Mattie Fellbaum

Mattie Fellbaum


Mattie Fellbaum


Secrets in the Marriage
Co-Executive Producer
Incriminada por assassinato por seu marido traidor, uma recém-casada deve encontrar uma maneira de se absolver de um crime que não cometeu, ao mesmo tempo em que expõe seu cônjuge antes que seja tarde demais.
Co-Executive Producer
When parents Janet and Sean leave for a much-needed weekend getaway, masked men bypass their high-tech home security system to hold their teen son hostage. Under threat of losing their son, the couple follow a series of cryptic instructions that land them at Janet's office with one final order: to kill her boss.
A Date with Deception
Co-Executive Producer
Released from prison for a crime she didn't commit, Diana tries to prove her innocence by tracking down her ex-husband, Elias, who framed her for fraud. However, she soon uncovers a much more nefarious plot that involves a mysterious disappearance.
The Ex Obsession
Co-Executive Producer
When Kim’s husband John raves about a new co-worker named Grant, she’s shocked to discover upon meeting him, that it’s her ex-boyfriend. While they try to keep their former relationship a secret, John starts to suspect an affair and accidentally kills Grant in a fit of rage. Worried they’ll be implicated in murder, Kim directs John to impersonate Grant in a desperate cover-up that spirals into obsession.
A Party to Die For
Co-Executive Producer
When an after party goes wrong, new friends Sadie and Jessica must hide a dead body. Jessica has a dirty secret to hold over Sadie. The police piece together clues that lead to Sadie, putting people in Sadie's life in danger.
Secrets at the Inn
Associate Producer
Natalie a chef in a cave town becomes the guardian of her troubled niece Sabrina. Natalie's twin, Celia has died while renovating a historic inn with her ex-husband. Sabrina moves into the inn and starts to hears strange noises.
Betrayed by My Bridesmaid
Katie and Tom are getting married. With Katie's troubled sister in rehab, her best friend steps in as bridesmaid to plan everything. But will the wedding go as planned? A Lifetime Movie Club Exclusive Premiere.
Drowning in Secrets
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Student Seduction
Annie, who in a desperate attempt to bring up her grades, joins a cheating ring and, under its influence, starts a relationship with her lacrosse coach, and a student uses blackmail to prevent her from leaving the group.
Therapy Nightmares
Associate Producer
Leah is an accomplished therapist who published a memoir about overcoming an abusive relationship. But she finds she's the subject of new threats...
Sinister Society
Co-Executive Producer
O sucesso isolou Sylvia Stafford, a ambiciosa proprietária da famosa joalheria Lush Designs. Mas, quando ela entra para uma sociedade secreta destinada a apoiar mulheres empreendedoras, sua vida organizada de repente fica fora de controle.
Twisted Little Lies
Upon discovering her boyfriend's infidelity, Brianna turns to the internet, where she meets an intriguing man named William. When she learns his true identity, she rejects him, but he refuses to let her go.
A Dangerous Defense
Abby represents her estranged sister in a murder trial. Is her sister guilty or is there a killer on the loose?
The Price of Fitting In
Executive Producer
Charlie Cunningham begs her mom, Amber, to let her switch from her small private school to a public high school, wanting to prove to her (and to herself) that she's changed since being kicked out of school last year. Growing up without any luxuries, Amber works overtime as a doctor in order to give Charlie the finer things in life. It's also her way of making up for her divorce two years ago, and she worries that Charlie blames herself for the separation. Amber is concerned Charlie will return to her old ways, falling into the wrong crowd and getting mixed up in drugs and alcohol, but she reluctantly agrees. The new school starts off well; Charlie receives good grades and praise from her teachers and joins the robotics team - until she falls in with the wrong crowd, starts abusing synthetic weed, and becomes a shell of her former self.
Hidden Family Secrets
Associate Producer
A woman determined to save her dying daughter uncovers her mother's sinister secret.
Coisas para Fazer Antes de Morrer
Brenda decide procurar Talia, a criança que deu para adoção anos atrás, assim que é diagnosticada com câncer de mama. Após conhecê-la, Talia pede que ela faça uma lista de desejos antes de morrer, o que a ajudará como escritora.
Fatal Following
