Chris Cinnamon


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Second Assistant Director
George e sua esposa Margaret perdem o filho, e deixam seu rancho em Montana para resgatar o neto das garras de uma família perigosa que vive em Dakota, chefiada pela matriarca Blanche Weboy. Quando descobrem que os Weboys não têm intenção de deixar a criança ir embora, George e Margaret não têm escolha a não ser lutar pela família.
The Sound of Willie Nelson's Guitar
Two people from different parts of the world find themselves facing their own mortality in war torn Bosnia. Separated by language, it's the sound of Willie Nelson's guitar that connects them in a way that will forever change their lives.
The Sound of Willie Nelson's Guitar
Two people from different parts of the world find themselves facing their own mortality in war torn Bosnia. Separated by language, it's the sound of Willie Nelson's guitar that connects them in a way that will forever change their lives.
The Sound of Willie Nelson's Guitar
Two people from different parts of the world find themselves facing their own mortality in war torn Bosnia. Separated by language, it's the sound of Willie Nelson's guitar that connects them in a way that will forever change their lives.