Frank Ferguson

Frank Ferguson

Nascimento : 1899-12-25, Ferndale, California, USA

Morte : 1978-09-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Frank S. Ferguson (born December 25, 1899, Ferndale, California – died September 12, 1978, Los Angeles) was an American character actor with hundreds of appearances in both film and television. Ferguson's best known role was as the Swedish ranch handyman, Gus Broeberg, on the CBS television series, My Friend Flicka, based on a novel of the same name. He appeared with Gene Evans, Johnny Washbrook and Anita Louise. At this time, Ferguson also portrayed the Calverton veterinarian in the first several seasons of CBS's Lassie. He made his film debut in 1939 in Gambling on the High Seas (released in 1940), and appeared in nearly 200 feature films and hundreds of TV episodes subsequently. Film appearances include: McDougal's House of Horrors (1948), Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair 1952. Television series appearances include The Pride of the Family, The Andy Griffith Show, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Peyton Place and Perry Mason. Ferguson died in Los Angeles of cancer on September 12, 1978.


Frank Ferguson


Along Came a Spider
Dr. Andrew Blake
Dr. Janet Furie comes to believe that her husband and fellow scientist were set up to die in a lab accident. She blames another scientist, not only for the murder but also for taking credit for her husband's groundbreaking work. When she can't prove her husband was murdered, she spins a web of intrigue and deceit that results in the suspected scientist being framed for another murder that never actually happened.
O Grande Massacre
General Alfred Howe Terry
Colonel Custer (Philip Carey), an outspoken believer in fair treatment for the Indians, is ousted from his post and forced into retirement. Fueled by ambition when a Senator Blaine (Don Haggerty) convinces him to run for President, Custer decides to upstage General Terry (Frank Ferguson) at Little Big Horn.
Com a Maldade na Alma
Newspaper Editor
A rica solteirona Charlotte Hollis vive com sua excêntrica empregada em uma mansão decadente no sul dos EUA. Evitada pelos moradores da cidade por causa da morte violenta de seu ex-marido, Charlotte recebe a visita de uma prima invejosa e seu marido.
Pistoleiro Relâmpago
Dan Evans
Pistoleiro retorna à cidade natal para assumir os bens de seu pai. Ao chegar, percebe que os moradores o evitam por conta de seu passado. Só que ele tenta se redimir para cumprir a sua missão.
Dama por Um Dia
Newspaper Editor
Conto de fadas de Damon Runyon, carinhoso e engraçado, contado pelo diretor Frank Capra. A preciosa Annie das Maçãs, uma mendiga com uma cesta de maçãs, é tão parte do centro de Nova York quanto a própria Broadway. O contrabandista Dave Dude é um fã das suas maçãs, ele acha que elas dão sorte. Mas Dave e sua namorada Queenie Martin precisam de muito mais do que sorte quando se descobre que Annie está em uma enrascada e só eles podem ajudar: a filha de Annie, Louise, que viveu toda sua vida em um convento espanhol pago pela pobre Annie, está vindo para a América com um Conde e seu filho. O filho do conde quer se casar com Louise, que acha que sua mãe faz parte da alta sociedade de Nova York. Cabe a Dave e Queenie e seus peculiares companheiros transformar Annie em uma dama e convencer o conde e seu filho que eles estão se unindo a elite de Nova York.
Dez Passos Imortais
Dr. Bennett
The story of Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio at age 40 in 1921 and how his family (and especially wife Eleanor) cope with his illness. From being stricken while vacationing at Campobello to his triumphant nominating speech for Al Smith's presidency in 1924, the story follows the various influences on his life and his determination to recover - based on the award winning Broadway play of the same name.
Raymie, an eight-year-old boy and an avid fisherman, dreams of catching a legendary giant barracuda know as Old Moe.
A Volta de Andy Hardy
Mayor Benson
Andy Hardy, now a grown man with a wife and children, returns to his hometown on a business trip and finds himself getting mixed up in local politics.
O Homem do Oeste
Crosscut Marshal
Link Jones é um proprietário rural e está viajando para o Texas para contratar o primeiro professor de sua pequena cidade. Quando o trem para no caminho eles são atacados por ladrões armados, mas o trem escapa deixando para trás Link Jones, o tagarela Sam Beasley e a cantora de saloon Billie Ellis. Eles começam a andar e chegam num lugar que Link conhece bem: a casa da fazenda onde ele viveu. Lá ele encontra os homens que roubaram o trem e também o seu tio, Dock Tobin.
Terror in a Texas Town
Deacon Matt Holmes
Armed with a harpoon, a Swedish whaler is out for revenge after the death of his father. A greedy oil man trying to buy up the Swede's land might be the guilty party.
O Tratado dos Moicanos
Harry Butler
No ano de 1764, a América ainda é uma colônia britânica. O coronel Henry Bouquet, comandante do exército dos casacos vermelhos, desce o estado de Ohio com sua tropa de 1500 homens para se dirigir ao forte Pitt, durante da guerra do Pontiac (1763-1766), numa tentativa de acordo de paz com os chefes dos índios moicanos Delaware. Por este tratado, todos os homens brancos e mulheres capturados pelos índios e vivendo em cativeiro, deverão ser devolvidos a suas famílias de origem.
