Jean-Baptiste Phou


My Mother's Tongue
My Mother’s Tongue explores the delicate relationship between a mother and son who don’t speak the same language, until something unlocks when she suddenly falls very ill. The emotional journey unfolds through a series of vignettes that draw the viewer deeper into the inner world of a son seeking understanding and to be understood.
My Mother's Tongue
My Mother’s Tongue explores the delicate relationship between a mother and son who don’t speak the same language, until something unlocks when she suddenly falls very ill. The emotional journey unfolds through a series of vignettes that draw the viewer deeper into the inner world of a son seeking understanding and to be understood.
My Mother's Tongue
My Mother’s Tongue explores the delicate relationship between a mother and son who don’t speak the same language, until something unlocks when she suddenly falls very ill. The emotional journey unfolds through a series of vignettes that draw the viewer deeper into the inner world of a son seeking understanding and to be understood.
Centers on a Parisian rapper who suddenly becomes deaf and his relationships.
A Imagem que Falta
Narrator (voice)
O diretor conta neste documentário a ascensão da ditadura de Pol Pot no Camboja, fato do qual restaram poucos registros históricos além da propaganda do regime. Para dramatizar os horrores que a história apagou ele usa bonecos de argila, recriando as imagens que faltam do que aconteceu na época e que ele mesmo presenciou.