Raymond Orraca


Daughter of the Sea
After the death of her grandfather, a young woman experiences a spiritual awakening when she is called by Yemaya, the orisha Goddess of the Sea
Party Time: The Movie
A long time ago, in a place now known as the eighties, in Puerto Rico you were either a “cocolo”, somebody who listened to music from the ghetto and the streets, or a “rockero”, those who listened to American pop music. Javier is a “cocolo” who’s trying to find the courage to ask out the girl of his dreams. Laura, the prettiest “rockera” in their school, is trying to regain her popularity after her friends reject her for being a flirt. During a mix up at their high school, Laura and Javier are forced to enter a TV dance contest. In order to win, the snotty rich girl and the guy from the wrong side of the tracks have to discover that comedy and teenage angst move to same beat.
Che: O Argentino
Best Boy Electric
Fidel Castro viaja do México para Cuba com oito rebeldes, entre eles Ernesto Che Guevara e seu irmão Raul. Guevara era um médico argentino que tinha por objetivo ajudar Castro a derrubar o governo de Fulgêncio Batista. Ao chegar, logo se integra à guerrilha, participando da luta armada mas também cuidando dos doentes. Aos poucos ele ganha o respeito de seus companheiros e torna-se um dos líderes da revolução que está por vir.