Russ Brandt


Big Monster on Campus
Director of Photography
A student receives a serial killer's brain in a transplant after being thrown into a pool with no water in it
The Haunting of Hell House
A mysterious, morbid professor who has suffered a number of horrid events in his life tries to help a young troubled man, whose girl friend was killed during an illegal abortion.
Falling Sky
Director of Photography
Pulling up stakes for a fresh start in Las Vegas, aspiring singer Reese (Karen Allen) and daughter Emily (Brittany Murphy) are looking forward to the future with optimism. But mom's problem drinking and her struggles to pay the bills threaten the pair's plans for a better life. Frequently cast in the role of mothering her own mother, teenage Emily must learn to hold on to hope in this poignant coming-of-age drama.
Falling Sky
Pulling up stakes for a fresh start in Las Vegas, aspiring singer Reese (Karen Allen) and daughter Emily (Brittany Murphy) are looking forward to the future with optimism. But mom's problem drinking and her struggles to pay the bills threaten the pair's plans for a better life. Frequently cast in the role of mothering her own mother, teenage Emily must learn to hold on to hope in this poignant coming-of-age drama.
Knocking on Death's Door
Second Unit Director of Photography
In a New England village, two newlywed students of the paranormal enter Hillside House to document the activities of a legion of ghosts. They uncover a murderous history that leads them into the clutches of a mysterious doctor.
Karen --a beautiful, ambitious, ruthless, senior executive-- is determined to take over this merger at any cost.
Vizinhança do Barulho
Director of Photography
Ashtray agora é um homem e está de volta ao violento bairro de Los Angeles, onde cresceu, para morar com o pai, que por alguma misteriosa razão tem quase a mesma idade do filho. Lá reencontra personagens igualmente incomuns, como o primo que se intitula O Maior Pesadelo da América e o animado Crazy Legs, que mesmo preso a uma cadeira de rodas sonha tornar-se bailarino. E ainda por cima se enrola com Daishiki, uma jovem bastante disposta a ensinar-lhe tudo o que sabe em matéria de amor, enquanto na rua os tiroteios fazem uma confusa mãe chorar pelo defunto errado..
Excessive Force II: Force on Force
Director of Photography
Stacie Randall plays Harley, a Special Forces agent-turned-investigator, who arrives on the scene of an apparent mob hit to help the local police. In actuality, she's hunting down Francis Lydell, her former C.O. and lover, who shot her in the head when she turned down his offer to become part of the freelance assassination squad he was forming. Ignoring the need for surgery to remove the bullet fragment which still causes her to have occasional bouts of disorientation, she continues her quest to bring down Lydell before he has the chance to kill a Mafia informant being held at the police station. Written by Chris Holland
Dream A Little Dream 2
Director of Photography
Dinger and Bobby's adventure start when a pair of magical sunglasses arrive at the door. Their mundane lives in L.A. get a crazy twist-but soon enough, they've got thugs on their trail who want the valuable pair for themselves. Under hot pursuit, it's one crazy antic after another as the troublesome twosome scramble to keep their hot commodity out of the wrong hands.
Director of Photography
A antologia de H.P. Lovecraft é dividida em quatro segmentos: "A Biblioteca", que é o segmento abrangente que envolve a pesquisa de Lovecraft sobre o Livro dos Mortos. Os segmentos seguintes são "Os Afogados", "O Frio" e "Sussurros".
Warlock 2: O Armageddon
Second Unit Director of Photography
O anjo Warlock, filho de Satã, vêm para a Terra à procura de seis pedras mágicas, que juntas, criam o Armageddon. A única força capaz de abrir as portas do inferno. Mas ele não está só. Em seu caminho há dois jovens, os últimos representantes dos sacerdotes Druidas, povo com poderes sobrenaturais.
Colheita Maldita 2: O Sacrifício Final
A população de Hemingford decide adotar as crianças sobreviventes de Gatlin, tentando ajudar as crianças a começarem novas vidas. Infelizmente para os bem-intencionados da cidade, as crianças vão para o milharal onde um dos membros do grupo de culto, Micah, foi possuído por um demônio enviado por Aquele Que Anda por Detrás das Fileiras, a entidade adorada pelo culto. No curso de uma semana, as crianças matam todos na cidade.
Body Moves
Director of Photography
Two rival dancers from disparate cultures battle it out under the mirrored ball in this low-budget feature.