David Korn-Brzoza
David Korn-Brzoza is a French documentary filmmaker.
In 1942, more than 8,000 Jews were arrested on 16 and 17 July and sent to the Vélodrome d'Hiver sports center in the 15th district, a stone's throw from the Eiffel Tower, before being deported. The expression "Vel d'Hiv round-up" has become part of our collective memory, to the point of becoming the main memorial reference point for France during the dark years. Based on research carried out in unpublished or rarely explored archives, this film retraces the history of this roundup as experienced by hunted Jews and police trackers, from its planning in the Vichy offices to its hour-by-hour unfolding in the streets of Paris.
Hawaii, Pacific Ocean. In this heavenly place, one of the most memorable battles of the Second World War took place 80 years ago. On December 7, 1941, at 7:53 am, a Japanese air squadron struck the American fleet which anchored in the waters of Pearl Harbor. The United States were struck at the heart of their defensive system and entered the conflict the very next day. How Pearl Harbor changed the face of World War II and therefore the face of the world? What are the diplomatic undersides of Pearl Harbor? Was the attack really a surprise attack? Is it really a Japanese victory?
In 1935, German scientists dug for bones; in 1943, they murdered to get them. How the German scientific community supported Nazism, distorted history to legitimize a hideous system and was an accomplice to its unspeakable crimes. The story of the Ahnenerbe, a sinister organization created to rewrite the obscure origins of a nation.
In 1935, German scientists dug for bones; in 1943, they murdered to get them. How the German scientific community supported Nazism, distorted history to legitimize a hideous system and was an accomplice to its unspeakable crimes. The story of the Ahnenerbe, a sinister organization created to rewrite the obscure origins of a nation.
Germany surrenders, but the war isn't over for the millions of displaced people across Europe.
Germany surrenders, but the war isn't over for the millions of displaced people across Europe.
Winston Churchill, one of the most revered men of the twentieth century. Adolf Hitler, one of the most hated leaders in contemporary history. Between 1940 and 1945, these two enormously contradictory personalities faced each other in both politics and war. A clash of giants whose story begins in the trenches of the World War I and ends with the debacle of the World War II.
Winston Churchill, one of the most revered men of the twentieth century. Adolf Hitler, one of the most hated leaders in contemporary history. Between 1940 and 1945, these two enormously contradictory personalities faced each other in both politics and war. A clash of giants whose story begins in the trenches of the World War I and ends with the debacle of the World War II.
Nos cinco anos que separaram o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial do começo da Guerra Fria, o mundo torcia por uma paz duradoura, mas em vez disso, se encontrava à beira do apocalipse. Cinco anos de caos e esperança para as pessoas de uma Europa despedaçada, que se tornaram peões nos jogos das grandes potências. 8 de maio de 1945 : uma guerra terrível finalmente termina nas ruínas do Reich. O povo celebrou a vitória. Foram tempos de júbilo. Mas a celebração durou pouco mais de alguns dias. A derrota da Alemanha Nazista não significou um futuro iluminado virando a esquina. Uma Europa despedaçada teve de se reconstruir, curar suas feridas e lidar com a queda de um conflito interminável e bárbaro, enquanto esboçava os traços de seu futuro.
Nos cinco anos que separaram o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial do começo da Guerra Fria, o mundo torcia por uma paz duradoura, mas em vez disso, se encontrava à beira do apocalipse. Cinco anos de caos e esperança para as pessoas de uma Europa despedaçada, que se tornaram peões nos jogos das grandes potências. 8 de maio de 1945 : uma guerra terrível finalmente termina nas ruínas do Reich. O povo celebrou a vitória. Foram tempos de júbilo. Mas a celebração durou pouco mais de alguns dias. A derrota da Alemanha Nazista não significou um futuro iluminado virando a esquina. Uma Europa despedaçada teve de se reconstruir, curar suas feridas e lidar com a queda de um conflito interminável e bárbaro, enquanto esboçava os traços de seu futuro.
A new look at the public and private life of one of the most important statesmen in the history of Europe: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), soldier, politician, writer, painter, leader of his country in the darkest hours, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a myth, a giant of the 20th century.
A new look at the public and private life of one of the most important statesmen in the history of Europe: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), soldier, politician, writer, painter, leader of his country in the darkest hours, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a myth, a giant of the 20th century.
For many French, who fought bravely, the First World War was to be the "all wars." Yet within two decades, Europe, and France in particular, was slipping again into the barbarism and cruelty of another conflict. The dreams of peace were dashed, and a new generation thrown into chaos. What sinister sequences preceded the Second World War? Back to the tragic events throughout the chronicle of a time nourished by passions and agitation, dominated by powerful personalities.
From Washington to Saigon, Rome to Mexico, Paris to Prague, a wave of protests shook the world. 68 looks back at the looks back at the Vietnam War, the Prague Spring and the Soviet Invasion, the Paris riots, Dubcek, Che Guevara, De Gaulle, Cohn-Bendrik and more. A dive into the chaos of a turbulent year, featuring fantastic colour footage and the music of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrisson and Bob Dylan.