Jerry Welch


Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title
Set Decoration
A man is mistaken by foreign agents for a defecting cosmonaut and must prove his identity while evading capture.
Born Reckless
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Rider Kelly Cobb travels to county rodeos to win money so he can buy a patch of land he wants to call his own. He rescues trick rider Jackie Adams from the clutches of an amorous sports ...
Frankenstein 1970
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The baron's grandson rents the family castle to a TV crew to fund his atomic revival of the family monster.
O Drama de Uma Consciência
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Claudette Colbert plays Prudence Webb, who arrives in the wide-open town of Fort Ralston, Texas, to assume control of her late father's newspaper. Her first major print crusade is aimed at gambler Chris Mooney (Barry Sullivan), whom Prudence holds responsible for her dad's suicide. She then takes aim at a couple of crooked cattle barons (Ray Collins and Walter Sande), who'd like nothing better than to put Prudence out of the way for keeps.
O Tempo Não Apaga
Set Decoration
Um homem se reencontra com sua amiga de infância e seu marido, que acreditam conhecer a verdade sobre a morte de sua rica tia anos antes. Em 1928, a jovem herdeira Martha Ivers, envolvida em eventos fatais, não fugiu com seu amigo Sam Masterson. Anos mais tarde, Sam retorna para reencontrar Martha, o verdadeiro poder por trás da cidade de Iverstown, e ela se casou com o 'bom menino' Walter O'Neil, agora procurador do distrito. No início, Sam está mais interessado na deslocada loira Toni Marachek do que em seus amigos de infância, mas eles o atraem para uma teia complicada de tramas e objetivos cruzados.
Duelo Romântico
Set Decoration
Rich and beautiful Southern heiress Sally Warren loves horse-racing and running her horse-farm although her husband of seven years hates the four-legged mammals. Spouse Jeff Warren is a successful author, Civil War scholar, and popular lecturer on the ladies club circuit. After Jeff buys aging twelve-year old nag Albert in the mistaken belief that he's a colt and Sally purchases a desk for her husband in the naive belief that it once belonged to Jefferson Davis, it's obvious that they have few interests in common. The squabbling is complicated by Jeff's jealousy of Sally's relationship with Lance Gale, her childhood friend, neighbor, and fellow horse breeder.