Frank & Ava joins the wild ride of the tempestuous relationship between icons, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner showing their multi-year love affair and subsequent marriage. In 1949, a downcast Frank, his career on the wane because of a faltering voice, a failing marriage, and a tarnished off-screen reputation falls in love with rising star, Ava, by consensus, the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. While their love was incandescent, they were hapless as a couple; often pursued by reporters such as Hedda Hopper who played them off against each other in the tabloids; casting Frank as an adulterer and Ava as a home wrecker while Frank!s wife, Nancy Barbato, refused to grant him a divorce. Once married in 1951 the tabloids then paraded their sorted affairs whenever their careers separated them. (Often it was Ava who went off to Europe or Africa to make a movie, leaving Frank behind). In the meantime, Frank, career hanging by a thread, is desperately trying to land the acting job that he ...
Don Rossi
Quando seu filho é sequestrado por um dos cartéis mais perigosos da América, Spencer, um ex-membro da máfia italiana na proteção de testemunhas, reúne seus antigos parceiros para uma épica luta de poder na fronteira mexicana.
Ed Robles
Best actress nominee Angela Rose is missing and the only lead to her over-publicized disappearance is her ex-fiancé and struggling screenwriter, Jake Hart. Searching for Angela and haunted by memories he cannot explain, Jake journeys through the Hollywood underbelly and discovers a secret connection he has with a vanished movie star, also named Angela, who disappeared thirty years ago.
The Post War II story of Manhattan born Mike Esposito, a practiced tailor of custom mens clothing; a man of dignity and honor, whose developing involvements with the Italian mob wraps him up in a world of moral dilemma and clashing values.
Jo Jo
Danny and Phil O'Donnell are chronically underachieving cousins, who are forced to run the family pub, in order to save their crazy Uncle Pete from jail and financial destitution. The boys instigate a number of hilarious schemes, from turning the pub into a strip club to a high school speakeasy, just to keep it afloat.
Public Defender
Comédia romântica que tem apelo para fazer sucesso com quem procura uma diversão leve e sem muito compromisso, daquelas que nem se sente o tempo passar. Um homem está a procura de sua alma gêmea. Depois de muito tempo tentando encontrar o amor de sua vida de uma maneira convencional, ele decide arriscar de uma forma diferente e monta uma agência de talentos para entrevistar supostas candidatas a trabalho. Nav erdade, tudo o que ele quer é achar, finalmente, a mulher ideal.Porém, nesse percurso, não faltarão bons motivos para dar risada.
Para evitar uma punição por um erro cometido no exército, o sargento Tommy Santoro aceita um acordo com o FBI e retorna às suas origens, tendo de lidar com a máfia italiana na Pensilvânia, da qual sua própria família faz parte.
Joey Vitello Sr.
Twenty-something and aimless, Joey Vitello still lives at home with his colorful Italian-American family when he is reunited with a childhood schoolmate, Mary O'Callahan. Once mocked as 'Scary Mary' this ugly duckling has blossomed into an irresistible beauty. She's returned to the old neighborhood after an intense bout with cancer. When Joey learns her cure was the result of a miracle, friendship turns to romance as she educates him on the crossroads to the Almighty. Joey challenges his family's faith with his new found revelations and chaos ensues as they all search for a miracle of their own.
Jehova's Witness
Martian Garcia announces to his parents that not only is he proud to have converted to Atheism, but he intends to tell his whole family on Christmas. His parents then disown him on the spot, and they turn to his Aunt Patrica, who turns the rest of his family against him, and she's determined to either bring him back to the fold or kill him trying.
Mr. Grummace
Ryan and Pete are 27-year old best friends in Miami, born on the same day and each searching for the perfect woman. Ryan is a rookie stockbroker living with his psychic Mom. Pete is a slick surfer dude yet to find commitment. Each meets the women of their dreams on the same day. Ryan knocks heads in an elevator with the gorgeous Jessica, passing out before getting her number. Pete falls for the insatiable Tiara, but Tiara's uncle is mob boss Vincent Bublione, charged with her protection. This high-energy romantic comedy asks to what extent will you go for true love?
