Henry Brandon

Henry Brandon

Nascimento : 1912-06-08, Berlin, Germany

Morte : 1990-02-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Henry Brandon (born Heinrich von Kleinbach; June 8, 1912 – February 15, 1990) was a German-American film and stage character actor with a career spanning almost 60 years, involving more than 100 films. He specialized in playing a wide diversity of ethnic roles.


Henry Brandon


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II
Three kingdoms have been overtaken by three evil lords and only Tyor, a teenage boy with magical powers, can restore peace to the land with the help of a bumbling elder, wizard and a hero in each kingdom. Tyor fights alongside them and eventually becomes a powerful wizard in his own right.
Sou ou Não Sou?
Nazi Officer
Mel Brooks comprova que é realmente um tesouro magnífico com sua engenhosa e incrivelmente engraçada refilmagem do clássico de Ernst Lubitsch de 1942. Corretamente descrito como "mundialmente famoso na Polônia", o astro dos palcos Frederick Bronski (Brooks) apresenta Pérolas de Hamlet, enquanto sua sedutora esposa e companheira de palco (Anne Bancroft) diverte-se nos camarins com um jovem e encantador aviador (Tim Matheson). Mas tudo isso é interrompido quando a Trupe Teatral de Bronski é alistada para enganar os nazistas e salvar a resistência polonesa. Miraculosamente desafiados por seus duvidosos disfarces, imitações e números musicais estão um amoroso coronel da SS (o indicado ao Oscar®, Charles Durning) e seu terrível colaborador polonês (Jose Ferrer).
Little House: Look Back to Yesterday
Otis Wagner
Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.
General Ramirez
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
Hard Knocks
A suspenseful and romantic tale of a young man, Guy Montgomery (Michael Christian), whose whole life thus far has been a desperate escape from a tragic and dangerous past. Idealistic as he tries to be, a series of unfortunate incidents in the neon jungle of Hollywood lead him deeper and deeper into the mire of its seamier side until one terrifying evening at the home of a famous actress (Josette Banzet) Guy gets into a fight with her husband and beats him up so badly that he thinks he has killed the man. Once again, Guy is running from his past toward an uncertain future.
Bud and Lou
They were the greatest partners that ever partnered, partner. No, I haven’t lost the ability to write, I’m simply repeating the word repeated ad nauseam in the 1978 television biopic, Bud and Lou. I avoided watching/reviewing this for a while, predominately because I know absolutely nothing about Abbott and Costello, and the duo, embodied by Buddy Hackett and Harvey Korman, instilled a belief this was a cheapo TV movie….which it is. Bud and Lou plays as if the screenwriter read a Sparknotes write-up about the duo and thought it was too long. On top of it all, the characters are bipolar in temperament and horribly miscast. For a movie about two comedians, the only humor derived is in the belief this television movie was a good idea. Bud Abbott (Korman) and Lou Costello (Hackett) struggle to rise up the burlesque ranks, eventually becoming successful comedic actors. However, various problems complicate their fame.
Assalto à 13ª DP
As gangues de rua resolveram se unir e declarar guerra à polícia. Neste contexto, um pai estaciona seu carro no subúrbio para que a filha possa comprar um sorvete. Ela é assassinada a sangue frio pelo integrante de uma gangue. O pai parte atrás dele e o mata com vários tiros, fugindo em seguida para a 13ª DP. Ethan Bishop (Austin Stoker) assumiu há pouco tempo a delegacia, que deve ser fechada nos próximos dias. O local conta apenas com Leigh (Laurie Zimmer) e uma telefonista, além de três prisioneiros que aguardam a chegada de um médico para tratar de um deles. Com a chegada do pai, logo a delegacia é cercada por gangues. Aqueles que estão dentro dela, sejam policiais ou prisioneiros, terão que unir forças para defendê-la.
The Manhandlers
A gorgeous girl named Katie inherits her deceased uncle's business and decides that she too can be a businesswoman and hire two hot girlfriends. Katie doesn't like the brothel part so she gets rid of that and is soon giving legit massages. The mob doesn't like this and Katie is quickly being muscled by mob goons to turn up the heat or pay. Katie soon discovers more about the massage-parlor than she had wished.
