José Luis Celeiro Rodríguez


Mburucuyá: Portraits of Nature
Posthumous film by Jorge Acha, whose narrative axis focuses on the journey undertaken by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimée Bonpland along with three indigenous people in the Orinoco basin and which will be told in the book by the German botanist entitled Viaje a los equinocciales del Ecuador.
Does someone remember that project of López Rega’s which, in 1975, thought up the construction of a Great Homeland Altar where all mythical figures of Argentine history could be in the same building? From San Martín to Perón on his pinto horse. From the Billiken stamps of our childhood to Libertad Leblanc’s tits of our teenage years. All clichés of Argentine-ness gathered under one roof. But the construction delays. Workers entertain themselves with their own masturbatory drives. Or is it that Argentina is an impossibie construction? Always about to begin. always displaying great projects, great plans that never come to fruition. A second-rate country that hides its fundamental vacuity behind monuments. in Acha’s cinema, second-rateness is exposed, shown in all its lying pomposity.
Habeas Corpus
Experimental short film that shows four days in the life of a man clandestinely kept in captivity. The images of his naked body alternate with those of a happy moment on a beach and with those of his captor, who spends his time looking at bodybuilding magazines.