Michael Sarrazin

Michael Sarrazin

Nascimento : 1940-05-22, Quebec City Quebec, Canada

Morte : 2011-04-17


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michael Sarrazin (May 22, 1940 – April 17, 2011) was a Canadian film and television actor who found fame opposite Jane Fonda in the drama film They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969). Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael Sarrazin, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Michael Sarrazin


O Coral de Natal
Henry Brockman
Peter Brockman, um contador reservado e viciado no trabalho, é abandonado por sua noiva poucos dias antes do Natal. Mas nesta mesma noite, é convidado a ir a um abrigo de mendigos. Comovido, ele decide criar um coral com as vozes dos homens de lá.
Tripping the Wire: A Stephen Tree Mystery
Everybody's guilty of something and Detective Stephen Tree has to use his gut to figure if their guilt is worth his time. Tripping the Wire goes beyond the classic whodunnit. It's a story of loyalty, betrayal and the secrets people will die for - or kill for - to protect.
Frank Bryant
Após 4 corpos serem encontrados em uma zona industrial decadente de Nova York, o detetive Mike Reilly e a pesquisadora Terry Houston começam a investigar o caso. A única pista que conseguem encontrar é que todas as vítimas acessaram o site www.fear.com 48 horas antes de sua morte. Para desvendar o mistério, Reilly decide conhecer o site, onde acaba mergulhando em uma espécie de universo proibido em que passa a ser confrontado por seus maiores temores. Com apenas 2 dias para resolver o caso e evitar ser morto, ele passa a ser amedrontado pelo fantasma de Alistair Pratt, um antigo serial killer que escapou do FBI durante anos e agora passa a atacá-lo através da internet.
A Invasão 2
Prof. Nelson Zarcoff
Depois que Zane Ziminski é encontrado morto, cinco pessoas recebem envelopes contendo detalhes de uma invasão alienígena. Eles têm de escapar dos extraterrestres, que assumem a forma humana, e tentam convencer outras pessoas da existência deles.
Earthquake in New York
Dr. Robert Trask
A cop is after a nasty serial killer. Cop's wife and kids are somewhere in the city too. Then a disastrous earthquake hits the city.
Thunder Point
Former IRA agent Sean Dillon comes to the rescue when a woman discovers a briefcase containing plans that could destroy all of Europe. Dillon's assignment is to protect her until the plans can be properly destroyed.
Mudança de Código
Lt. Colonel Douglas Murphy
Quando um grupo terrorista rouba a maleta do presidente dos Estados Unidos que contém os códigos de lançamento do arsenal nuclear em caso de guerra, apenas um heroico major tem como prevenir o assassinato do presidente ou mesmo um holocausto nuclear.
Midnight Man
Mr. Tayi
British soldiers force a recently captured IRA terrorist to cooperate with them and then assign him to go undercover with a gang of terrorists and prevent them from killing the U.S. President. But the spy isn't in long before he realizes that the first plot is but a ruse for a more sinister scheme that could result in trouble between China and Great Britain. - Written by Ørnås
Crackerjack 2
Police officer Jack Wild discovers that the well-known international terrorist Hans Becker is on a train, carrying a wealthy business man and his girlfriend. Without a second to loose Jack hires a helicopter to drop him down onto the train to try and stop whatever scheme Becker is planning.
Meia-Noite em Moscou
O ex-agente secreto britânico Harry Palmer agora dirige uma empresa de investigação privada na Rússia. Ele consegue um emprego para localizar e recuperar uma carga de plutônio roubado e, com a ajuda do colega Nikolai Petrov, parte para São Petersburgo para tentar encontrá-la. Ao longo do caminho, ele deve lidar com a violenta máfia russa e também encontrar a namorada de Nikolai, Tatiana, que foi sequestrada. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Expresso Para Pequim
Um espião britânico aposentado é chamado de volta ao serviço por seu governo para ajudar a impedir a Coreia do Norte de por as mãos em um vírus mortal chamado de "A Morte Vermelha". Quando o velho agente britânico Harry Palmer perde o emprego porque a Guerra Fria acabou, ele é prontamente abordado por um empresário russo, Alex. Em São Petersburgo Alex conta a Harry o seu plano para o futuro da Rússia, que está ameaçado porque uma arma bioquímica mortal chamada de "Morte Vermelha" foi roubada dele. Ele vai pagar generosamente ao Harry para recuperá-la. Um ex-espião amigo de Harry aconselha a cair fora quando ele está indo para Pequim de trem, a bordo do qual começamos a entender de que lado cada um realmente está.
La Florida
Romeo Laflamme
Tired of rough winters, a Quebec family buys a motel in south Florida. But life is not easy down where motels grow faster than grass. Two bigger businessmen are out to get them for invading their turf. However, that is not even the beginning of their troubles...
Lena's Holiday
Jan MacKenzie
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Lena, from East Germany travels to Hollywood. After landing she loses her bag and can't find her hotel. She befriends a cab driver who doesn't believe someone is out to get her.