Quando Sopra o Vento Norte
Avakum (Henry Brandon) é um caçador de idade que está tendo um momento difícil e mais difícil obter por causa da vida selvagem diminuindo na região. Um dia, ele está em uma caça ao tigre quando um gato grande ataca o filho de seu amigo. Ava tenta atirar o tigre, mas acidentalmente mata o menino em seu lugar. Pensando que ele é acusado de assassinato, ele foge da civilização, e, eventualmente, se adapta à vida entre esses mesmos tigres. Boris (Herbert Nelson), sabe que a morte de seu filho foi um acidente, e tenta encontrar Avakum e dizer-lhe que ele é inocente e deve voltar para a aldeia. No ano que se segue, Ava sobrevive ao inverno siberiano dura e encontra-se em casa para além da vida civilizada, a tal ponto que, quando Boris finalmente não encontrá-lo, é um comovente adeus, uma vez que os dois velhos amigos se distanciaram e ter de permanecer em seus mundos separados.
Prologue to Wounded Knee
Holy Man
An Indian is accused of the rape and murder of a white girl. The girl's stepfather incites the townspeople to punish the Indian - to cover up the fact that it was actually he who committed the crime.
The Search for the Evil One
Martin Borman
Terra Bruta
Chief Quanah Parker
Uma tribo no território dos Comanches mantém colonos não indígenas como reféns. O exército americano está sob pressão para libertá-los e o marechal Guthrie McCabe (James Stewart) é persuadido pelo oficial Jim Gary (Richard Widmark) a auxiliar nas negociações com os índios.
Captain Brassbound's Conversation
Sheik Sidi El Assif
A titled Englishwoman proves more than a match for the fearsome Captain Brassbound.
A betrayed queen takes a terrible revenge.
O Pescador da Galileia
Drama that focuses on the later life of Peter, one of the closest disciples of Jesus.
Gangland boss Joe Kalhari, working with Ricki Hart, operator of a swamp-side dive in the Okefenokee swamp aside the Georgia-Florida border, rules an empire of smugglers who run dope and undesirable aliens into the United States, uses seaplanes at the primary mode of transportation. Searching for his sweetheart,Lowheeya, who has been lured into the shack of Pully, a Kalhari henchman, airplane pilot Chick Osceola, finds evidence of the smuggling operation.
O Corsário Sem Pátria
British Major
Em 1812, durante a luta contra a invasão inglesa, o general americano Andrew Jackson conta com um punhado de caçadores e homens destreinados para defender a cidade de New Orleans, quando é informado que a frota britânica está chegando, com sessenta navios e milhares de homens para tomarem a cidade. Diante disso, uma ilha perto da cidade se torna estrategicamente importante para os dois exércitos, porém ela é habitada por Jean Lafitte, o mais impiedoso e temido corsário dos mares. Embora nunca tenha atacado um navio americano, o governador da cidade o detesta, pois Lafitte vende suas mercadorias sem pagar impostos e por isso, é adorado pelos cidadãos. Mas, quando o grande combate se aproxima, Lafitte se vê preso entre os dois exércitos. Seu coração pertence aos Estados Unidos, mas seus homens querem lutar ao lado dos ingleses.
A Mulher do Século
Acacius Page
Mame Dennis, a progressive and independent woman of the 1920s, is left to care for her nephew Patrick after his wealthy father dies. Conflict ensues when the executor of the father's estate objects to the aunt's lifestyle and tries to force her to send Patrick to prep school.
No Mundo dos Monstros Pré-Históricos
Dr. Carl Hunter
Navy Commander Alan Roberts is assigned to lead an expedition to Little America in Antarctica to investigate reports of a mysterious warm water inland lake discovered a decade earlier. His helicopter and its small party, including reporter Maggie Hathaway, is forced down into a volcanic crater by a fierce storm. They find themselves trapped in a lush tropical environment that has survived from prehistoric times.
Omar Khayyam
Omar Khayyam was one of the greatest Persian poets. He was also a brilliant mathematician. Though his quatrains were written in the 11th century, they are still popular the world over. The details of his life are unknown, so this movie invents a biography for him and includes in it his real achievements - the invention of a new calendar and the penning of those epigrammatic poems. This film has him romancing a sultan's bride and foiling the assassin sect's plot to kill the sultan's son.