Seu Destino de Glória
Sheriff Ralph Wittrock
An outlaw must decide whether to stick his neck out for an innocent man.
The Lawless Eighties
Owen Sutter
After deceitful Indian agent Grat Bandas has his men shoot Brother Van, gunfighter Linc Prescott saves the peaceful circuit rider and agrees to help him put a stop to Bandas's plans to start an Indian war and grab their land for himself. Meanwhile, Prescott takes a shine to the daughter of a local rancher.
This Could Be the Night
Mr. Shea
To earn extra money, a prim schoolteacher takes a second job as secretary to the uncouth owner of a boisterous nightclub.
Gun Duel In Durango
Sheriff Howard
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
The Iron Sheriff
Frontier peacekeeper Sheriff Galt faces a crisis of conscience in The Iron Sheriff. In the aftermath of a robbery-murder, Galt follows the trail of evidence directly to his own son, Benjie. Sworn to uphold the law at all costs, Galt is grimly determined to see that Benjie will receive a fair trial without any coercion on his part. But the townsfolk have already decided that the sheriff will try to spring the boy, and a lynch-mob mentality slows festers its way through the community. As the trial proceeds, it becomes obvious that Benjie is going to hang for his alleged crime, but there's still one or two surprises in store.
The Phantom Stagecoach
Joe Patterson
A stagecoach is plagued by robberies, but it takes an undercover Wells Fargo agent to discover that a rival company is responsible.
At Gunpoint
Marshal George Henderson
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
The Battle of Gettysburg
Gettysburg Address Reciter (voice) (uncredited)
This film was shot entirely at the Gettysburg National Military Park, where the decisive battle of the American Civil War was fought. Leslie Nielsen narrates the story while contemporary songs and the sounds of battle are heard in the background. The sites of the various engagements, the statues of the leaders of the Northern and Southern troops, and the battlefield cemetery are featured. President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is read at the end.
Obrigado a Matar
Abe Deland (uncredited)
O xerife Calem Ware (Randolph Scott) da cidade de Medicine Bent, está cansado de matar e de fugir das balas de seus inimigos. Para manter a paz na cidade, suas atividades em nome da lei e ordem destruíram sua vida pessoal. Agora, ele espera poder reconciliar-se com sua ex-esposa, Tally Dickinson (Ângela Lansburry), que agora é a estrela de um show musical itinerante. Mas, logo quando Tally chega à cidade, Ware é forçado a enfrentar uma grande quadrilha de bandidos liderada pelos terríveis Thorne (Warner Anderson) e Clark (John Emery). Assim, Ware precisa decidir entre cumprir seu dever e livrar a cidade dos bandidos enfrentando Baskam (Michael Pate), um pistoleiro de aluguel, ou abandonar as armas e se reconciliar com Tally. Desta vez, o xerife terá que enfrentar mais de um duelo...
Voando para o Além
Os planos de Mac de se estabelecer e criar uma família, são interrompidos pela Guerra da Coreia. Ele vai como um piloto de caça e retorna como um herói, o primeiro Áz triplo da guerra. Seus vizinhos construíram um lar para Mac e sua dedicada esposa e seus três filhos. Então ele recebe uma oferta para ser o piloto de provas do novo Sabre Jets. Sua esposa fica apreensiva, mas sabe que não pode prender o seu homem.
O Tesouro de Barba Rubra
John Mohune, um menino de dez anos, é deixado pela mãe moribunda aos cuidados do mulherengo Jeremy Fox, chefe de um bando de contrabandistas. Juntos, eles vivem várias aventuras na caça a um tesouro.
City of Shadows
District Attorney Hunt
After several years of supporting parts, Victor McLaglen once more landed a leading role in Republic's City of Shadows. McLaglen plays Big Tim Channing, an ageing but powerful gangster who raises young newsboy Dan Mason as his own son. Upon reaching adulthood, Mason (John Baer) becomes a law student, with the covert (and illegal) help of Channing. Despite his checkered past, Mason opts for honesty when he falls in love with Fern Fellows (Kathleen Crowley). This decision ultimately spells the doom for Mason's mentor Big Tim.
Gigante dos Mares
Admiral L.D.
Biografia do contra-almirante John M. Hoskins (Sterling Hayden) focada em sua luta para continuar na ativa depois de perder uma perna em um acidente num porta-aviões na Segunda Guerra Mundial.
O Código do Diabo
Dr. Ludlow
Story follows the rise and subsequent fall of the notorious head of a New York crime family, who decides to testify against his pals in order to avoid being killed by his fellow cohorts.
Um Pecado em Cada Alma
Mahoney (uncredited)
A former Union Army officer plans to sell out to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancée, but the low price offered by Anchor's crippled owner and the outfit's bullying tactics make him reconsider. When one of his hands is murdered he decides to stay and fight, utilizing his war experience. Not all is well at Anchor with the owner's wife carrying on with his brother who also has a Mexican woman in town.