The Phone Call
Michael Henderson
A married man calls the wrong number for phone-sex and winds up being stalked by a psychotic man.
Morte no Paraíso
Mike Vincent
Sir Harry Oakes is a wealthy magnate, living amongst the British aristocrats who have made their home in the Bahamas just prior to World War II. Their small community is one of privilege and status and when Sir Harry's beloved daughter marries a handsome but penniless gigolo, Alfred De Marigny, Sir Harry is outraged by the union. But before Sir Harry can break up the marriage he is brutally and viciously murdered and his son-in-law is the prime suspect. Nothing is as it appears and Sir Harry's death soon points towards intrigue and deception on an international scale.
Malarek is a film directed by Roger Cardinal in 1989. Ex-juvenile offender Victor Malarek catches a break when he's hired as a cub reporter for the Montreal Star. After witnessing a cop murder a street kid, Malarek dedicates himself to exposing corruption in the social welfare system.
Captive Hearts
Sergeant McManus
December 1944. As their bomber is shot down during a mission over Japan, Sergeant McManus and Robert, a young lieutenant, have no other choice but make a parachute jump. They are captured by local villagers and are saved from execution by Fukushima, the village elder. McManus never accepts his lot unlike Robert, who soon takes an interest in Japanese customs and rites. More, he falls in love with pretty Miyoko, Fukushima's widowed daughter-in-law.
Bert Sanders
A respected police commissioner has a reputation as a opera lover, but by night he also enjoys plunging into the transvestite scene. In addition, he harbors a longing for his very own sister. When he learns that his wife has been murdered, he tries to implicate the set designer who has designs on his sister.
Keeping Track
Daniel Hawkins
The CIA, KGB and RCMP are after a lady banker (Kidder) who has a piece of mutated microchip that engages directly with brain cells.
Joshua Then and Now
Kevin Hornby
Based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, it tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to his more complicated grown-up life.
The Train Killer
Matuska Szilveszter / Prokopp István
The true story of the man who blew up the Orient Express.
Fighting Back
Vince Morelli
An Italian deli owner forms a vigilante group to rid his Philadelphia neighborhood of street punks.
The Seduction
A beautiful newscaster is stalked and tormented by a photographer obsessed with her beauty.
Imagem Dupla
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor, played by Michael Sarrazin, is tormented by his sheer lack of memory concerning the night his wife was found brutally killed.
Mark Miller
This epic adventure-drama based on James Michener's best-selling novel concerns a young American embassy official who is sent into the Middle-Eastern desert to find the missing daughter of a US Senator. The young woman has left her husband, a Colonel in the Shadom - she was his number two wife - and has opted for the lifestyle of a nomadic tribe. When the diplomat locates the girl he joins the caravan and attempts to persuade the girl to return.
Uma Corrida de Loucos
Michael Bannon - Cobra Team
Um grupo de corredores automobilísticos tenta vencer uma competição sem regras pelas estradas do país. E a ação pega carona com eles!
The Loves and Times of Scaramouche
The adventures of a cad in Napoleonic times.
A Reencarnação de Peter Proud
Peter Proud
When college professor, Peter Proud begins experiencing flashbacks of an earlier life, he's mysteriously drawn to a place he's never been to, but which seems familiar and where he soon finds his previous incarnation's wife.
A Verdadeira História de Frankenstein
The Creature
Victor Frankenstein witnesses his creation turn uncontrollable after he's duped by his associate, Dr. Polidori.
Nossa, Que Loucura!
Pete Robbins
A lendária estrela Barbra Streisand traz sua magia para as telas como Henrietta, a dedicada mas maluca esposa do taxista Pete (Michael Sarrazin), que vai fazer qualquer coisa para que seu marido realize o sonho de mudar de profissão e melhorar de vida.
Harry, O Mão Leve
Ray Haulihan
A master thief and his drug-addicted partner teach two aspiring crooks how to steal wallets.
Cowboy and Indian
This film goes no farther west than Toronto. The Indian is Robert Markle, from a family of Mohawk steel workers. The cowboy is his longtime art associate, Gordon Rayner. Both are Toronto artists and art teachers, sharing also an interest in jazz: Rayner plays the drums, Markle the electric piano. This film is a study of their lifestyle, their mutual interests and their friendship.
Conspiração Infernal
John David Welles / Peter Bellamy
A break-in and sabotage attempt occurs at a top secret research institute and the culprit is cornered and captured. The problem is that he's been badly injured and claims to have lost his memory entirely. A cat-and-mouse game ensues between investigator Tuxan, the mystery intruder Welles and the people who sent him on the mission.
Uma Lição Para não Esquecer