Sangue de Valentes / A Morte de Jesse James
Jesse James
An imprisoned gunfighter must scatter to elude the authorities. Outlaws Bob Ford (Robert Vaughn) and Vic Rodell (Stephen McNally) are nabbed, but the governor offers them amnesty in exchange for their help in bringing Jesse and his brother Frank (Douglas Kennedy) to justice. Peggie Castle and Barton MacLane also star in this tale of the Old West's most famous traitor.
Os Dez Mandamentos
Commander of the Hosts
A épica vida de Moisés, desde recém-nascido, quando foi colocado nas águas em um cesto e acabou sendo adotado por uma princesa egípcia, até quando descobre sua real condição e decide liderar seu povo que, escravizado pelos egípcios, anseia pela liberdade.
American arms dealer Kennedy hopes to make a killing by selling to the "regulares" in the 1916 Mexican revolution. American mercenary Wilson favors the rebel faction headed by Escobar, and they plot to hijack Kennedy's arms; but Wilson also has his eye on Kennedy's wife. Raids, counter-raids, and escapes follow in a veritable hail of bullets.
Rastros de Ódio
Chief Cicatrice (Scar)
O veterano da Guerra Civil Ethan Edwards chega ao Texas em 1868 e encontra o seu irmão e a família dele. No dia seguinte, Comanches invadem o rancho, matam o seu irmão e Martha, a esposa dele, e raptam as duas filhas do casal. Ethan parte então em uma busca vingativa junto com o companheiro Martin, um mestiço que logo percebe que Ethan está obcecado por matar os índios. Ao encontrarem o corpo da mais velha, saem em busca da caçula, por quem procuram mais 5 anos no deserto.
Black Cloud
Common efforts of the U.S. government and the Comanche nation to negotiate a peace treaty are sabotaged by renegade Indians and by the short-sighted Indian Commissioner.
Manhunt in Space
Rinkman, space pirate leader
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger fights space pirates over an invisible spaceship.
Vera Cruz
Capt. Danette
Cooper e Lancaster interpretam Benjamin Trane e Joe Erin, dois perigosos mercenários que viajam ao México em busca de aventura - e dinheiro - durante a Guerra Civil de 1866. Mas eles conseguem mais do que haviam negociado quando foram contratados pela bela e rica Condessa Duvarre (Denise Darcel) para escoltá-la e a uma fortuna em ouro até as forças militares do Imperador Maximiliano em Vera Cruz. O caminho é cheio de perigos, traição e assassinato... e quando Bem é apanhado pelo fervor dos revolucionários, ele e Joe vêem-se em confronto com o Exército Mexicano - e um com o outro!
A Grande Noite de Casanova
Capt. Rugello
Italy 1757, Pippo Popolino, a lowly tailor, disguises himself as the great Casanova in order to romance the attractive widow Francesca. He little suspects what awaits him... Locked into the incongruous role by the desperation of the real Casanova's creditors, Pippo must journey to Venice on a delicate mission far beyond his capabilities.
Cabeça de Pau
Second Trenchcoat Man
O Ventríloquo Jerry Morgan vê um outro caso de amor falhar. O motivo: quando o relacionamento chega ao ponto em que é hora de falar sobre o matrimônio, seu boneco Clarence torna-se desprezível e ciumento. Sua noiva Audrey o abandona e Jerry quebra seus dois bonecos, Clarence e Terrence. O fabricante dos bonecos de Morgan é o Sr. Papinek que é membro de uma rede de espionagem que roubou planos secretos para a produção do avião secreto Lafayette. Como Morgan está indo para Zurique, na mesma noite, Papinek decide usar os bonecos de Morgan como correio e esconde os planos secretos nas cabeças dos bonecos. Outra rede de espionagem secreta também quer ter em suas mãos a bagagem de Jerry e eles "também" o perseguem. Além destas duas organizações Jerry também é perseguido pela polícia, que suspeita que ele cometeu um assassinato. O Cômico Nº 1 da Canção e da Dança em seu melhor!
A Última Avançada
A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
Guerra dos Mundos
Cop at Crash Site
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
Sofrendo da Bola
Mr. Preen
Embora fosse filho de um hábil jogador, Harvey Miller (Jerry Lewis) sempre se sentiu muito nervoso em competir. Por isso ele preferiu se tornar técnico e caddy de Joe Anthony (Dean Martin), que precisa convencer o pai pescador que bater numa bola e encaçapá-la no buraco pode ser mais lucrativo. Mas quando os dois estão disputando o torneio, suas habilidades cômicas tão naturais chamam a atenção de um empresário. É meio caminho andado para o nascimento de dois astros.
