Nikolay Isenko


A Floresta dos Desesperados
In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, local leaders decide to investigate.
Commentary on the Petition for Clemency
About the last day of freedom of the deputy of the Moscow Soviet and the director of the central board.
Про любовь, дружбу и судьбу
An Umbrella for Lovers
Kraskov and Vera have long loved each other. They are unable to part, however, and connect their destinies can not and have already accepted the circumstances of life: he has a family, three children. A chance meeting in Moscow with a young couple, familiar with the rest in the South, pushes them to a decisive step…
Ты мой восторг, мое мученье
The owner of a beautiful voice, Nikolai Bakhin, dreaming of getting into the Bolshoi Theater, takes vocal lessons from the famous singer and teacher Irina Tarnopolskaya. Bakhin is taken to the theater. After an internship at La Scala, success comes to the hero and the first invitation to Italy. Upon learning that Tarnopolskaya was in a car accident, Nikolai interrupts the tour and flies to Moscow...