Black Tuesday
Vicious gangster Vincent Canelli pulls off a daring prison escape just moments before going to the electric chair, taking with him Peter Manning – a bank robber and cop killer who was to die right after him. Taking several hostages along, they try to get their hands on the loot from Manning’s robbery to finance their escape from the country.
Corações Enamorados
As vidas e os romances de três irmãs em uma família musical; a vida da filha mais nova é complicada com a chegada de um compositor encantador e depois a chegada de um arranjador de música cínico. Quando Alex Burke (Gig Young) entra na vida da família musical Tuttle, cada uma das três filhas se apaixona por ele. Ele é encantador, bonito e charmoso. Laurie Tuttle (Doris Day) e Alex parecem feitos um para o outro e começam a namorar. Quando Barney Sloan (Frank Sinatra) entra em cena para ajudar Alex com alguns arranjos musicais as coisas ficam complicadas. Ele é visto como um desafio por Laurie, que não pode acreditar que alguém pudesse ser tão cínico. - traduzido de Ron Kerrigan
Rajadas de Ódio
Mr. Dyar
President Grant orders Indian fighter MacKay to negotiate with the Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon. On the way he must escort Nancy Meek to the home of her aunt and uncle. After Modoc renegade Captain Jack engages in ambush and other atrocities, MacKay must fight him one-on-one with guns, knives and fists.
Nasce uma Estrela
Judge George J. Barnes (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) é uma sonhadora artista que deseja se tornar uma grande estrela do cinema americano. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando ela conhece o astro de Hollywood Norman Maine, e os dois se apaixonam. Depois de um tempo, eles se casam, e a carreira de Esther começa realmente a decolar, e ela passa a ser chamada pelo nome artístico de Vicky Lester. Só que enquanto sua fama aumenta, seu marido está cada vez mais decadente e afundado no álcool, o que começa a abalar a carreira da esposa. Segunda versão da clássica história e primeiro filme colorido do diretor George Cukor.
Shanghai - Cidade Maldita
Mr. Haljerson
Xangai, China. Os últimos expatriados ocidentais que ainda vivem na cidade são mantidos em um hotel pelas autoridades comunistas a fim de encontrar o espião escondido entre eles.
The Outcast
Chad Polson
Thanks to the chicanery of his crooked uncle Major Cosgrave, Jet has been cheated out of his father's property and branded a pariah. He spends the rest of the film trying to regain his birthright and clear his name. The two women in Jet's life are Judy Polsen, who chases him for so long that he finally catches her, and Alice Austin, Major Cosgrave's fianee.
Johnny Guitar
Marshal Williams
Viena construiu um saloon fora da cidade, e espera construir sua própria cidade quando a estrada de ferro chegar até lá, mas os moradores da cidade querem que ela se vá. Quando quatro homens roubam a diligência e matam um homem, os delegados da cidade, liderados por Emma Pequeno, vão até o saloon para pegar quatro amigos de Viena, o Dancin Kid e seus homens. Viena fica firme contra eles, e é auxiliada pela presença de um velho conhecido dela, Johnny Guitar, que não é o que parece.
Texas Bad Man
Wayne Morris' B-western series was the last of its kind to be produced in Hollywood. Texas Bad Man casts Morris as a sheriff who happens to be the son of inveterate thief Frank Ferguson. Knowing full well that Ferguson's gang intends to steal a shipment of gold, Morris must stay up nights trying to second-guess his crafty dad. While there's no shortage of action, the resolution to the story relies more on brawn than brain. Western "regulars" Sheb Wooley, Myron Healey and Denver Pyle do their usual in secondary roles, as does Elaine Riley as the requisite (but hardly crucial) heroine.
Wicked Woman
Bill Porter (lawyer)
A trashy blonde lures a saloon owner away from his wife.
So Big
Ed (uncredited)
After the death of her father and the loss of his fortune, Selina takes a job teaching school in the Dutch community of New Holland. She stays with the Pools and teaches young Roelf piano. He has a crush on her, but it is Pervus she marries. Dirk is their only child. After a few years Pervus dies. With a young child and only the farm, Selina begins her quest to grow high quality vegetables. She wants more for Dirk and guides his life until he graduates from college as an architect. As her vegetable label prospers, she sees Paula control Dirk's life as he moves away from creating and into sales, which is not where he wants to go.
Main Street to Broadway
Mr. Cope in Fantasy Sequence
In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces a stage star to take his next effort. When he returns to Broadway, his girl stays behind and starts seeing a local businessman.
City of Bad Men
Easterner at Training Camp
Outlaws plan a robbery to take place during a championship prizefight in Carson City, Nevada.
Big Leaguer
Wally Mitchell
John Lobert runs a training camp in Florida for the New York Giants. Every year, he evaluates the 18-22 year old hopefuls to pick the best for a minor league contract.