Ernie the Cook
Carolina Mirabeau (Julia Stiles) é a mais velha das três irmãs criadas pela avó, a excêntrica sra. Mirabeau (Shirley MacLaine). Carolina tenta se livrar das lembranças da complicada infância, quando seu pai vivia bêbado e ela ainda costumava freqüentar bares à noite com a avó. Até que rebela-se com tudo e com todos, conseguindo assim se transformar em uma pessoa "normal" para a sociedade. Vai morar em Los Angeles, arruma um emprego em um programa de televisão e é muito amiga de seu vizinho, Albert (Alessandro Nivola). Agora tudo o que precisa é de um homem perfeito para se casar.
Sleeper Man
The story of a teenage girl who kidnaps her grandfather to keep him from being placed in a nursing home. The getaway turns into a quest to locate a son who vanished many years before.
Frankie Carbonaro
An honest cop enters the dark world of murder and corruption.
Dirk Hobson
Two brothers struggle to uncover the truth behind the mining accident that killed their father and bankrupted the town.
Cameron Ellis
Secret Service agents must retrieve the briefcase allowing the President control of America's nuclear arsenal before massive destruction ensues.
Detective Brown
Nova, a rising TV personality, after declaring that all handsome men in L.A. are gay, falls for a hunky stranger who is totally smitten with her - so she thinks. Her sexy stranger disappears without a trace. Her grief over unexplained deaths in her social circle is only made worse when we find that she is carrying the stranger's baby. The plot thickens and the anxiety is great as Nova struggles to find out who this stranger is and why he is stalking her.
Older Worker #1
Robert Clayton Dean, um advogado bem-sucedido em Washington, recebe um vídeo que mostra a ligação entre um oficial do alto escalão da Agência Nacional de Segurança a um assassinato político. A partir daí, Dean se transforma em um alvo constante para a mais perigosa e treinada equipe do governo. Utilizando todos os meios para arruinar sua carreira e conseguir o vídeo de volta, a equipe inicia uma caçada sem tréguas. Dean terá de lutar para salvar sua vida e provar sua inocência.
Actor Friend
Four small-time two-bit character actors, all close friends, are competing for same important part in the next Martin Scorsese mob film.
A 50-year-old mobster struggles to carry out his father's order to execute a rival's 9-year-old child.
Big Tony
New York, The Bronx, 1980. Two Italian boys Joey Esposito and Louie Mazerino jump to the defence of a smaller Puerto Rican boy, J.J. Lopez, when J.J. is threatened by six schoolyard bullies. The three boys soon become best friends, and they always look out for each other. However, their innocence is shattered when they witness Big Tony, the local Mob boss kill a man. The three boys vow to each other to keep it a secret. Fifteen years later, the three boys, now in their late twenties are still the best of friends and still living in The Bronx. They dream of opening their own bar. Desperate to better themselves, Joey devises a scheme to steal money from Big Tony and open their own Joint.
Detective Penn
While protecting the U.S. President, Secret Service agent Nick Sager helps him to dispose of the body of a young girl, who accidentally died during an adulterous encounter. Some time later, a few weeks before the elections, the disillusioned ex-agent is approached by his former partner. The President's former aide, and one of few people who knew about the cover-up, is found dead in mysterious circumstances.
Whichever side he chooses, someone's gonna die. Death row inmate Rudy Salazar cuts a deal he can't refuse: he'll donate his rare bone marrow to a young girl dying of leukemia. In return, his death sentence is commuted to life without parole. L.A. Detective Quin (C. Thomas Howell), the cop who brought Salazar's murderous rampage to an end, sees through Salazar's selfless facade. En route to the hospital, Salazar makes a daring escape. Now it's up to Quin and his sexy partner, Lydia, to bring Salazar to justice one more time and save the life of an innocent little girl before it's too late.
Attorney Forays
Sydnee Carpenter (Vanessa Marcil) is a devoted mother to her young son, and is now accustomed to the puzzling existence of her mysterious, non-communicative husband, Matthew (Thomas Gibson). When her husband and son are suddenly killed in a boating accident, Sydnee's comfortable existence is shattered. Although she is overwhelmed by her grief, Sydnee cannot ignore the strange pieces from her husband's past that continue to make their way into the present. Before long, she suspects that her husband has masterminded an elaborate scheme in order to abandon her and kidnap their son. Unable to convince the authorities of her wild sounding speculations, Sydnee does catch the attention of detective Jim sanders (James Wilder), who may have his own hidden agenda for getting involved with her plight.
