Clara Arnaud
Simon Coleman is a Parisian cop, specialist in undercover missions. If he sometimes plays his life on a pile or face, Simon never gets away from his smile, and whatever pressure he faces. That makes him cool for some... and completely unconscious for others. To complete this immersion career, Simon has preferred a life without attachments; no lasting relationships, let alone children. Until that morning, when he turned on his cell phone after a six-week mission under another identity, the messages chained up... when he learned that his sister died in an accident with her husband.
Léa Verard
Forest of the Chartreuse massif. A group of lumberjacks working on a job come across the body of a man suspended in the air by a rope system, as if it were a sort of disarticulated puppet. In charge of the investigation, Justine Verard is forced to collaborate with Mehdi Djaoud, whom she holds responsible for the death of her husband, himself a detective, during a mission that went wrong five years earlier. Despite this tragic past, the two agents will have to join forces to solve this first murder together in the face of a mystery that will get thicker as the investigation proceeds. Between a complicated personal life and her investigation, Justine will be caught in a vice-like grip until the final countdown under high tension.
Uma mulher fica presa em uma série de tubos estranhos cheios de armadilhas mortais.
School Child
1888. Após sofrer com o ostracismo e a rejeição de suas pinturas em galerias de arte, Vincent Van Gogh (Willem Dafoe) decide ouvir o conselho de seu mentor, Paul Gauguin (Oscar Isaac), e se mudar para Arles, no sul da França. Lá, lutando contra os avanços da loucura, da depressão e as pressões sociais, o pintor holandês adentra uma das fases mais conturbadas e prolíficas de sua curta, porém meteórica trajetória.