Vicent Price, o mestre dos filmes de terror, faz sua aparição neste filme de western como o proprietário de uma mina de ouro, que ao lado de sua neta, tenta proteger sua fortuna de ladrões. Diana Ivarson, além de bonita, é Expert no manejo de armas. Robert Gunner interpreta o chefe dos ladrões, que ao se apaixonar por Diana, se junta ao avô e a neta para lutar contra seus antigos comparsas em defesa da mina de ouro.
South African secret agents attempt to save confidential microfilm before it falls into the hands of Communists. A color remake of the Sam Fuller film, Pickup on South Street.
After a jeweler is shot dead, Michael Gray is taken into custody. He is defended by the experienced Anton Rossouw.
The sky lights up and the desert comes alive on this desperate search for hidden millions.
In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a grand bluff...