um oficial da cavalaria.
Matt Helm Contra o Mundo do Crime
British agent (uncredited)
The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bath tub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of the Helium laser beam, powerful enough to destroy a whole continent. It seems Dr. Solaris has been kidnapped by a criminal organization. The trace leads to the Cote D'Azur.
10:30 P.M. Summer
A female traveling companion seduces a married man and his alcoholic wife.
Aaron Stein
A Jewish woman is recruited to help track down a German commander who was her former husband.
O Vôo da Fênix
Capt. Harris
Depois de um acidente de avião no deserto do Saara, um dos sobreviventes diz ser um projetista de avião e que eles podem refazer um avião a partir dos destroços. Um avião de carga, no meio de uma tempestade de areia no Saara, cai com menos de uma dúzia de homens a bordo. Um dos passageiros é um projetista de avião que propõe arrancar as partes não danificadas das asas e usá-las como base para um avião que eles vão construir para escapar, antes que sua comida e água acabem. Foi refilmado em O Vôo da Fênix (2004). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Crescei e Multiplicai-vos
Jake Armitage
The Pumpkin Eater é um filme britânico de 1964, do gênero drama, dirigido por Jack Clayton e estrelado por Anne Bancroft e Peter Finch.
Os Primeiros Homens na Lua
Bailiff's Man
A fantástica fábula sobre a vida na Lua está vividamente ilustrada na tela pelo mestre de efeitos especiais Ray Harryhausen neste surpreendente épico de ficção científica com representação de criaturas extraterrestres. O filme começa quando um grupo de astronautas das Nações Unidas está planejando uma nova missão à Lua. Os astronautas estão um tanto confusos e, sobretudo, intrigados com a experiência de um homem (Edward Judd). Este homem diz que quando sua noiva, um cientista e ele fizeram esta viagem à Lua há 65 anos, foram atacados pelos 'Selenitas', grotescas formigas com forma humana que vivem em imensas cavernas de cristal. Agora, cabe a essa equipe das Nações Unidas tentar esta alunissagem, uma missão que poderia ser mais aterrorizante do que se havia pensado.
Girl with Green Eyes
Eugene Gaillard
Catholic-Irish farm girl Kate, along with her gregarious best friend Baba, moves to Dublin to pursue a more exciting life.
In the Cool of the Day
Murray Logan
After he mends a marital rift between a vacationing young couple, the bored, fragile wife falls hopelessly in love with the husband's ex-colleague who is married to a long-suffering and emotionally and physically scarred woman. The couple soon runs off to Greece together to pursue the romance.
I Thank a Fool
Stephen Dane
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
Um Raio em Céu Sereno
Colonel Henry Derode
Enquanto o regime nazista subjuga as nações europeias, no Congo Belga, a Dra. Rachel Cade tenta curar a população local. O coronel Derode se apaixona por ela, mas um jovem piloto americano ferido atrapalha seus planos.
O Suplício de Tua Ausência
Johnnie Byrne
Johnnie Byrne is a member of the British Parliament. In his 40s, he's feeling frustrated with his life and his personal as well as professional problems tower up over him. His desires to win the next election are endangered by his constant looking for love and he is faced with the choice of giving up a career in politics or giving up the woman he loves.
O julgamento de Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
No auge de sua fama, Oscar Wilde irrita o marquês de Queensberry por ter o que (corretamente) se acredita ser um relacionamento romântico com o filho de Queensberry, Lord Alfred Douglas ("Bosie"), que é vinte anos mais novo que Wilde. Quando Queensberry calunia Wilde, o artista decide levar o assunto a tribunal e causa a sua própria queda.
A Espada de um Bravo
Alan Breck Stewart
O jovem David junta forças com o aventureiro Alan. Falsamente acusados de assassinato, eles fogem através das montanhas para eludir aos casacas vermelhas.