So This Is Love
Commencement Speaker
Film biography of opera star Grace Moore, released in 1953.
Hannah Lee: An American Primitive
John Britton
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
O Monstro do Mar
Dr. Morton
Como resultado de um teste nuclear no Ártico, um carnívoro dinossauro desperta e segue em direção à costa Norte-Americana.
Na Sombra do Disfarce
Mr. Dunn
Zachary Hallock and his son Joshua are farmers who live in a frontier town that suffers the assaults of a band of outlaws. After the murder of a Pinkerton's detective, the farmers decide to unite against the bandits, but Hallock rejects the proposal. To the astonishment of his son and his fiancée, Hallock decides to join the outlaws.
Museu de Cera
Medical Examiner (uncredited)
Henry Jarrod (Vincent Price) é um escultor que faz imagens magníficas para o seu museu de cera. Jarrod luta com seu sócio, Matthew Burke (Roy Roberts), quando este começa a incendiar o museu para receber US$ 25 mil do seguro. Jarrod tenta detê-lo em vão, sendo que logo o local todo se incendeia e é seguido por uma explosão, com Jarrod sendo considerado morto. Algum tempo depois, Matthew recebe o dinheiro do seguro e planeja viajar com Cathy Gray (Carolyn Jones), mas é morto por uma pessoa disforme, que na realidade é o próprio Jarrod, que simula o assassinato como se fosse suicídio. Pouco tempo depois, Jarrod mata Cathy Gray e rouba seu corpo do necrotério. Depois de algum tempo ele reaparece, dizendo que escapou por milagre. Quando Sue Allen (Phyllis Kirk), a colega de quarto de Cathy, vê a imagem de Joana D'Arc no museu, começa a suspeitar que é o corpo de Cathy coberto com cera.
The Marksman
Champ Wiley
Mike Martin becomes a deputy marshal and takes on a gang of cattle rustlers.
Atalhos do Destino
Mike Edwards
Struggling to retain custody of his daughter following his divorce, football coach Steve Williams finds himself embroiled in a recruiting scandal at the tiny Catholic college he is trying to bring back to football respectability.
Woman They Almost Lynched
Laying on the Missouri-Arkansas border, the neutral Border City, its female mayor and city council, take no side in the ongoing Civil War and they're prepared to hang any troublemaker, Yankee or Confederate, who stirs the townsfolk up.
A Gardênia Azul
Drunk Reporter
A telephone operator ends up drunk and at the mercy of a cad in his apartment. The next morning she wakes up with a hangover and the terrible fear she may be a murderess.
Star of Texas
Marshal Bullock
Ed Ryan is a Texas ranger who goes undercover to trap a criminal gang headed by Luke Andrews. Posing as the wanted killer Robert Larkin, Ed is able to move freely amongst the town riffraff. Marshal Bullock learns that the brains behind the gang of Luke Andrews is a group of supposed respectable businessmen.
A Rainha do Mar
Filme biográfico da campeã australiana de natação e artista Annette Kellerman. Depois de superar a pólio Kellerman alcança a fama e cria um escândalo quando seu maiô de uma peça é considerado indecente. Conta a história da sensação da natação australiana Annette Kellerman, que superou a pólio infantil para continuar e conquistar a fama como nadadora profissional e estrela de cinema nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Ao mesmo tempo, ela escandalizou o mundo vestindo uma roupa de banho de uma peça só, em praias públicas, muito antes desse modelo ser aceito pela sociedade educada, e causou outras polêmicas também. A história foi um veículo perfeito, décadas depois, para mostrar o talento da estrela Esther Williams na década de 1950, e o apelido de Kellerman foi usado pela revista Life para a Sra. Williams quando a chamou de "Sereia de Milhões de Dólares". (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
It Grows on Trees
John Letherby
The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery shipment by mistake. They turn out to be money trees. After initial problems, Polly decides to spend the money.
Wagons West
Cyrus Cook
Travelers heading west in a wagon train, under repeated assault by Indians, discover someone in their group is supplying rifles to their attackers.
Sinfonia Prateada
Edward Norton
When a 1920s millionaire tests the fiber of his Vermont family, a young lady and her boyfriend feel the repercussions.
Combinação Invencível
Sam Arrants
Baseado em uma história real, Ronald Reagan estrela como Grover Cleveland Alexander, um ex-trabalhador de uma empresa de telefonia cujo passatempo é lançar bolas de baseball. Recrutado pelos Filadélfia Nationals, Alexander alcança o estrelato porque só perdeu cerca de 200 jogos ao longo de vinte anos. Depois de jogar para o Nationals "Alex, o Grande", como ficou conhecido, foi vendido para o Chicago Cubs, e, mais tarde, para o St. Louis Cardinals onde ele fez amizade com Frank Lovejoy que interpreta Rogers Hornsby o treinador. Doris Day está excepcional como sua bela e fiel esposa Aimee Alexander. - traduzido de Ari Herzog
Oklahoma Annie
Eldridge Haskell
A spunky storekeeper is determined to clean up corruption in her small town, as well as win the heart of the new sheriff. Comedy.
