This farce cocerns Sweden's King Gustav (Per Oscarsson who plays all the lead roles). The royal monarchs of three major European countries are patiently or not-so-patiently hovering on the sidelines while watching the future King Gustav closely. No single king appears to possess the brains he was born with, so history seems to be made by default, as it were. Gustav does blunder around, but not enough to miss being crowned king. As a result, France, England, and Germany invade Sweden hoping to take by force what they could not gain by incompetence.
Final do século XIX. Julie "Julia" (Anita Björk), uma jovem de família aristocrática, que acaba de terminar um noivado, se envolve com Jean (Ulf Palme), um ambicioso serviçal. Ao longo do verão, os dois passam momentos juntos e compartilham lembranças e sonhos. Até que os dois decidem fugir juntos para a Suiça.