Assistant Editor
As Jack begins his gender transition process, Brazil is plunged into a wave of extreme conservatism. The film follows the transformations in his life and in the country, crossed by an extreme right-wing government and a devastating pandemic. Through an intimate account of the daily life of Jack and his friends, we see a network of affection and solidarity flourishing in the midst of an adverse context.
Visual Effects
As Jack begins his gender transition process, Brazil is plunged into a wave of extreme conservatism. The film follows the transformations in his life and in the country, crossed by an extreme right-wing government and a devastating pandemic. Through an intimate account of the daily life of Jack and his friends, we see a network of affection and solidarity flourishing in the midst of an adverse context.
Sound Mixer
As Jack begins his gender transition process, Brazil is plunged into a wave of extreme conservatism. The film follows the transformations in his life and in the country, crossed by an extreme right-wing government and a devastating pandemic. Through an intimate account of the daily life of Jack and his friends, we see a network of affection and solidarity flourishing in the midst of an adverse context.
Sound Designer
As Jack begins his gender transition process, Brazil is plunged into a wave of extreme conservatism. The film follows the transformations in his life and in the country, crossed by an extreme right-wing government and a devastating pandemic. Through an intimate account of the daily life of Jack and his friends, we see a network of affection and solidarity flourishing in the midst of an adverse context.
Sound Editor
O que pode o cinema pelo Brasil? Estudantes de cinema buscam o propósito de se produzir documentários, questionando o poder das imagens na construção de um imaginário nacional, a dialética entre representação e realidade, e a ética detrás de imagens difundidas amplamente pelas redes. O objeto dessa pesquisa são as representações de manifestações de rua no país.