Associate Producer
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
Os veteranos do terror Lon Chaney (Lobisomem) e John Carradine (Drácula) chegam ao laboratório do Dr. Edelman (Onslow Stevens) para implorar uma cura para seus instintos assassinos. Mas apesar da sinceridade do Lobisomem, Dracula na verdade procura apenas se aproximar da enfermeira (Martha O'Driscoll), quem ele pretende convencer a se tornar uma de suas "princesas das trevas". A loucura chega a seu extremo quando o doutor descobre o corpo de Frankenstein e faz tentativas de trazê-lo de volta à vida. Esses fatos são mais do que os moradores da vilas vizinhas podem suportar, levando-os a se unir para impedir as loucuras que ameaçam a segurança de seus familias e moradias.
A desert pickpocket, his sidekick, and an escaped slave help an incognito queen in danger.
Um cientista lunático e perigoso foge da prisão e ressuscita Drácula. Seu ato de terror vai mais além, quando ele consegue trazer de volta os monstros Frankenstein e Lobisomem, que estavam congelados e enterrados.
Liderados pelo perverso Ilulagu Khan, os mongóis tomam Bagdá e matam o califa. Porém, o jovem Ali, filho do califa, consegue escapar. Ali é adotado pelo velho Babá, líder de um grupo de ladrões. E ao lado de Babá e seus larápios, ele cresce e aprende todas as artimanhas que uma vida no castelo nunca poderia ter ensinado. Agora, já um homem feito, Ali deverá retornar ao castelo para vingar a morte de seu pai, retomar o seu lugar de direito no trono e resgatar seu grande amor: Amara.
Associate Producer
An Englishman kills a German look-alike and poses as a Nazi spy in London.
Associate Producer
A murder occurs on a train bound for Shanghai during World War II.
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
Associate Producer
A fugitive doctor (Lionel Atwill) tries to raise the dead for South Sea Islanders.
In the middle of a pictorial lecture on his recent expedition to the Mongolian Desert, Dr. John Benton,the famous explorer, drinks from the water bottle on his lecture table, collapses and dies. His last words "Eternal Fire" are the only clue Chinese detective Jimmy Wong and Captain Street of the police department have to work on.
Shipping magnate Cyrus Wentworth, downcast over a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle' (carrying, oddly enough, an illicit shipment of Chinese bonds) is shot in his office at the very moment of kicking out his daughter's fiance Dick Fleming. Of course, Captain Street arrests Dick, but reporter Bobbie Logan, the attractive thorn in Street's side, is so convinced he's wrong that she enlists the help of detective James Lee Wong to find the real killer.
Associate Producer
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
Associate Producer
Twin brothers Bob and Don Ramsay are on opposite sides of the law. Bob is the Sheriff and Don is the famous outlaw the Black Bandit. When the Black Bandit strikes, he is seen and his look-alike brother Bob arrested. Refusing to implicate his brother, Bob escapes and heads after Don.
Associate Producer
Bradley and sidekick Sharpe are sent west to investigate the murders of pony express riders who are being killed to prevent the Spanish Land Grant papers going to Washington for registration.
Associate Producer
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Associate Producer
Just after Carson's gang murder members of a wagon train, Rusty and Clem come along and are arrested. Knowing they are innocent Judge Coleman breaks them out and sends them after Carson. They join Carson's gang to learn of their next raid but the Marshal arrests them for the wagon train murders.
Associate Producer
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
Associate Producer
Rangers go after bandits holding up Wells Fargo offices.
Associate Producer
A truck driver races a train to the West Coast in an attempt to determine which method of transportation is faster.
Associate Producer
Bob Randall, temporarily in command of the Coast Guard vessel Niobe, expects a promotion and the captaincy of his ship. Instead, he is replaced by Lieutenant Mays, son of the area commander. Mays is afflicted with a fear of the sea, although he has served well in Coast Guard aviation. His father, however, thinks Mays can overcome his fear by taking command of the Niobe. When seal poachers kidnap Bob Randall's girlfriend Connie, Bob and Mays disagree about the proper means of rescuing her and capturing the seal poachers. When Mays's inexperience and phobia foil their attempts at rescue, Bob comes up with his own plan.
Supervising Producer
Profiteer Alexander Stiles lays claim to a million acres of range in the Pecos River country, but a rancher named Claybor stands in his way as he has already claimed the water-rich location of Sweetwater as his own.
Sheriff John Higgins quits and goes into prospecting after he thinks he has killed his best friend in shooting it out with robbers. He encounters his dead buddy's sister and helps her run her ranch. Then she finds out about his past.
