Liu Zhanling

Liu Zhanling


Liu Zhanling


The Journey to The West: Demon's Child
Old Man
Five hundred years ago Monkey King made a riot in the Heavenly Palace, accidentally kicking over the sky stove and causing the Heavenly Fire to fall into the world. In order to save the common people, Princess Iron Fan tried her best to suppress fire, but the Red Boy in her belly was eroded by the true fire of the samida and became a devil boy.
The Desert Dragon
At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the elder of Kunwu Pavilion in Kunlun Mountain, Huangfu Beng, felt that the demons were destroying the dragon veins and led his disciples to fight with a thousand-year-old tree demon. He did not want the tree demon to absorb the demon pearl and increase its strength. In order to save the strength and turn the situation around, Huangfu Beng uses up all his magic power to start the Flying Stream Formation and sends his eldest disciple Xuntan and his female disciple Chu Ling'er back to Panshizhen three days ago, hoping to destroy the tree demon before it gets the Xuan Yin Pearl.
Nine Gates
Funeral clothing store owner
After the strange death of the official Zheng, the main suspects in his murder turn out to be dancer Feng Ruyu and her missing brother. After examining the evidence, imperial detective Lu Xiong sets out to the Hesawa City
Uncle Nine: The Night Madness
The Salted Fish Will Turn Over
Uncle Jun
The Love of Immortal
The Mentor of Purity
The film tells that Yan Xian's master passed him a demon catcher before he died, but the demon catcher was stolen by the three cat demon. The stranger caught the "demon in the ear" inside the king. Yan Seventeen caught a rat demon who had stolen his money and treasure, and this rat demon named Rat Laibao was the real successor of the demon catcher.  
Lovely Pet Fate
Brother Kun
Zuo Jiango
Zuo Tian experienced many people and things from his ignorance to his final life perception. Zuo Tian, ​​he went through all stages of life, and then slowly grew from each stage. At the end, Zuo Tian finally understood the meaning of life, and life should not be missed.
Highly Skilled Rivals
Zi Shuchow
The Battle Between Chefs
The Knight in the White Night
During the Ming dynasty, Japan invaded China with an army equipped with guns. The union chief of the martial arts clans revealed in his deathbed that there is a rare book containing secrets that will make a person immune to gunfire. His last words sparked the clans to contend with each other to find it. Also in search of the book were the Japanese who dispatched a team of ninjas to go after the book. The imperial court also secretly intervened in this dispute. The emperor secretly dispatched a Kung fu Master and ordered him to find the book within seven days.
Zombies Are Coming
Xuan Zhenzi
The small city discovered that zombies were killing people everywhere, and Taoist Xuan Zhenzi subdued the zombies and became famous. Hao Shuai, deeply suspicious of the existence of the zombie, decided to join hands with Xiao Han to find out the truth. But the zombies really existed. The two of them were attacked by zombies and were taken by another Taoist Uncle Zhong save
Zhongkui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal
Fatty's Husband
The story of Chinese legendary anti-hero Zhong Kui, a young man endowed with mysterious powers who is forced into a battle among the realms of Heaven, Earth and Hell in the course of his attempt to save his countrymen and the woman he loves.
Inn Manager
Em um mundo atormentado por demônios que causam grande sofrimento humano, o jovem caçador de demônios Tang Sanzang deve lutar contra demônios monstruosos, bem como enfrentar uma bela mulher caçadora de demônios em seu caminho para a iluminação.