Uma Cruz à Beira do Abismo
Dr. Fortunati
Em 1930, o jovem Gabrielle Van der Mal entra em um convento em sua Bélgica natal para se tornar uma freira. Quase imediatamente, ela tem dificuldade para se ajustar à vida de clausura, e seu votos de pobreza, castidade e obediência. Ela duvida a sua própria capacidade, mesmo quando ela faz seus votos perpétuos. Gabrielle, agora chamada de Irmã Luke, se destaca em seus estudos médicos e sonhos de servir no Congo Belga.
Missão Secreta em Amsterdam
Jan Smit
When Germany invades Holland in 1940, a British intelligence officer and two Dutch diamond merchants go to Amsterdam to persuade the Dutch diamond merchants to evacuate their diamond supplies to England.
Clamor de Vingança
Alec Windom
A doctor's sophisticated wife joins him at his remote Asian practice to try and patch up their marriage. Increasingly violent friction between local rubber plantation workers and the authorities force both parties to make decisions.
Carga Perigosa
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
Robbery Under Arms
Captain Starlight
During the mid 1860s, brothers Dick and Jim Marston are drawn into a life of crime by their ex-convict father Ben and his friend, infamous cattlethief Captain Starlight. Making their way to Melbourne with the proceeds of a recent raid, the brothers meet and romance the Morrison sisters, Kate and Jean, whom they eventually marry; but just as they are poised to start a new life in America, Captain Starlight and his gang arrive in town, planning a raid at the local bank.
A Batalha do Rio da Prata
Captain Langsdorff, "Admiral Graf Spee"
Nos primeiros anos da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Marinha Real Britânica está lutando uma batalha desesperada para manter as rotas dos comboios do Atlântico abertas para abastecer as Ilhas Britânicas, enfrentando o grande perigo representado pelos muitos navios de guerra alemães, como o Almirante Graf Spee, que estão vasculhando o oceano em busca de navios de carga para afundarem.
Mulheres Fugitivas
Joe Harman
In 1941, The advancing Japanese army captures a lot of British territory very quickly. The men are sent off to labor camps, but they have no plan on what to do with the women and children of the British.
Josephine and Men
David Hewer
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
Simon and Laura
Simon Foster
Bickering married performers agree to star in a "Mr. and Mrs." TV show. Director Muriel Box's 1956 British comedy also stars Muriel Pavlow, Ian Carmichael, Maurice Denham and Richard Wattis.
O Príncipe Negro
Comte De Ville
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
Passage Home
Kapitän John Ryland "Lucky"
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.
Make Me an Offer!
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
Aventuras do Padre Brown
Gustave Flambeau
Obras de arte estão desaparecendo, roubadas por um ladrão mestre do disfarce. Padre Brown tem dois objetivos: pegar o ladrão e salvar sua alma.
No Caminho dos Elefantes
John Wiley
Ruth Wiley (Elizabeth Taylor) é uma jovem mulher recém-casada, que vai da Inglaterra até o Ceilão para encontrar nativos, seu marido John (Peter Finch) e uma imensa plantação de chá de propriedade dele, chamada Caminho dos Elefantes. Milionário e ainda jovem, John vive em um luxuoso bangalô construído por seu pai no terreno, que servia de passagem para os elefantes da ilha até as fontes de água. Ruth tentar se adaptar a este ambiente totalmente estranho, enquanto sofre constantes ameaças dos animais e sente a indiferença dos amigos de John. Ao seu lado ela tem apenas Dick Carver (Dana Andrews), o administrador da fazenda, que se apaixona por sua determinação e delicadeza. Mas o pior ainda está por vir, com a chegada de uma epidemia de cólera que ameaça todos os habitantes da ilha.
The Heart of the Matter
Father Rank
Based on Graham Greene’s novel, a married colonial police chief struggles with his conscience when he has an affair with a younger woman.
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
Richard D'Oyly Carte
The career of W. S. Gilbert, a barrister turned comic librettist, and Arthur Sullivan, a composer turned against his will to light music, who together wrote fifteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, to great public acclaim.