John Wyatt testemunho a morte dos pais e o sequestro do irmão quando criança. Determinado a se vingar, ele forma um grupo de justiceiros que sai a cavalo entoando hinos pelo caminho. Um dia ele reencontra o irmão, que hoje trabalha para os fora-da-lei, e ambos se apaixonam pela mesma mulher.
John Wyatt is a government agent sent to smash a counterfeiting operation near the Mexican border. Joining Doc Carter's medicine show they arrive in the town where Curly Joe, who once framed Carter, resides.
When John Mason's father is killed, John is wounded. Attracted to his nurse Alice, a conflict arises between him and his friend Ben who plans to marry Alice. John later finds the killer of his father but goes to face him not knowing Ben has removed the bullets from his gun.
Rodeo star John Scott and his gambler friend Kansas Charlie are wrongly accused of armed robbery. They leave town as fast as they can to go looking for their own suspects in Poker City.
John Martin is a government agent working under cover. Leading citizen Morgan calls in gunman Galt who blows Martin's cover.
Associate Producer
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle's problems only multiply. In the meantime, he's also fallen in love with a comely stranger (Maxine Doyle) he convinced to impersonate his wife.
Associate Producer
A respected war correspondent is found murdered, with three bullets--from three different guns--in him. Three different men are arrested, convicted and sentenced to death for the murder, but only one can be the actual killer. A criminologist sets out to find who is really guilty.
Chris Morrell, the guardian of half-Indian girl Nina, is helping her find her missing white father. so she can cash in on her late mother's oil lease. Outlaw Sam Black is after the girl and her father as well. Besides dealing with the Black gang, Morrell has to find another robber, Jim Moore, who switches clothes with him after he finds Chris unconscious from a fight with Sam Black. Along the way, he meets a lady who's the sister of Jim Moore, another bad hombre who's in cahoots with Jim Moore, and an old friend who takes in Nina and helps Chris locate Nina's father and fight off the various desperadoes
Tobin is after the bandit Zanti who killed his parents. He finds him just as Zanti is about to kill Dusty and kidnap Ruby. Saving the two, he goes after Zanti. He catches him but Zanti escapes the Sheriff's handcuff's and this time Tobin has to chase him into the desert.
Rod Drew hunts for a missing girl and finds himself in a fight over a goldmine as well.
An action-filled film with outlaws-of-the-clouds at war with the men of the U. S. Flying Service. A young pilot, Nick Ferris, fights to track down a dangerous gang of smugglers and clear his name of an undeserved stigma.
A valuable gem from India is stolen in an old dark mansion and it is up to Scotland Yard inspector Charles Irwin to find out who did it among all the suspects who were in the house.
Uma gangue que trabalha para The Shadow está aterrorizando a cidade. John Travers decide assumir o cargo de xerife e fazer algo a respeito.
A man wrongfully convicted of murder escapes custody and goes in search of the real killer. The problem is that he only has one clue to go on.
ohn Weston vai até um rodeio desvendar misteriosos assassinatos que andam acontecendo. Spike Barton, organizador do evento, já escolheu o vencedor da competição e não gosta nem um pouco das atitudes de Weston.
O respeitável Malgrove, na realidade chefe de um bando de foras-da-lei, deseja ficar com todas as terras da região, porque há ouro no solo. Para isso, ele força toda a população a abandonar a cidade. O delegado federal John Carruthers e o xerife Jake chegam para investigar e punir os criminosos.
Out of the Mystic Temples of Old India crept this terrible Monster to wreak vengeance of the Hindu Gods. One by one its victims fell with not a trace of the bloody assassin.
Police try to solve a murder on board an ocean liner.
Ted Hayden ( John Wayne ), personifica um homem desejado e se junta à gangue de Gentry só para saber mais tarde que Gentry foi quem matou seu pai. Ele salva o rancho do pai de Virginia Winters de Gentry e também resgata seu irmão Spud, há muito perdido.
John Wayne interpreta o durão Jerry Mason que, ao lado do irritadiço, mas adorável, Jake Benson (gabby Hayes), fica rico da noite por dia depois de encontrar um filão de ouro. Mas dois impiedosos assasinos farão de tudo para tirá-los do caminho. Inequecível por uma empolgante sequência de perseguição envolvendo cavalos, um vagão de trem e um Ford Modelo T, Sorte de Verdade tem um magnífico trabalho de dublês promovido por Yakima Cannutt.
A sponge diver hopes to make enough money to buy his own boat and marry his girlfriend. A rival diver, however, has other plans for him.
