Mara Cereda


L'uomo sulla strada
Production Manager
8-year-old Irene witnesses her father's death in a hit-and-run. Haunted by not being able to remember the face of the driver, she becomes a rebellious and introverted teen, obsessed with bringing him to justice. Eventually, she runs into the very man she's looking for, Michele, but doesn't seem to recognize him. Guilt-ridden, Michele decides to stay and protect her—finding himself hopelessly in love with the girl, who's just starting to open up.
Aspirante vedovo
Production Coordinator
A ne'er-do-well who's married to a millionnaire realizes his financial trouble might be solved if his wife was dead - and sets out a plot to achieve just that. A remake of Dino Risi's "il vedovo".
Montanha Gelada
Production Coordinator
Após o término da Guerra Civil Americana, o soldado Inman Balis inicia o percurso para retornar à sua casa, na vila de Cold Mountain. Lá está à sua espera Ada, sua namorada, que luta para administrar uma grande fazenda após a morte de seu pai. Para ajudá-la na tarefa chega Ruby, enviada por sua vizinha Sally, que cria uma grande amizade com Ada. No caminho de volta, Inman encontra diversos outros soldados, feridos como ele, com quem divide suas experiências da guerra.