Saif Al-Sobaihi


we didn’t see it as a tidal wave
This stop-motion film shot on Super 8 explores religious narratives and the tales that seep into everyday lives. Splicing images of hands raised in sea, glitter backdrops with emergency aircraft oxygen masks, and motions mimicking ocean waves, Gi (Ginny) Huo delves into her family’s photo archive to retrace the story of her grandfather, who was the first in Incheon, Korea, to be baptized by white Mormon missionaries. The echoing narration of reports from Mormon conferences with the drumming beats and bells brings to question: What informs our belief systems? And are they real or imagined? This film is made in collaboration with artist, composer and filmmaker, Saif Al-Sobaihi.
Samantha desperately wants to get laid, but is finding it to be difficult for some reason.