Harry Cartwright
Nancy Cartwright is determined to collect an $1,800 feed bill owed to her father Harry Cartwright by a rodeo association. Instead, she is talked into assuming management of the rodeo by Slim Martin and the other performers when they learn the promoter has run off with the cash receipts.
O Diabo Feito Mulher
Um homem em busca de vingança infiltra-se em um rancho, escondido em uma região inóspita, onde seu proprietário, Altar Keane, dá abrigo a foras-da-lei que fogem da lei em troca de um preço.
Boots Malone
Private Investigator
An agent for horse jockeys faces his greatest challenge.
Sempre Cabe Mais Um
Steve (uncredited)
Anne and "Poppy" Rose have three quirky kids. Anne has a generous heart and the belief in the innocence of children. To the unhappy surprise of her husband she takes in the orphan Jane, a problem child who already tried to kill herself once.
Cinzas Que Queimam
A big-city cop is reassigned to the country after his superiors find him too angry to be an effective policeman. While on his temporary assignment he assists in a manhunt of a suspected murderer.
The Barefoot Mailman
Doc Bethune (uncredited)
Sylvanus Hurley is a swindler who's been swindled: he's been given a deed to a large plot of mangrove swamp in the out-of-the-way community. So he decides to con the locals, some of whom are not as honest as he....
Pinkie's Father (uncredited)
Two sets of parents frantically race to stop their eloping children's wedding.
John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry.
Thunder in God's Country
Hidden Valley has managed to retain its Old Western atmosphere, free of modern-day corruption, until escaped convict Smitty arrives with plans of taking over and opening the town up as a gambling resort. It's up to Rex Allen and his pals to put a stop to it and sing a few songs along the way.
Santa Fé
Marshal Bat Masterson
Depois da Guerra Civil, quatro irmãos mudam-se para o oeste em busca de aventura e trabalho. Após tomarem caminhos diferentes, entre boas e más escolhas, seus destinos se cruzam no final.
Jim Dobbs
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Under Mexicali Stars
Counterfeitor Goldie
Cowboy T-man, Rex Allen, and his partner, Homer Oglethorpe (Buddy Ebsen), go undercover to track down some gold smugglers.
Almas em Fúria
Dr. Grieve
A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over the man's choice for a new bride. Things get worse when the elder man has his daughter's lover hanged. With the help of an old flame, a gambler, the daughter puts into motion a plan to drive her father from his estate.
Park Attendant (uncredited)
Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
The Good Humor Man
Insp. Quint
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Tyrant of the Sea
Officer (uncredited)
In 1803, the only thing standing between Napoleon and his plan of world domination is England and the British Navy. The admiralty, learning that Napoleon has assembled an invasion fleet decides to send out one of its vessels to destroy it the French flagship under cover of fog. Forced out of retirement, ruthless, tyrannical and temperamental Captain William Blake is put in command. He wields his command with sadistic fury until an epidemic of scurvy attacks the crew and, when he refuses to go ashore for needed provision, mutiny and insubordination results...and, then, the French flagship arrives.
Dancing in the Dark
John Sharkey
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
Free For All
Hap Ross
The discovery of a way of turning petrol into water makes a fortune and romance for the young inventor.
Roseanna McCoy
Ellison Hatfield
It's the Hatfields vs. the McCoys in this 1949 film, with Farley Granger and Joan Evans as the hillbilly Romeo and Juliet whose forbidden romance rekindles a long-standing feud between their respective families.
Follow Me Quietly
J.C. McGill
1949 thriller about the hunt for a serial killer known as "the Judge" who kills his victims on rainy nights.
Albert Murray
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Coração Prisioneiro
Dr. Hoffman
Uma jovem e ambiciosa modelo de loja de departamentos de Los Angeles tem o sonho de se casar com um milionário, mas descobre que a vida na riqueza nem sempre é feliz. E o sonho de infância de Leonora Eames se torna realidade. Se casa com Smith Ohlrig, um homem que vale milhões. Mas seu sonho inocente torna-se um pesadelo, quando percebe a verdade sobre seu marido - ele é louco por poder e insano! Como ele não lhe dará o divórcio, ela deixa sua vida de luxo em Long Island e vai trabalhar como recepcionista em um pobre consultório médico no Lower East Side de Nova York. Depois que Smith a engana em uma reconciliação temporária, Leonora fica grávida. Quando ela percebe que está esperando, ela e um dos médicos, Larry Quinada (James Mason), se apaixonaram. Mas ela é novamente atraída para seu marido rico em busca de segurança financeira para seu filho. Seu marido sádico está empenhado em manter ela e seu filho prisioneiros. O que vai acontecer com Leonora? (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
State Department: File 649
Consul Reither
Kenneth Seeley, member of the U. S. State Department's Foreign Service Bureau, and Marge Weldon, a morale worker with the bureau, are assigned to an area in Mongolia dominated by an outlaw warlord. The latter captures the village where they reside and when escape is clearly impossible, Seeley blows up the outlaw's headquarters, losing his own life in doing so.
