Ying Che


Hunting Evil Spirit
Makeup Artist
A tale about a businessman who wants to screw a colleague at work but can't seem to make it happen. He eventually resorts to black magic so that his spirit can rape her since his body can't.
The Longest Summer
Costume Designer
It is July 1st of 1997, and Hong Kong is bright in celebration. The United Kingdom handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China leaves Ga Yin, and his fellow soldiers without work. Which leads them to find employment and money any way they can get it. Without much success, Ga Yin decides to join his brother Ga Suen in the triad gang world.
Ninth of September, the Cursed Day
Costume Designer
The story of reincarnated lovers
The Struggle
Costume Designer
Crime film.
Punhos de Serpente
O pai de Jackie é morto numa emboscada ao se envolver com a Tríade. Ele então é criado pelo seu tio, que ensina-o a lutar mas é contra violência e proíbe-o de usar kung fu em brigas. Até que ele é obrigado a enfrentar bandidos que insistem em importunar sua família.