Federico Starace


Moscati - O Doutor que Virou Santo
Line Producer
O filme conta a história de Giuseppe Moscati, um médico ainda muito admirado na Itália pelo trabalho que fez com os pobres no final do século XIX e inicio do século XX e um dos poucos leigos a ser canonizado pela Igreja Católica, que reconheceu sua santidade em 1987. O filme mostrasua trajetória e sua ajuda no tratamento de pessoas necessitadas em pela epidemia do Cólera, das que sofreram da erupção do vulcão Vesúvio e na condução das investigações que levaram a descoberta da insulina como cura para a diabetes.
Fantozzi The Return
Line Producer
Ugo Fantozzi has been ejected from Heaven and is sent back to Earth for a short period of time until the staff in Heaven can get Fantozzi a place there. Fantozzi goes through a variety of unfortunate experiences, such as rescuing his retro punk granddaughter Uga, and having to pay a vast telephone bill due to frequent chat line conversations. He ends up getting arrested instead of his ex-boss, who was originally charged with corruption. Just as he is about to enjoy the World Cup Final with Italy, he is called back into Heaven. Can he find peace once again?
Line Producer
An Italian blue-collar worker finds a job on a Norwegian oil platform, hoping to earn the money he needs to open a bar in his country.
A Boy and a Girl
Line Producer
Anna and Calogero are in love and living together in a low-scale apartment while going to the University of Milan. When Anna discovers she is pregnant, Calogero handles the situation like the moral coward he is.
Rosy Furacão
Production Supervisor
Raoul has best chances to become next boxing champion in light-heavy weight. For a bet he tries to beat through a door with his bare fist. He wins the bet, but his hand is broken, his career ruined. He starts working on a fair; there he meets Hurricane Rosy the first time. When he sees her the next time, she's star of Mike Fernando's women wrestling show. They passionately fall in love, but their their love must survive her rising fame and his violent jealousy
Lovers and Liars
Production Supervisor
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
Unit Manager
In three vignettes, two exes, a tour guide and a married couple struggle to overcome a series of misadventures during their vacations.
O Inocente
Production Secretary
Tullio Hermil is a chauvinist aristocrat who flaunts his mistress to his wife, but when he believes she has been unfaithful he becomes enamored of her again.
Violência e Paixão
Production Secretary
Um professor aposentado de origem americana vive uma vida solitária em um luxuoso palácio em Roma. Ele é confrontado por uma vulgar marquesa italiana e seu amante, por sua filha e pelo namorado de sua filha, e forçado a alugar para eles um apartamento no andar superior de seu palácio. Desse ponto em diante, sua rotina tranquila é transformada em caos pelas maquinações de seus inquilinos, e a vida de todos sofre uma reviravolta inesperada, mas inevitável.
Ludwig: A Paixão de um Rei
Production Secretary
Este filme retrata a conturbada histórica de vida de Ludwig, rei da Baviera, desde sua coroação em 1864 até sua morte em 1886 como um herói romântico. Fã de Richard Wagner, traído por ele, apaixonado por sua prima Elisabeth da Áustria, abandonada por ela, ele experimentou uma sucessão de derrotas pessoais. E, além disso, foi atormentado por sua homossexualidade e pouco a pouco foi aceitando a loucura.
The Day of the Owl
Production Secretary
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influence the Mafia has over the people and even himself.