In post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, an evil pack of outlaws is systematically turning civilians into prisoners and slaves. Worse yet, the spread of a terrifying deadly flesh-eating virus threatens to destroy all of humanity. As good and evil ferociously battle for power and control, three heroes race against time to find the cure for the virus... before it's too late.
A Senator's daughter seems to have a lock on a nomination as the US Surgeon General, until a background check reveals she once neglected to return a jury-duty notice. Then she makes a mistake in comments about her homemaker mother that leaves her open to a media blitz and her sure-fire nomination suddenly appears shaky.
With the future of the world hanging in the balance, one fearless hero's quest to solve "The Riddle of the Chosen". As the Lord Protector makes his way through a land of magic and mystery, his allies grow stronger and his enemies more fierce. Will the Lord Protector make it to the center of evil and banish the dark forces that plot destruction, or will the power of evil overwhelm this mortal man and envelope the entire planet in a shroud of darkness and despair?
Carter Nix (John Lithgow) é um famoso psicólogo de crianças que ama muito sua filha de dois anos. Na verdade ele a estuda constantemente, tanto que a garota vive cercada por câmeras. Além disto, Carter está roubando bebês para uma experiência psicológica. No entanto, Jenny (Lolita Davidovich), sua esposa, nada sabe disto e vai levando a sua vida secreta onde tem um caso extraconjugal, que a faz negligenciar seus deveres como mãe. Entretanto, um aumento de seqüestros de crianças na região a faz suspeitar que Carter esteja recriando um experimento de controle de mentes para o pai dele, um psicologista desacreditado, mas também está acontecendo algo que Jenny nem imagina.
Em um acidente provocado por um colega, um jovem cientista que trabalha em um projeto secreto se torna vítima de um projeto especial de armas e é mutilado. Outros cientistas transplantam seu cérebro para uma estrutura metálica com formas humanas e surge o RoboMan.
A patient in an hospital dies under mysterious circumstances. The attending doctor Frank Holt gets under suspect - he'd been fired already from his last position due to malpractice. For his defense he investigates with help of doctor Anna Lang. Soon they find out that half of their colleagues were betting on the patient's diagnosis - was someone trying to increase his chances? But when Frank's friend, dissector Mary Connor, becomes deadly sick, he suspects there's even more to it.