Don Day


Production Design
After a mysterious atmospheric event, a small group of people wake up to realize that their entire lives have been a lie. They are in fact aliens disguised as humans. Now they have to make a choice. Live amongst men, or try to find a way back home.
Graves End
Art Direction
When society turns their back on reformed felons, the town of Graves End welcomes them but when the ex-cons disappear, FBI agent Paul Rickman comes looking for them and discovers more than he expected.
Dead & Breakfast
Production Design
Adivinhe Quem Vem Para Morrer conta a trajetória estranha de seis jovens que estão a caminho de um casamento numa cidade distante. No meio do caminho, eles decidem pernoitar em uma pensão numa pequena cidade. O que eles não esperavam é que fossem acusados pelas autoridades locais de serem os principais suspeitos do assassinato do dono e do cozinheiro da pensão. O caso se torna ainda mais complicado depois que os habitantes do lugar são possuídos por espíritos malignos e aprisionam os visitantes na pensão. Agora, contando com uma motosserra enferrujada, uma lata de gasolina e meia caixa de cartuchos eles precisaram lutar para sobreviver.
No Lugar e Na Hora Errada
Production Design
After a martini-induced rampage, a fantasy-prone young woman is placed under house arrest.
The Demon Within
Production Design
A young artist follows her passion to study at one of the finest art institutes in San Francisco.
The Killing Jar
Production Designer
Michael Sanford and his wife move to his old town so he can take over the family business. However, gruesome murders of children start to happen. Meanwhile, Michael starts to become slowly insane, after he may have witnessed one of the murders and reports it to the police. Is he the murderer, or is it something of his past?
Production Designer
Override is a 1994 American science fiction short film. It was the directorial debut of Danny Glover and starred Lou Diamond Phillips and Emily Lloyd. It is based on the Nebula- and Hugo-nominated short story, Over the Long Haul, by Martha Soukup.
Fotos da Morte
Production Design
Robert Patrick interpreta o fotógrafo que flagra uma cantora de rock em sua intimidade. Ela aparece morta e ele se torna o principal suspeito. Assim que volta ao estúdio e amplia as fotos, no entanto, ele descobre detalhes surpreendentes que podem salvá-lo
Production Design
Alex Manning and her friends decide to visit the local video arcade known as "Dante's Inferno" where a new virtual reality arcade game called "Arcade" is being test marketed by a computer company CEO. However, it soon becomes clear that the teenagers who lose are being imprisoned inside the virtual reality world by the central villain "Arcade" and takes over their minds.
Midnight Kiss
Production Design
A modern vampire is killing people and sucking blood in the city. The police can't stop him, because of his wits and strength. One night, fighting with a police woman, the vampire bites her, but instead of becoming a new mistress for him, this woman becomes a super vampi-cop...
Delta Heat
Production Design
An L.A. cop investigates the death of his partner in the swamps of Louisiana. Enlisting the help of an ex-cop who lost his hand to an alligator many years before.
Dollman: 33 cm de Altura... e Atira!
Production Design
Brick Bardo, policial durão do planeta Arturus aporta na Terra acidentalmente, no momento exato em que uma mulher está para ser assassinada. Apesar de ter apenas 33 centímetros, ele porta uma arma letal e compra briga com os traficantes do Bronx ao se intrometer nos negócios escusos dos criminosos.
O Vento do Demônio
Production Design
The strange and brutal deaths of Cory’s grandparents has haunted him for years. Determined to discover the truth, he has returned to the desolate region where they lived, along with a group of friends, to try and uncover the mystery. Ignoring warnings from the locals that the area is cursed, Cory and his friends soon realize that the legend is true, as the Demon Wind, possesses and destroys them, one by one, turning them into monsters from hell.
Lambada, A Dança Proibida
Production Design
No início da década de 1990, as florestas tropicais brasileiras estão sob a ameaça de uma grande multinacional americana. Buscando uma solução, a princesa Nisa (Laura Harring) viaja com o xamã Joa (Sid Haig) para Los Angeles, a fim de encontrar um modo de salvar a fauna e flora do local. Mas os planos não dão muito certo: Joa é preso e Nisa deve encontrar, sozinha, a solução para impedir a destruição da floresta. A salvação vem quando ela encontra um jovem que dançarino, e juntos resolvem participar de uma competição de lambada promovida por uma emissora de TV.
Production Design
After someone is killed in the subterranean project called "Shadowzone," a NASA captain is called in to investigate. In the project, sleeping subjects are induced into a deep EDS state whereby they become portals to a parallel universe. Unfortunately this causes adverse reactions in the subject, and something gets through the portal, the consequence of which is an attrition problem.
C.H.U.D. 2
Art Direction
Um grupo de adolescentes encontra um cadáver e rouba sem saber que se trata de um perigoso canibal que vai além dos anseios da destruição humana ao comer pessoas.
Hide And Go Shriek
Art Direction
A group of teenagers spend the night in a furniture shop for a graduation party. When one of them talks her boyfriend into a game of hide-and-seek, a psycho killer starts hunting them down one by one.
Frankenstein General Hospital
Production Design
A mad doctor puts together a new body by using body parts he steals from a mortuary at the hospital where he works.