Jasmine's Father
Micki, Tanya and Jasmine have 24 hours to get divorced. There's just one problem...They're still single. When Jasmine, Tanya and Micki decide they'd rather be divorced than unmarried, they take off to Las Vegas in search of the perfect ex. In the tangled web that follows, Micki lassos a cowboy, Tanya acquires a rich businessman, and Jasmine finds true love in the arms of a regular guy. The result is an outrageous comedy of love, marriage and misadventure. As intelligent as it is absurd, Wedding Bell Blues pokes great fun at the twists and turns of modern love, with outstanding performances from a talented young cast, including Illeana Douglas, Paulina Porizkova and Julie Warner, it is without a doubt one of the year's most hilarious movies.
Quando extraterrestres chegam à Terra e ameaçam exterminar toda a raça humana, apenas uma mão-cheia de sobreviventes, armados unicamente com tecnologia inferior, engenho e coragem, podem impedi-los.
Al the Cabby
Há 400 anos, o Fantasma protege a selva de Bengala. Ele enfrenta seu maior desafio quando precisa combater um rico empresário que quer obter as três lendárias Caveiras de Touganda que, juntas, lhe darão poder absoluto.
Lt. Al Dente
Screwball sex comedy focusing on two brothers.
Mob Boss
O policial Andre Shame acaba não resolvendo o caso do rei da droga Ernesto Mendoza, e sai do departamento de polícia arrasado. Quando um antigo parceiro da polícia lhe informa que houve uma ruptura no caso, Andre decide entrar em ação novamente para resolver o caso e limpar o seu nome.
When his star recruit botches a Major League Baseball debut, humiliated talent scout, Al Percolo gets banished to rural Mexico, where he finds a potential gold mine in the arm of young phenom Steve Nebraska. Soon, the Bronx Bombers put a $55 million contract on the table—provided a psychiatrist can affirm Nebraska's mental stability.
Howard Payne é um psicopata que está ameaçando Los Angeles com explosivos. Jack Traven é o agente que está perto de capturá-lo. Quando Payne instala bombas em um ônibus, Jack precisa evacuar os passageiros sem reduzir a velocidade do veículo para menos de 80 km por hora. Para complicar, a motorista, Annie, nunca dirigiu um ônibus antes
Sgt. Aguado
Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) é um detetive especializado em desvendar crimes envolvendo animais. Vive cercado de bichos, mas não tem muito trabalho. O desaparecimento de um golfinho, mascote da equipe de futebol americano Miami Dolphins, aparentemente seqüestrado, torna-se seu primeiro grande caso. Atrapalhado como é, Ace conduz a investigação de uma maneira bem peculiar.
A veteran trainer takes a promising fighter under his wing and lives his dreams through his protégé.
Jovem criminosa escapa da pena de morte, sendo obrigada a trabalhar para uma organização não-oficial, que a obriga a cometer diversos assassinatos. Refilmagem de Nikita: Criada para Matar (1990).
Stewart and Neil Woodman plot to have their parents murdered.
David Leader investigates a seemingly senseless murder, and in the course of it is drawn into the labyrinth of a sinisterly unique wealthy family...
Sally Molars
Jack Singer (Nicolas Cage) é um detetive que está apaixonado por sua namorada (Sarah Jessica Parker), mas por causa da sua mãe (Anne Bancroft) morre de medo de se casar. Ella porém o encosta na parede, pressionando-o para viajarem para Las Vegas para casar. No entanto, horas antes do casamento o noivo é convidado para um jogo de pôquer e perde muito dinheiro. Como não pode pagar seu oponente (James Caan), ele concorda em receber a noiva "emprestada" no fim-de-semana como pagamento.
Fresh out of prison, all Ray wants is to get back with Lacy, but she's in a stable relationship now with Elliott, a pacifist, and wants nothing to do with him. When she's kidnapped by Ray's former associates, he and Elliott must team up to save the woman they love.
Nick Lang é um ator famoso que precisa acabar com a imagem de garoto bonzinho. Ele sai de Hollywood para passar umas semanas nas ruas de Nova York com o detetive John Moss, um policial enérgico que leva seu trabalho muito a sério.
Jim Morrison, a voz e a alma da banda The Doors, um homem que marcou várias gerações e que ainda hoje nos faz interrogar se algum dia alguém o conheceu realmente. Oliver Stone, realizador pródigo em filmar polêmicas americanas, realizou em 1991 um filme sobre a ascensão da banda, terminando o filme com a morte de Jim Morrison, cuja frase do epílogo deixa a certeza das causas em aberto (dizem que Jim morreu de uma parada cardíaca). É, em seus certos exageros, a biografia de Jim Morrison e da banda The Doors, uma das mais influentes dos anos 1960. Mostra sua passagem pelo conturbado mundo do rock'n'roll, onde as drogas e o sexo reinavam.