Robin Hood: O Justiceiro
Sheriff of Nottingham
Versão da Disney do clássico onde o jovem Robin Hood, apaixonado por Marian, entra em um concurso de tiro de arco e flechas com seu pai no palácio do rei. No caminho para casa, seu pai é assassinado por capangas do príncipe John. Robin leva uma vida foragida da lei, juntando seu bando de homens alegres e liderando-os à Floresta de Sherwood, para vingar a morte de seu pai e ajudar as pessoas da região que o príncipe explora através de altos impostos.
Romance de uma Esposa
Polish officer
The Second World War is over, and the Miniver family is trying to keep themselves together in post-War Britain, among continuing shortages and growing tensions within the family.
The Wooden Horse
Australian in Hospital
True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany
Train of Events
Philip Mason
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
Eureka Stockade
Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.
A Son is Born
Paul Graham
This family melodrama, a tale of desertion, vengeful seduction, coincidental meeting and catharsis, spans more than two decades from 1920 to World War II. A woman imprisoned in a loveless marriage finds the courage to leave her husband but is disturbed to find that her son, David, refuses to go with her. She does not give up on him and manages to establish a new life for herself. Her world is turned upside down when David reluctantly moves in with her, determined to ruin their lives. Set against the backdrop of the Second World War, David is about to be sent to New Guinea which may make or break any future relationship he has with the people who love him. A notable aspect of the film is a production design which belies the low budget.
Indonesia Calling
Two weeks after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945, Indonesian Independence leaders proclaimed “Indonesia Merdeka!” ‘Freedom for Indonesia’ and an end to Dutch colonial rule over the Netherlands East Indies. Internationally renowned Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens, in Australia as Film Commissioner for the Netherlands East Indies government in exile, resigned his position in protest against Dutch policy, which sought to re-impose its colonial rule. In collaboration with Indonesian activists, Chinese, Indian and Australian trade unionists, and local artists and filmmakers, Ivens made Indonesia Calling, a film documenting the crucial role of Australian trade union support in the establishment of the new Republic of Indonesia. Ivens’ film was an activist documentary; it actively contributed to the events it depicted. All those who worked on it became ‘adversely known’ to the security services.
Jungle Patrol
This black and white film was made by the Australian government to show Australia's contribution to the New Guinea campaign, for which they thought there had not been sufficient acknowledgement. Jungle Patrol follows the daily experiences of the soldiers, from their initial deployment in Port Moresby, then flying over the Owen Stanley Ranges on board the troop carrier 'Honeymoon Express', to their slog through jungle and steep terrain battling rain, mosquitoes and mud as they march from the Ramu 'Death' Valley up to rejoin their battalion at an outpost on Shaggy Ridge in the Finisterre Range.
Os Ratos de Tobruk
Peter Linton
Conta a história de três homens - Bluey, um rústico vaqueiro (Taylor), Milo, um lacônico caçador de dingos (Rafferty), e Pete, um intelectual Inglês boa praça (Finch). Juntos, eles servem no norte da África, lutando contra as forças de Rommel no que agora se tornou uma das maiores lendas do tempo de guerra da Austrália - Os Ratos de Tobruk.
These Stars Are Mine
Reynolds Junior
George Reynolds, recently discharged from the army, tells his father of his plans to marry and relax. Reynolds Snr tells his son that if Australia is to avoid another postwar Depression, its citizens need to work hard towards a better future.
The Power and the Glory
The Power and the Glory is a 1941 Australian war film about a Czech scientist who escapes from the Nazis to live in Australia.
Mr. Chedworth Steps Out
Arthur Jacobs
A down-and-out clerk happens upon a bag of money. Unknown to him, the money is all counterfeit, forcing the innocent man to become involved with gangsters, as well as federal agents.
Dad and Dave Come to Town
Bill Ryan
Dad and Dave Come to Town is a 1938 Australian comedy film directed by Ken G. Hall, the third in the 'Dad and Dave' comedy series starring Bert Bailey. It was the feature film debut of Peter Finch
The Magic Shoes
Prince Charming
Short lost Australian film based on the story of Cinderella