Ekaterina Dyminskaya


The Adventures of Chuck & Huck
Costume Design
Two friendly but mischievous brothers Chuk and Gek live with their loving mother in Moscow and miss their father, who works far in the North. Deciding to meet the upcoming New Year together at all costs, they set off on an exciting journey to the mysterious Blue Mountains. Now they are waiting for the biggest adventure in their lives, because on New Year's holidays any, even the most incredible miracles are possible.
Land of Legends
Costume Design
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
The One
Costume Design
On August 24, 1981, the newlyweds Larisa and Vladimir Savitsky stepped on board the plane following the flight Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Blagoveshchensk. 30 minutes before landing, the civilian aircraft AN-24 collided with another aircraft and broke into pieces at an altitude of more than 5 kilometers above the ground. No one was supposed to survive ... but a miracle happened. Larisa Savitskaya woke up in the middle of the wreckage of the plane in the impenetrable taiga. Now she herself had to create a real miracle, which only a strong-minded person is capable of.
O Furioso
Costume Design
O poderoso exército Mongol devasta uma pequena província na Rússia e assassina a família do guerreiro Evpaty, conhecido como "O Furioso". Em menor número, Evpaty comanda os soldados russos em busca de vingança.
Dama de Espadas
Costume Assistant
Um homem fica intrigado com a história da mulher que perde tudo em um jogo de cartas e recupera tudo de volta.
The Honored Priest: Confession of a Samurai
Costume Design
An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again.
Costume Design
The innocent summer affair began as a love story between two young people. Lera and Artem could not break it off, as well as they didn`t have enough of faith, patience and desire to overcome all the obstacles on their life path. The Locust Generation wants to have all at once. The Locust generation will sweep everything on its way. The affair began as a naive young love and passion will turn into a series of bloody assassinations.
Costume Design
The story of the daring romance Solovyov Sevastyanov G., ctupivshem by the call of blood on the path of the valiant Russian robbery. And while the security forces led by a secret agent trying to close H7 gang Nightingale the Robber, he, with his drive and mischief, restores fairness in my native land. But sooner or later every "Tale" comes to an end ...
Costume Design
Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
Do que os Homens Falam 2
Costume Design
Um ano depois, os homens ainda estão conversando, mas desta vez no dia 31 de dezembro e ainda sobre as mulheres, o futebol, as crianças e, é claro, sobre a celebração do Ano Novo. Mas o que eles podem fazer, se suas amadas esposas e garotas estão esperando por elas no Kamil's, ocupadas com decoração de árvore de Ano Novo e culinária, e os maridos são acidentalmente presos no escritório da agência de publicidade? Eles conseguirão chegar em casa a tempo de celebrar o Ano Novo juntos?
Costume Design
Na Rússia do século 16, sob o domínio do caos de Ivan o Terrível que acredita firmemente que ele é investido de uma santa missão. Acreditando que ele pode entender e interpretar os sinais, ele vê o Juízo Final aproximando-se. Ele estabelece o poder absoluto, destruindo cruelmente qualquer um que se interponha no seu caminho. Durante este reinado de terror, Philip, o superior do mosteiro nas Ilhas Solovetsky, um grande estudioso e amigo íntimo de Ivan, ousa se opor à tirania mística do soberano. O que se segue é um choque entre duas visões completamente opostas do mundo, esmagando a moral e a justiça, Deus e os homens. Um filme de grande escala com excelentes papéis de liderança de Mamonov e Yankovsky. Uma alegoria da Rússia Estalinista.
Costume Design
After the murder of Krymov, Alika was sentenced to prison. In prison, she falls into the hands of a fragment of the novel "Anna Karenina". By pure chance, a director comes to the colony to select the heroines for the film of the same name, and Alika is trusted to play one of the roles...20 years have passed. Now Alika is a popular actress, she has a daughter. In a new life, psychological and criminal circumstances are again intertwined.
Ostrov: A Ilha
Costume Design
1942, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Alemães capturam uma embarcação soviética no Mar Branco. Um jovem marinheiro entra em pânico e trai seu amigo, assassinando-o por ordem do inimigo. Ele pensa que sua vida está a salvo. Contudo, uma explosão afunda o barco. O ano é 1976. Em um pequeno monastério escondido em uma ilha no Mar Branco, náufragos estão abandonados. Eles estão esperando pela ajuda de Anatoly, um velho monge que é conhecido pelo seu poder de cura e previsão, mas que carrega consigo um terrível pecado. Qual é a conexão entre o marinheiro e o monge atormentado? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Signs of Love
Costume Design
In the dead of night, three sorcerers meet on the outskirts of Moscow. They have been forced to work against each other for a long time. The conflict, which involves the best witchcraft forces of the capital, is a banal love triangle. Alexey is an enviable man and earns well, his wife Masha, a complex and insecure young woman, has long lived only in the interests of her family, and her lover Irina will stop at nothing in order to take her place.
A Driver for Vera
Costume Design
The film is set during 1962 in Sevastopol, Crimea, then a secret Navy Base in the Soviet Union. General Serov hires Viktor, a cadet from the Kremlin Guard to work as his private chauffeur. In a jet-black "ZIM" limo, Viktor is chauffeuring the General's disabled daughter Vera. Viktor is oblivious to the hidden agenda of the KGB agent Saveliev, who manipulates everyone behind the scenes in the old rivalry between the Army and KGB.
Down House
Costume Design
The plot is set in modern Moscow, in the 1990s, with "New Russians", Hummer H1 SUVs, bribery, violence, truck fulls of tinned stew as a dowry, etc.
Pilots Scientific Section
Costume Design
Police is investigating a series of explosions in Moscow subway.