Era Somente Amor
Marty Freeman (uncredited)
A film director, in bad standing with his studio, tries to turn a local carnival dancer into a "French" movie star and pass her off as his big new discovery
Logan (Uncredited)
Depois de ter cumprido 5 anos de prisão, por ter matado um homem enquanto defendia seu amante de má reputação Harry (John Baragrey), Jenny Marsh (Patricia Knight) está pronta para a liberdade condicional. Seu oficial de condicional, Griff Marat Cornel Wilde está determinado a fazer Jenny andar na linha. Por falta de outras perspectivas, Griff arruma um emprego para Jenny em sua própria casa, algo totalmente contra os regulamentos. No começo, Jenny ainda tem sentimentos por Harry, mas como Griff mostra mais compaixão e cuidado, ela se apaixona por ele - o que Harry parece encorajar, porque ele tem planos de acabar com Griff e seus sonhos de cargo político, e a situação logo se torna ainda mais perigosa.
"Hard Rock" Mason
Two members of a dynamite crew--a rugged veteran and a young college drop-out--finds themselves at odds regarding safety precautions for their co-workers.
Ciume, Sinal de Amor
Mr. Perkins (uncredited)
Josh e Dinah Barkley formam um casal de sucesso, especializado em comédias musicais. É verdade que eles têm lá suas desavenças, mas nada muito sério. Entretanto, quando um empresário cisma que Dinah pode ser uma grande atriz dramática -- e ela se deixa convencer --, a casa vem abaixo...
As Muralhas de Jericó
Tom Ransome
In a small town in Kansas, a county attorney in an unhappy marriage falls in love with another woman.
Raquel, A Escrava Branca
Mr. Green
A widowed farmer takes an indentured servant as his new wife, but the arrival of a passing stranger threatens their burgeoning relationship.
Carl Bemish
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
The Vicious Circle
In Hungary, a rich baron discovers that there are extensive oil deposits underneath nearby properties owned by villagers. He manages to convince all the property owners to sell to him, except for a few properties owned by Jewish families. Infuriated at their refusal to sell to him, he attempts, with the help of some corrupt local police, to have the men charged with the murder of a local woman, who in reality actually committed suicide.
Abbott e Costello Encontram Frankenstein
Mr. McDougal
Aboot e Costello trabalham na agência de correspondências, até que ficam responsáveis por uma carga macabra: duas grandes caixas, contendo uma o corpo de Drácula, e a outra o de Frankenstein. O plano de Drácula é dar a Frankenstein um novo cérebro, e é aí que os atrapalhados amigos entram em uma fria, pois são seduzidos por uma bela garota que trabalha para o vampiro.
Sangue de Heróis
Newspaperman (uncredited)
O Tenente-Coronel Owen Thursday (Henry Fonda), herói da Guerra Civil Norte-Americana, é enviado para o Forte-Apache, um quartel perto da fronteira mexicana. Após os apaches fugirem, Thursday vê a chance que procurava para iniciar a ação. Porém, o Capitão Kirby York (John Wayne), aposta em uma saída pacífica para a situação.
Fighting Father Dunne
A dedicated priest tries to reform a group of homeless boys in turn-of-the-century St. Louis.
The Hunted
Paul Harrison
A cop investigating a jewel robbery finds that all trails lead to his girlfriend - but she claims she's being framed.
The Miracle of the Bells
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
The Inside Story
A collection agent arrives in a small town with $1000 for a local farmer. Whilst waiting for the farmer to arrive the money is put in a safe at a hotel for safe keeping. However, it is removed by mistake and solves a number of financial problems before it is returned.
The Bride Goes Wild
Reporter (uncredited)
McGrath publishes books for children and Uncle Bump is one of the best sellers. Unfortunately, Greg, who is Uncle Bump, tends to drink too much and has not started his next book. Martha won a contest to illustrate the book and the first thing that happens is that Greg gets her soused. To keep her there to illustrate, John gets a juvenile delinquent named Danny to play his son and show how much pressure he is under. The ploy works at first, but Greg's heart was broken by Tillie, and Martha may be the girl who makes him forget all about her.
A Caminho do Rio
Texas Posse Member
Scat Sweeney e Hot Lips Barton, dois músicos do Vaudeville desempregados, fogem para bordo de um navio rumo ao Rio, depois de incendiar acidentalmente o topo de um circo. Eles então se envolvem com uma possível suicída, Lucia, que primeiro agradece a eles, então, inesperadamente, os entrega ao capitão do navio. Então eles descobrem que ela foi hipnotizada, para passar por um casamento de conveniência, e quando o navio chega ao Rio, os meninos aparecem na cerimônia, a fim de interromper o casamento e ajudar a pegar os bandidos. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Moeda Falsa
Secret Service Man (uncredited)
O Departamento do Tesouro norte-americano investiga uma quadrilha de falsificadores que têm circulado grandes quantidades de cédulas falsas. Quando a investigação chega a um beco sem saída, eles infiltram dois policiais disfarçados na organização. Mas a missão revela-se mais perigosa do que o esperado, principalmente quando a identidade de um dos agentes é descoberta pela quadrilha.