Uma família de madeireiros do Oregon, ferozmente independentes, luta para manter os negócios da família em meio a tantas mudanças. Hank Stamper e seu pai, Henry Stamper, possuem e operam os negócios da família cortando e enviando toras no Oregon. A cidade fica furiosa quando eles continuam trabalhando apesar da cidade ter falido e os outros madeireiros entrarem em greve ordenando que os Stampers parem, no entanto Hank continua a empurrar sua família para cortar mais árvores. A esposa de Hank deseja que ele pare e espera que eles possam passar mais tempo juntos. Quando Leland, o problemático meio irmão de Hank, vem trabalhar para eles, mais problemas surgem. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Believe in Me
Remy is a medical student who has a flair for making his patients comfortable. His genuine concern for the patients in his charge marks him as a hot prospect in his internship program. Pamela works at a children's book publishing company. The two meet via Pamela's brother, who is also Remy's good friend. They fall in love and get an apartment in the East Village of New York. Soon after, the couple begins to indulge in speed and barbiturates. They become heavily addicted. Remy is thrown out of medical school and Pamela quits her job. Remy soon finds himself in debt with the local dealer, Stutter, who introduces his customer to heroin as a revenge for his late bill. Pamela faces the prospect of getting sober at her brother's clinic, but must leave behind a destitute Remy in order to do it.
The Pursuit of Happiness
William Popper
William Popper is the son of a stockbroker and is thoroughly disenchanted with "the system." So much so that even though he can prove that he ran over a woman in his car entirely by accident, he accepts a sentence for manslaughter.
A Noite dos Desesperados
Robert Syverton
Durante a Grande Depressão as vidas de um grupo heterogêneo de competidores se entrelaçam numa maratona de dança desumana e esgotante. Gloria é uma jovem mulher. Ela parece mais velha do que é e sente que sua vida não tem mais jeito, depois de ter sido enganada e traída muitas vezes no passado. Enquanto se recupera de uma tentativa de suicídio, tem a ideia fixa de que uma revista de cinema para Hollywood vai torná-la uma atriz. Robert é um morador de Hollywood desesperado tentando se tornar diretor. Robert e Gloria se encontram e decidem entrar na maratona de dança, uma das manias dos anos trinta. A dança esgotante cobra seu pedágio no espírito já enfraquecido da Gloria, e ela diz ao Robert que estaria melhor morta, que sua vida não tem mais jeito - o tempo todo agindo com crueldade e amargura, alienando as pessoas ao seu redor, tentando convencê-lo a atirar a deixando livre de sua miséria. Afinal de contas, eles atiram cavalos, não é mesmo? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
In Search of Gregory
Gregory Mulvey
Young Catherine Morelli, who lives in Rome, goes to Geneva to find romance at her father's wedding. There she begins a near nymphomaniac pursuit of a mystery man called Gregory.
Os Felinos
Um jovem ambicioso e sem dinheiro planeja matar a tia para ficar com sua fortuna.
A Praia dos Desejos
Denny McGuire
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
Seis Não Regressaram
Miller Nalls
At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army.
A Man Called Gannon
Jess Washburn
A seasoned cowboy takes a young tender-foot under his wing. They become embroiled in a range war, and end up on opposite sides.
Pistoleiros em Duelo
Cord Decker
Lutando na Guerra Civil, um homem acidentalmente mata seu amigo. Retornando a Abilene depois da guerra, ele encontra sua antiga namorada prestes a se casar com o irmão do homem que ele matou. Para pagar sua dívida, ele não apenas se recusa a reconquistá-la, mas assume o emprego de xerife, um trabalho que ele não quer, quando o irmão lhe pede. Ainda assombrado pelo assassinato, ele se recusa a carregar uma arma. Mas há problemas entre os fazendeiros e os fazendeiros e quando ele encontra o irmão assassinado, ele segura uma arma e vai atrás do assassino.
The Doomsday Flight
Army Corporal
A bomb on board an airliner has an altitude-sensitive trigger. Unless a ransom is paid, it will explode when the plane descends to land.
You're No Good
Troubled youth Eddie McGeer, on a whim, steals a motorcycle and takes it on a short joy ride with his girlfriend Marie before they ditch it when they hear police sirens. Indeed, the police do know he stole the bike. Eddie doesn't know what to do except hang low for for while and dream about getting away from his troubles by going someplace like Acapulco with Marie. He tells his friends that they haven't seen him if anyone asks. He doesn't tell his mother what trouble he's in this time. And his social worker, knowing something is the matter, tries to get him to at least open up to him. Eddie eventually does tell his social worker, who knows that Eddie is not a bad kid but a scared one who needed to grow up far too quickly. Only Eddie can decide to take his advice to turn himself in, or continue to run, especially as Marie seems to be distancing herself further and further from him
Everybody's Prejudiced
Packer Jr.
Examples of prejudice that can be seen everyday