Army Officer
Jacob (Tim Robbins) está tendo alucinações que misturam seu passado com a família e imagens da Guerra do Vietnã, onde teve cicatrizes emocionais profundas. Ele tenta descobrir junto de sua namorada Jezebel (Elizabeth Peña) e seu amigo Louis (Danny Aiello) o porquê desses delírios estão vindo à tona.
Hank Mastroangelo
A young district attorney seeking to prove a case against a corrupt police detective encounters a former lover and her new protector, a crime boss who refuses to help him.
Trial Commissioner
Depois de matar um ladrão que se recusou a largar a arma durante um roubo, Megan Turner, uma policial novata de Nova York, se transforma em uma obsessão e fantasia de um perigoso assassino em série
Chief Healy
O conflito selvagem entre dois policiais de Los Angeles. Avila investiga a violência da própria polícia e procura provas contra Peck, tira charmoso, corrupto e cínico. Peck sabe que Avila tem um ponto fraco: uma mulher insatisfeita.
Quando é libertado um velho (Sean Connery) acostumado a aplicar golpes convida o neto (Matthew Broderick), que deseja seguir seus passos, a ajuda-lo em um assalto. Mas o pai do jovem (Dustin Hoffman), um ex-assaltante, reluta em apoiar tal empreitada.
O dono de uma banca de jornais, Dave Lyons (Gene Wilder), que é surdo, dá um emprego para Wallace "Wally" Karue (Richard Pryor), que é cego. Perto da banca há um assassinato cometido por Eve (Joan Severance), uma matadora profissional, mas a vítima conseguiu se livrar de uma aparente moeda (na verdade um supercondutor de energia) misturando com outras moedas, que haviam na banca. Wally ouviu um tiro e Dave só viu as pernas de Eve, mas quando a polícia chega os dois são presos como suspeitos. Como Eve e seu cúmplice inglês, Kirgo (Kevin Spacey), não encontram na valise da vítima o material "encomendado" pelo mandante, Sutherland (Anthony Zerbe), então Eve e Kirgo se passam por advogados que querem libertar os acusados, pois têm certeza que a "moeda" está com eles. Mas Wally e Dave fogem e são perseguidos pela polícia e pelos bandidos.
Frank Santos
Ray Trueblood, member of a street gang, is framed by an enemy of a rival gang, Billy "Spider" Masters. Ray is accused of killing a cop and he has to escape leaving behind his little brother, Donny. Ten years later Ray returns to his neighborhood to take his brother with him, but things are worse than he could expect: his brother, now 18 years old, hates him and is a member of Billy Masters' gang. Furthermore, Billy Masters is looking for revenge and... the police is still after Ray for the murder of the police officer.
Mafia Eater
Spike Fumo is an Italian kid apsiring to be a boxer. He falls in love with a rich girl, who turns out to be the daughter of a Mafia boss. Spike is threatened to leave Bensonhurst by the mob, and then goes to a poverty-stricken Puerto Rican part of Brooklyn.
Tony Graselli
A skilled police detective in a case involving the strange, sadistic murder of a young prostitute who has been killed in exactly the same fashion as a young nightclub singer in Saigon during the Vietnam War. At the same time, the detective attempts to ferret out corruption in the police ranks.
Bud Fox é um jovem ambicioso que trabalha no mercado de ações. Ele fará de tudo para chamar a atenção do bilionário Gordon Gekko, abandonando qualquer escrúpulo e ética para enriquecer. Mas ele irá aprender que com o sucesso vêm grandes riscos.
Man in KRS Building
Recém-formado na faculdade, Brantley Foster viaja do Kansas a Nova York para começar em um novo emprego. No entanto, quando Brantley chega, ele descobre que sua posição foi eliminada e é forçado a aceitar um emprego com seu tio Howard, que se tornou presidente da empresa após casar-se. Brantley começa a trabalhar entregando correspondências, mas sobe de posições rapidamente quando começa a fingir que é um executivo.
A therapist goes outside his office and into his patients' personal lives to help them. He is treating a man who is hearing sounds but apparently there is nothing wrong with him psychologically. And a woman who despite being in a healthy relationship goes around picking up guys and having sex with them. She decides to seek help and what the doctor learns is that the problem goes back to her childhood and her family.
New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?
After school special