Eterno Conflito
Court Clerk (uncredited)
O juiz Cass Timberlane se casa com uma garota do lado errado dos trilhos, Virginia Marshland. Um bebê nasce morto e ela se volta cada vez mais para o advogado amigo de Cass ', Bradd Criley. Enquanto discutia, o juiz diz a Virginia para ficar com Bradd, mas quando ela fica doente, ele a traz para casa.
Miragem Dourada
R.J. O'Connell
Dozens of star and character-actor cameos and a message about the Variety Club (a show-business charity) are woven into a framework about two hopeful young ladies who come to Hollywood, exchange identities, and cause comic confusion (with slapstick interludes) throughout the Paramount studio.
Shy Guy
Mr. Norton
Phil, a student who recently transferred into his high school, keeps to himself a lot, spending time in his basement building radios and record players. His dad notices that he has no friends, and tells him that, like the electronic parts he assembles, "you have to fit in with all hte other parts." Realizing that the reason he has no friends is because he's not one of the "crowd," Phil studies the most popular kids at school, in order to see what traits they admire most, so he can be like them and fit in.
Rua das Almas Perdidas
Mr. Cahill
On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.
The Perils of Pauline
Movie Theatre Owner (uncredited)
Funloving Pearl White, working in a garment sweatshop, gets her big chance when she "opens" for a delayed Shakespeare play...with a comic vaudeville performance. Her brief stage career leads her into those "horrible" moving pictures, where she comes to love the chaotic world of silent movies, becoming queen of the serials. But the consequences of movie stardom may be more than her leading man can take
Danger Street
Boward - Police Chief
Magazine owners sell a revealing photo, then play detective when the deal leads to murder.
Welcome Stranger
Crane (uncredited)
Crusty Dr. McRory of Fallbridge, Maine, hires his vacation replacement sight unseen. Alas, he and young singing Doctor Jim Pearson don't hit it off; but once he meets teacher Trudy Mason, Pearson is delighted to stay. The locals, taking their cue from McRory, cold-shoulder Pearson, especially Trudy's stuffy fiancé. But then, guess who needs an emergency appendectomy?
Killer at Large
Edward Denton
Two newspaper reporters become involved with another killing while investigating a murder, which leads to the involvement of the girl reporter's father.
Blaze of Noon
Cash Jones
In this aerial melodrama, four brothers working as stunt pilots for a flying circus leave their jobs to become mail pilots. Because their job requires that they constantly travel, they are advised to not settle down with wives and kids. Still, one pilot falls in love and marries. Unfortunately, the woman dislikes his brothers and constantly worries that he will be killed during a flight. Her fears are not unfounded and much tragedy ensues as the story unfolds.
Meu Único Amor
Army Doctor
Tough torch singer Petey Brown, visiting her family, finds a nest of troubles: her sister, brother, and the neighbor's wife are involved in various ways with shady nightclub owner Nicky Toresca. Petey has what it takes to handle Nicky, but then she meets San Thomas, formerly great jazz pianist now on the skids, and falls for him hard.
Lady Chaser
Attorney J. T. Vickers
A poisoned aspirin creates headaches for a woman who received the deadly pill from a stranger, then passed it on to her uncle.
The Searching Wind
Embassy Attendant
With a screenplay adapted by Lillian Hellman from her own play, director William Dieterle's 1946 drama stars Robert Young as a U.S. ambassador in Europe in the years before WW2.
Paixão Selvagem
Preacher (uncredited)
O homem de negócios, Logan Stuart (Dana Andrews), está escoltando a noiva de seu amigo, Lucy Overmire (Susan Hayward), de volta para sua casa na distante cidade de Jacksonville, no Oregon. No trajeto de sua dura jornada Lucy se sente atraída por Logan cujo coração parece pertencer a outra pessoa.
Blonde for a Day
Walter Bronson
Hugh Beaumont stars as detective "Michael Shayne" in this 1946 B-film.
Electronics Engineer (uncredited)
The (O)ffice of (S)trategic (S)ervices' Cmdr. Brady (Patric Knowles) forms Operation "Applejack" (based on a composite of actual incidents during WWII) and sends Lt. (j.g.) Philip Masson, U.S.N.R. aka John Martin as spy Philippe Martine (Alan Ladd) along with Miss Ellen Rogers posing as her college roommate, Madame Elaine Duprez (Geraldine Fitzgerald) and Robert Bouchet, Tech Sgt., A.U.S. as Albert Bernardito (Richard Benedict) to acquire secret Nazi plans. After nearly getting caught they succeed and get new identities. However they discover a secret that could change the war and risk their lives to get the information back to London before it jeopardizes their lives. Martine and Duprez then get reassigned to assist fellow spy Frank Schmidt aka Parker (Richard Webb) embedded in the German army so he can relay important Nazi troop movements. Then she is discovered by an old foe, Col. Paul Meister (John Hoyt) but Martine must radio the vital information and misses her.