Injustamente condenado por assassinato, John Brant ( Wayne ) realiza uma fuga ousada da prisão para se infiltrar em um bando de perigosos criminosos, a fim de capturar o verdadeiro culpado. Ed Walsh ( Yakima Canutt ), um dos bandidos, suspeita das intenções de Brant. Por isso, lhe resta pouco tempo para descobrir o matador e ainda conquistar o amor da bela Sally Blake ( Nancy Shubert ).
Kincaid controla o abastecimento de água da área e está prestes a forçar contratos a taxas exorbitantes para os fazendeiros. Saunders, agente do governo, tem um plano para desobstruir o rio e secar o fornecimento de Kincaid.
When his Ranger father is shot down and seriously wounded by rustlers, young Bob Baxter is given a Ranger's badge and a delivery to town of the rustlers.
Money is mysteriously disappearing from a locked trunk atop the stage even though the trunk arrives still locked. When pals Bob Rivers and Grizzly get the jop driving the stage, the same thing happens.
An emergency at his Aunt's ranch gets Ed Randall leave from the Navy. He returns to find the water cut off and her note due the next day. When the man he seeks legal advice from is murdered, Ed is accused and he now finds himself in jail with a lynch mob forming outside.
A half a million dollars has been stolen and stashed away and prison inmate Dutch knows where it is. So Government Agent Joe goes to prison and makes friends with Dutch. When Joe breaks them out, Dutch leads them to the money only to find it gone. But Dutch's old gang is on hand and they haven't found it either.
Randolph Graves, a high-pressure haberdashery salesman, is fired for arguing with a customer and gets job selling oil stock in a nearby town; there he falls in love with the sheriff's daughter and tangles with crooked stock promoters.
When Tad Wallace's act flops on Broadway, he joins a troop heading west. In a small town, they run into Jeffries who has just burned down the theater. When Jeffries kills Griswold, Tad has a plan to trap him by using the talents of Shakespearian actor Thorndyke.
The circus arrives in Great Shows. Rainey Big Ben and Kit Denton, the star of the show, are informed that no representation will be allowed in the city, and that their presence is not desired by the local potentate. This incomprehensible hatred is equaled only by the Kit 's father's contempt for women. Kit, who criticized his father's contemptuous attitude towards Alicia, his girlfriend, Kit's father tells him of the drama he lived in Big Ben many years earlier.
As Powers is dying he tells Lee to look for a man with a girl named Mitzi. Heading north by dog sled as Curly the Kid, he finds her and her friend Lucky. But Flash is another friend and Lee is in trouble when his true identity becomes known.
Production Manager
Reporter Speed Morgan helps Flash Barrett escape from the police and this gets him into Flash's gang where he poses as a gangster. Flash and his gang head west guning for Bill Miller who failed to send some diamonds on to Flash. Speed hopes to bring Flash to justice but is in trouble when his true identity is revealed.
Production Manager
Tropical "heat" drives a man into the arms of a disreputable tramp, making things tough for the woman who really loves him.
Production Manager
A cowboy saves his injured friend from a vigilante group, which believes that he is part of a bandit gang that attacked a wagon train. The cowboy sets out to find the bandit gang and clear his friend's name.
Assistant Director
A reporter and a detective team up to solve the murder of a nightclub singer who had been involved in a divorce scandal.
Production Manager
For revenge the outlaw Morgan steals the Carruthers young son. Seventeen years later Carruthers arrives in the valley where Morgan, his gang, and the now grown Bob hide. After Morgan shoots Tracy, he tells Bob that Carruthers did it and sends Bob out after him. But unknown to Bob, Morgan has put blanks in his gun.
Assistant Director
A woman loses all her money in the 1929 stock market crash, and in order to support her family, goes back to her previous occupation--owner of a gambling house--which her son is dead set against.
Restored by the George Eastman House in 2001, this 1928 serial was considered a “last hurrah” for the silent-era serial, and brought together some of the biggest names of the era: director J.P. McGowan, actors Francis Ford and Joe Bonomo (a carnival strongman-turned-actor), producer Trem Carr (who would later help found Monogram Pictures), and a slew of silent-era supporting icons such as Ruth Hiatt, Grace Cunard, and more. Chapter names like “The Clutching Claw,” “The Devil’s Dice, “Galloping Fury,” and “The Invisible Hand” offer all one needs to know of the film’s concerns: to promise and deliver as much action and suspense as possible, and move our intrepid hero and heroine from one perilous situation to another. One of the biggest stars of the early silent era and a successful serials director in his own right, Francis Ford was the brother of director John Ford.
Gigantic Bat (uncredited)
O ladrão Ahmed, fazendo-se passar por príncipe, penetra no castelo para liderar a revolta contra os invasores mongóis. Conto das mil e uma noites que é considerado um dos mais fantasiosos e divertidos do cinema mudo.