Maxime Demba

Maxime Demba


Maxime Demba


Dark Stories to Survive the Night
What if Demons, the Living Dead, Evil Dolls, Djinn and other Extra-terrestrial creatures came to haunt our apartments, houses, cafes, museums and other places of daily life? What would we do? How would we react? DARK STORIES tells five tales of gripping terror in a fantastic anthology where horror, suspense and humour intertwine with stark reality to make us shiver with fear! Join us for a Ghoul’s Feast, the Last Judgment before the impending Apocalypse, a surprise package from the deliveryman, a forensic scientist confronted by his zombie victim and the worst Moroccan monster nightmare.
Inimigos Íntimos
Raji man
Manuel e Driss são amigos de infância que acabaram seguindo caminhos opostos: o primeiro adotou a vida do crime, enquanto o segundo se tornou policial. Quando um dos trabalhos mais importantes de Manuel vai por água abaixo, os dois homens se reencontram e acabam precisando um do outro para sobreviver.