Alejandro Vagnenkos


Dorados 50
50 years can be golden even though the knees hurt, even if the air isn’t the same or a layer of distress settles on one corner of the brain. The protagonist reflects on his fifty, shoots a film about endless loves and inquires, with existential humor, into the daily struggle of living.
Dorados 50
50 years can be golden even though the knees hurt, even if the air isn’t the same or a layer of distress settles on one corner of the brain. The protagonist reflects on his fifty, shoots a film about endless loves and inquires, with existential humor, into the daily struggle of living.
Dorados 50
50 years can be golden even though the knees hurt, even if the air isn’t the same or a layer of distress settles on one corner of the brain. The protagonist reflects on his fifty, shoots a film about endless loves and inquires, with existential humor, into the daily struggle of living.