Tarzan and the She-Devil
M'Tara, Lycopo Chief
The king of the jungle fights off ivory poachers.
As Aventuras de Buffalo Bill
Joe Cooper
Cowboys lutam contra os proprietários de uma estação de coches e contra um grupo de índios para estabelecer uma rota de correio expresso, em 1860.
Corsário dos Sete Mares
Captain Goiti
O pirata Barbarossa, liberta um grupo de prisioneiros espanhóis e os transforma em sua tripulação. Em um novo ataque, ele faz refém a condessa Alida.
Morrendo de Medo
O cantor Larry Todd (Dean Martin) termina um romance com uma bela corista após descobrir que ela é namorada de um gangster. Ao fugir, ele acredita ter matado um dos mafiosos e é ajudado pela herdeira Mary Carol (Lizabeth Scott) e o parceiro Myron (Jerry Lewis). Eles fogem para uma ilha assombrada que Mary herdou e tentam encontrar um tesouro perdido, mas acabam encontrando várias assombrações.
Planet Outlaws
Capt. Lasca
A 20th Century pilot named Buck Rogers and his young friend Buddy Wade awake from 500 years in suspended animation to find that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Feature version of the film serial Buck Rogers by Universal Pictures, 1940.
Hurricane Smith
South Sea freebooters fight for hidden treasure and the love of the beautiful Luana.
Wagons West
Clay Cook
Travelers heading west in a wagon train, under repeated assault by Indians, discover someone in their group is supplying rifles to their attackers.
Anjo Escarlate
After robbing a sea captain in New Orleans, a beautiful saloon girl flees and assumes a dead woman's identity.
Harem Girl
Hassan Ali
The palace secretary to a princess foils a sheik's plot to grab royal oil.
Paixão de Beduíno
Uma princesa das mil e uma noites e um chefe beduíno lutam pela posse de um garanhão, mas se unem para se opor a um inimigo comum.
A Princesa e os Bárbaros
Juchi, son of Genghis Khan
The Princess of Samarkand and an English knight confront the armies of Genghis Khan.
Estouro da Manada
Jim Currie
O jovem filho mimado de um rico proprietário de ferrovia consegue se perder no meio do nada. Ele é encontrado por um cowboy que está conduzindo uma boiada e o rapaz deve começar a aprender as difíceis lições de trabalhar em equipe, se quiser chegar a San Diego.
Hill Number One: A Story of Faith and Inspiration
The story of the Crucifixion, set within the context of the Korean War.
The Fighting O'Flynn
Lt. Corpe
A swashbuckling Irishman opposes French agents during the Napoleonic wars.
Tarzan's Magic Fountain
An expedition tries to enlist Tarzan's help in finding the secret Blue Valley, which legend says is the location of a miraculous fountain of youth.
No Rastro da Bruxa Vermelha
O Capitão Ralls luta contra o magnata holandês Mayrant Sidneye pela mulher que ele ama, Angelique Desaix, e por uma fortuna em ouro a bordo do Red Witch. Durante a década de 1860 no Pacífico Sul, o Capitão Ralls, capitão da Feiticeira Vermelha, tem uma série de aventuras envolvendo barras de ouro afundadas, pérolas, nativos, um dono de navio inescrupuloso e um polvo gigante.
Joana D'Arc
Giles de Rais, Captain
No século XV, a França é uma nação derrotada e arruinada após a Guerra dos Cem Anos contra a Inglaterra. A menina de fazenda de 14 anos de idade Joana D'Arc afirma ouvir vozes do Céu pedindo-lhe para levar Exército de Deus contra Orleans e coroando o fraco Delfim Charles VII como Rei da França. Joana arregimenta as pessoas com a sua fé, forma um exército e conquista Orleans. Quando seu exército está pronto para atacar Paris, o corrupto Charles vende seu país para a Inglaterra e dissolve o exército. Joana é presa, vendida ao Burgundians Ingleses e submetida a um julgamento político vergonhoso no castelo de Rouen.