Uma mãe procura por sua filha em uma pequena cidade depois de descobrir que ela se juntou a um culto. Ela é informada de que sua filha está morta, mas sabe que algo não está certo na cidade.
All for Her
Associate Producer
Devina tem tentado engravidar há sete anos, com inúmeras perdas gestacionais. Ela estava praticamente desistindo quando descobre que está grávida de novo. Mas quando surgem complicações, será um desafio para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
Danger in the Spotlight
When Martha's involved in a drunk driving accident, she becomes caretaker to the ballerina injured in the crash. But what if the accident wasn't an accident at all?
Killer Profile
Fearing her boyfriend is cheating on her, Nicole tests him with a fake social media profile she's made under the name "Heather Harris." But when a girl named Heather Harris enrolls at her school, Nicole suspects something sinister.
The Boathouse
Associate Producer
Quando uma jovem emocionalmente frágil consegue um emprego como babá de duas crianças problemáticas em uma cabana de verão remota, ela se apaixona pelo pai das crianças, enquanto se envolve no mistério de sua mãe distante – com quem, ao que parece, o jovem tem sua própria história conturbada. Conforme o verão avança, ela começa a suspeitar que a família tem uma história sombria que eles estão desesperados para manter em segredo.
Encontro Fatal
Associate Producer
Mãe solteira e recentemente divorciada, Nikki está à procura de um recomeço em uma nova cidade. Ao visitar uma boutique, conhece a proprietária, Liz, e elas imediatamente se dão muito bem.
A Chance for Christmas
Associate Producer
Social media influencer Christina Chance promotes the perfect family image. This year, she has the chance to become the face of lifestyle brand, Love Handles, on the condition that her Christmas Eve special delivers at least two million engagements. Seems easy enough except Christina’s family is far from perfect. When her Love Handles account manager, Devon, shows up and discovers Christina’s life is all smoke and mirrors, he helps Christina keep up her ruse. With a Christmas wish, Christina and Devon are given the chance to relive the day until Christina can get the views she needs to win the endorsement. As Christina and Devon work together, sparks fly, and they learn the power of family is far more important than views.
Trapped Daughter
Associate Producer
A desperate woman must save her kidnapped teenage daughter from a twisted young man who plans to sell her organs on the black market.
Madrasta Do Mal
Associate Producer
Irmãs criam um perfil de namoro para o pai, mas a mulher que ele conhece e sua suposta filha são duas vigaristas que trama para tirar vantagem de pais solteiros ricos.
Fatal Frenemies
Associate Producer
After Haley goes missing, Michelle must work quickly to find her daughter and discover the truth behind the mysterious deaths before Haley or anyone else gets hurt.
Deadly Radio Romance
Associate Producer
A radio DJ begins questioning her ex's intentions when he suddenly re-enters her life just as a mysterious stalker begins targeting her at her radio show.
An Organized Killer
Associate Producer
Grace's life begins to unravel when a woman with sinister intentions moves into her guest house.
Sintonizados no Amor
Associate Producer
Amigos de longa data, Maggie e Jack apresentam um programa de rádio local e fingem ter um relacionamento no ar e na vida real para conquistar cada vez mais ouvintes.
O Segredo da Cheerleader
Associate Producer
Olivia, filha da prefeita da cidade, descobre que está esperando um bebê. Para não manchar a reputação da mãe, ela faz de tudo para esconder a gravidez precoce, colocando em risco sua vida e a de seu filho.
Obsessão Macabra
Associate Producer
Chloe começa a trabalhar como babá na casa de uma família que tem muitos protocolos de segurança pois a mãe é assediada pelo seu ex-marido, um músico famoso. Porém, ela logo descobre que os estranhos acontecimentos relatados não são culpa do ex, mas sim da própria mulher que quer tê-lo de volta.
Canção de Inverno
Associate Producer
Durante o Natal, o amor pela música e os problemas familiares aproximam Clio e Fred. Enquanto Clio lida com a morte de seu pai e a dúvida em ter filhos, Fred procura se reunir com sua filha.
Rock N' Roll Christmas
Associate Producer
An estranged mother/daughter country music duo reunite after 10 years apart to release a Christmas single after a video of them goes viral. Now, they’re going to need a lot of forgiveness and a little Christmas magic to write a song that perfectly captures the spirit of Christmas and brings their family back together.