Secrets of a Sorority Girl
Justin Farley
In this crime drama, a sorority girl is photographed hanging around with known criminals in illicit gambling dens. The resulting pictures are then used to blackmail her father, a district attorney.
Missão em Moscou
American Newsman (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Truck Busters
George Havelock
An independent truck driver organizes his fellow truckers to resist the efforts of a crooked trucking company exec to bring all drivers under his control. When the trucker's brother dies in an "accident" arranged by the trucking company's henchmen, he takes matters into his own hands
City of Silent Men
Fred Bernard
The plot revolves around a group of ex-convicts who try to start life anew by relocating in a small town under assumed names. The mayor of the town welcomes the former cons with open arms, helping them re-open a dormant canning factory and encouraging them to hire other reformed criminals.
Mercado Negro
Coroner (uncredited)
A demoted reporter (George Brent) and his girlfriend (Brenda Marshall) seek to expose a crime kingpin.
Aço da Mesma Têmpera
Wealthy American society matron, Stella Hadley refuses to sacrifice her material comforts to aid the war effort until she realizes that her selfishness is cheating the boys overseas who are fighting for her freedom.
Ten Gentlemen from West Point
Alden Brown
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Spy Ship
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
Gangsters, nightclubs and the Roaring '20s.
Grand Central Murder
Detective Mike McAdams (uncredited)
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
Minha Namorada Favorita
Loud Customer (uncredited)
Conta o início da vida do compositor da década de 1890, Paul Dresser, quando ele supera seu trabalho como artista de carnaval e se muda para a sociedade de Nova York, escrevendo uma música de sucesso após a outra. Apesar de seu comportamento egoísta, ele consegue conquistar Sally Elliott, uma das cantoras mais populares da época. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Alma Torturada
Albert Baker
Sadistic killer-for-hire Philip Raven becomes enraged when his latest job is paid off in marked bills. Vowing to track down his double-crossing boss, nightclub executive Gates, Raven sits beside Gates' lovely new employee, Ellen, on a train out of town. Although Ellen is engaged to marry the police lieutenant who's hunting down Raven, she decides to try and set the misguided hit man straight as he hides from the cops and plots his revenge.
Vendaval de Paixões
Snaith (uncredited)
Loxi é a jovem empresária que cuida de uma empresa de manutenção de barcos. O negócio é muito lucrativo, uma vez que a costa da Flórida em 1840 possui águas rasas e coberta de corais. Quando resgata um navio bastante danificado, Loxi conhece o capitão Jack Stuart, por quem se apaixona. A ponto de lutar ao lado do amado para convencer os proprietários do barco que Stuart não teve nenhuma culpa nos estragos. O romance entre eles estará em risco quando o advogado contratado por ela, Stephen Tolliver, também se apaixona pela moça.
The Body Disappears
Wealthy scion Peter DeHaven, about to marry socialite Christine Lunceford, wakes up after bachelor party revelry to find he's been turned invisible by eccentric college professor Reginald Shotesbury. An unbelievable series of events is revealed by several witnesses testifying in a "mystery trial" to determine the reason for DeHaven's "disappearance".
O Intrépido General Custer
Grant's Secretary (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
At the Stroke of Twelve
Prosecuting Attorney
This entry in Warner's "Broadway Brevity" series of shorts is based on Damon Runyon's short story, "The Old Doll's House". Racketeer Lance McGowan, on the night he has decided to go straight, finds himself caught between the gunfire of two rival gangsters and, wounded by a bullet, he finds refuge in the home of a wealthy recluse. One of the gangsters is found riddled with bullets from the gun Lance dropped while making his escape, and he is arrested and tried for murder. The reclusive widow comes to the trail and testifies that Lance was her guest that night when the clock struck twelve, the time of the killing. Lance, while innocent, is also lucky, as the widow had her all her clocks set to always strike twelve, as the time her husband had died.
Ao Compasso do Amor
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Depois que sua esposa descobre um bracelete de diamantes revelador, o empresário Martin Cortland tenta mostrar que ele não está correndo atrás da showgirl Sheila Winthrop. O coreógrafo Robert Curtis é pego no meio do esquema do patrão. O recrutamento pelo Exército oferece a Robert o local perfeito para fugir de seus problemas. Ou não é?
Four Mothers
Music Foundation Director (uncredited)
Four married sisters face motherhood, financial, marital and family issues together.
Father Is A Prince
Ben Haley
Director Noel Smith's comic 1940 morality tale, about a carpet sweeper manufacturer who sacrifices his family's happiness for his business, stars Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, Jan Clayton, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Frank Ferguson, Vera Lewis, Pierre Watkin, Frank Wilcox, John Ridgely and Frank Orth.
Gambling on the High Seas
The State's District Attorney
A reporter enlists the help of a gangster's secretary to obtain evidence to bring her boss to justice.