O Valente Treme-Treme
Wapato (medicine man)
Calamity Jane, uma famosa pistoleira, é libertada da prisão por seus comparsas. Levada à presença do Governador Johnson e do Comissário, eles lhe contam que a sua fuga foi planejada, de forma que todos pensassem que ela teria sido executada pelos colegas. É proposta a ela seu perdão, em troca de Jane ajud-a-los a prender uma quadrilha que contrabandeia armas para os indígenas.
The Scar
Big Boy (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Old Los Angeles
Larry Stockton
Also known as California Outpost, Old Los Angeles stars Bill Elliot in one of his expanded-budget Republic "specials." The film is set during the early statehood days of California, with Elliot keeping the peace and warding off plunderers and marauders. As always, Elliot is a "peaceable man"--until he beats the tar out of those who rile him. The problem with Elliot's more expensive Republic vehicles is that action invariably took a back seat to plot, romance, costumes and decor. Within a year of Old Los Angeles, Elliot started a more austere, less prettified and far superior western series.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Dr. Fu Manchu
Feature version of the 1940 Republic serial, about Fu Manchu's attempt to conquer Asia.
Major Ruck
Depois de dois anos sob o domínio alemão, uma pequena vila de pescadores noruegueses se levanta e se revolta contra os nazistas que a ocupam.
Night in New Orleans
Croupier (Uncredited)
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
The Corsican Brothers
Marquis de Raveneau (Uncredited)
Cultured Mario and outlaw Lucien, twins separated at birth, join forces to avenge their parents' death at the hands of evil Colonna. Because each feels all the same sensations experienced by the other, swordplay is difficult for them. Worse yet, raised very differently, they struggle to find common ground between their conflicting personalities. But to defeat their enemy, the two will have to overcome the obstacles and work as a team.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Ted Carver
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.
Hurricane Smith
Sam Carson
Rodeo rider Hurricane Smith is wrongly convicted of murder and robbery, but escapes and creates a new life, but one of the real criminals shows up to claim the loot which he believes Smith has.
A Voz da Liberdade
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
Ghost Treasure
Mariano Arguello (uncredited)
This short film presents three legends of hidden gold in California's Death Valley.
The Son of Monte Cristo
Lt. Schultz
Rightful owner of the kingdom, the Duchess of Zona, is engaged in a power struggle with the evil General Gurko. Edmond, the son of Monte Cristo, dons many disguises to come to the aid of the Duchess.
Dark Streets of Cairo
A rapid series of murders occurs when a professor disrupts a tranquil Egyptian tomb by removing some precious jewels.
O Filho do Delegado
Tom Blackton
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
Condenado à Morte
Attorney Victor Martin
Shipping magnate Cyrus Wentworth, downcast over a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle' (carrying, oddly enough, an illicit shipment of Chinese bonds) is shot in his office at the very moment of kicking out his daughter's fiance Dick Fleming. Of course, Captain Street arrests Dick, but reporter Bobbie Logan, the attractive thorn in Street's side, is so convinced he's wrong that she enlists the help of detective James Lee Wong to find the real killer.
The Ranger and the Lady
Augustus Larue
While Sam Houston in in the nation's capital trying to get Texas into the Union, his aide is trying to impose a self-serving tax on the use of the Santa Fe trail. The lady owner of a wagon train is using the trail, and a Texas Ranger comes to her assistance.
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Ski Patrol
Jan Sikorsky
In 1939, a group of Finnish soldiers defend the border from Russian invaders.
Half a Sinner
Handsome - Red's Sidekick
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Dr. Fu Man Chu
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
The Marshal Of Mesa City
Duke Allison
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
Nurse Edith Cavell
Lt. Schultz
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Carlson - Crewman
American Steve Kendall, a freighter's radio officer, discovers seaman Carlson sending an unauthorized message ashore as the ship approaches his war-poised homeland. Carlson is shot in cold blood when he jumps ship and Kendall, implicated in the espionage, swims ashore to avoid arrest. A woman he meets at the dock hides him in her apartment, where he learns Carlson was her brother, and they both work in a sabotage ring. Nedra is a singer at Tio's Cafe, and she approaches Tio for help when both the saboteurs and the secret police try to capture Steve.
Beau Geste
Renouf, another deserter
Michael "Beau" Geste deixa a Inglaterra depois de acontecimentos que o deixaram frustrado, e se junta a infame Legião Estrangeira Francesa. Lá, ele se reúne com seus dois irmãos no norte da África, onde enfrentam mais perigo com seu comandante sádico do que com os árabes rebeldes.
