Executive Producer
Small town girl Celeste Blodgett moves from Bangor, Maine to Manhattan when she gets a job with the New York Examiner, but hears there it's only fact checking, with little prospects for real journalism. Her welcoming young flat neighbor Kyle Halley in an interior designer, who helps her to give her apartment a make-over. At a party she learns her cousin is gay and goes by the new name Dana Harrison; he promises to teach her the city way with a fashionable image transformation, which succeeds with the help of various gay friends. Now she's ready for social life, hoping to impress her boss, reputedly womanizing magazine section editor Mitch Tanzer. He accepts to read her work, but says he can't use it because it's unethical given their personal relationship- then she finds reality is different.
Executive Producer
A man and his son stumble onto a modern-day fountain of youth while camping in the woods.
Executive Producer
Ellen Carson is a real estate agent who inadvertently cuts off a delivery truck driver while changing lanes on the freeway to hurry home. The truck driver turns out to be a disturbed man named Eddie Madden, who proceeds to chase after Ellen in an effort to run her off the road. Ellen in fear calls the 1-800 number on the back of his truck and lodges a complaint, which causes Eddie to lose his job, and he (being a grieving husband and father who earlier lost his family to a car accident) sets out to destroy Ellen's family and soon becomes fixated on Ellen and her teenage stepdaughter Cynthia and plots to have them as replacement family, by removing the head of the house, Ellen's husband and Cynthia's father Jim Carson.
Executive Producer
A aventura, a fantasia e a magia se unem neste épico único original. Adaptado do clássico A Tempestade, de William Shakespeare, Fúria da Tempestade mostra a saga de Gideon Prosper (Peter Fonda). Traído pelo seu próprio irmão, o ganancioso Anthony (John Glover), ele é forçado a abandonar suas terras e fugir através dos pântanos do Mississipi. Durante anos, Gideon, sua filha Miranda (Katherine Heigl), e o ex-escravo Ariel (Haold Perrineu Jr.) enfrentam os horrores da fuga, das privações, e da Guerra Civil, numa aventura repleta de emoção, magia negra e efeitos especiais.
Executive Producer
Sarah e sua mãe acabaram de se mudar para uma pequena cidade da Nova Inglaterra. Tudo estaria bem se não fosse a horrível maldição que assola a casa onde foram morar: dizem que há muitos anos uma outra garota, também chamada Sarah, foi queimada viva naquele lugar acusada de bruxaria. Nisso, coincidência ou não, uma terrível seqüência de mortes sangrentas passaram a acontecer na cidade. Seria Sarah uma nova bruxa?
Executive Producer
The high school students didn't mean to kill Mr. Griffin. They wanted to make him suffer. But when their mean English teacher turns up dead, they have to find out who killed them before the police arrests them all.
Executive Producer
Heather and Suzanne were childhood friends, both singers, who have always been competing against each other. The insecure Suzanne, who usually lost all the competitions, grows emotionally disturbed and hyper-competitive and carrying a grudge against Heather. The young woman, under a false name, enrolls the same college where Heather goes, with the intention of destroying her life...
Executive Producer
All, including school administration and a friend, turn their backs on a girl who accused a classmate of rape.
Executive Producer
História baseada em fatos reais sobre duas garotas que matam uma amiga. As duas secretamente a invejavam há anos e tentam encobrir as pistas do crime. Mas a mãe da vítima não se esmorece e, com a ajuda de uma policial, tenta encontrar os culpados.