Buck Rogers
Capt. Laska
Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Piratas das Nuvens
Cafe waitress Barbara Whitney refuses to acknowledge her marriage to Air Policeman Nick Conlon until he upgrades his career. He does so by infiltrating a hi-jacking gang, posing as passengers, that robs airplanes carrying valuable items and money, and parachuting their escape from the scene of the crime.
Se Eu Fora Rei
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
I Met My Love Again
In Vermont, college student Ives Towner refuses to marry his longtime girlfriend, Julie Weir, until he has a career. Soon after, Julie meets and grows infatuated with handsome writer Michael Shaw, and they marry and move to Paris. Years later, after Michael's accidental death, Julie and her daughter move back to Vermont to live with her aunt and Julie finds Ives, now a professor, disinterested in resuming their romantic relationship.
Uma Nação Em Marcha
A história sobre o desenvolvimento das comunicações entre os Estados Unidos, durante sua rápida expansão no século XIX. A história narra a vida de Ramsey McCay (Joel McCrea), empregado da recém criada associação entre Henry Wells e William Fargo, e de como graças a sua dedicação, a Wells-Fargo chega a converter-se em uma grande empresa de correios e transporte de mercadorias para o Oeste, presente nos maiores acontecimentos de época.
Island Captives
Dick Bannister
A murdered businessman's daughter is shipwrecked on a jungle island with the son of the man who killed her father. Both are threatened by a smuggling ring that uses the island as its headquarters.
West Bound Limited
Joe Forbes
Talbot works as a dispatcher at a small rural railway station. One rainy night, shortly after a company payroll has arrived at the station, a masked criminal arrives to steal it. Talbot intercepts the villain's plan and a struggle ensues. He manages to fight off the masked man and save the payroll. But during the fight he is away from his station and misses a call to change the tracks for an oncoming train. This causes a terrible train crash resulting in many lost lives.
Carnival in Paris
In this short, the janitor of a Paris museum's Egyptology department agrees to help a girl hide from the police.
I Promise to Pay
Henchman Funnyface
A man goes to a loan shark to finance his family's vacation.
Secret Agent X-9
A secret agent goes after the gang that stole the crown jewels of a European monarchy.
Legião Negra
Joe Dombrowski
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
Jungle Jim
The Cobra
Two safaris enter the African jungle intent on finding a white girl who is the heiress to a fortune. One safari, led by Jungle Jim, wants to make sure she gets the news that she is now a rich woman. The leaders of the other safari want to kill the girl so they can try to get hold of her inheritance.
Killer at Large
Mr. Zero
A master of disguise poses as a wax figure to rob a safe of its jewels.
O Jardim de Allah
The star-crossed desert romance of a cloistered woman and a renegade monk.
Olhos Castanhos
Don Butler
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
A Filha do Bosque Maldito
Wade Falin (as Henry Kleinbach)
Duas famílias desavindas do Kentucky reconciliam-se depois de um drama atroz, graças à mediação desinteressada de um forasteiro.
The Preview Murder Mystery
The Bat Man (Uncredited)
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Era Uma Vez Dois Valentes
Silas Barnaby
Trata-se da primeira adaptação para as telas da aopereta composta por Victor Herbert e Glen MacDonough em 1903. Esta comédia musical em ritmo de conto de fadas conta a história do malvado Silas Barnaby, que ameaça despejar a viúva Peep caso sua filha Little Bo-Peep não aceite casar-se com ela. A moça é apaixonada por Tom-Tom Piper e oede ajuda a Stannie Dum e Ollie Dee para derrotar o vilão. A dupla tenta pegar dinheiro emprestado para pagar a hipoteca da viúva Peep, mas acabam optando por um plano mais ousado, fazendo Barnaby casar-se com Stannie! O enfurecido vilão então ameaça destruir a Terra dos Brinquedos.
O Sinal da Cruz
Colosseum Spectator (uncredited)
After burning Rome, Emperor Nero decides to blame the Christians, and issues the edict that they are all to be caught and sent to the arena. Two old Christians are caught, and about to be hauled off, when Marcus, the highest military official in Rome, comes upon them. When he sees their stepdaughter Mercia, he instantly falls in love with her and frees them. Marcus pursues Mercia, which gets him into trouble with Emperor (for being easy on Christians) and with the Empress, who loves him and is jealous.