W. Gregory Turner


O Potro do Natal
Matt deve levar seus filhos à casa da avó no Natal, mas se perdem e chegam no rancho de Bonnie Kate, que cuida de muitos cavalos. Apesar das traquinagens, todos viverão bons momentos.
Procura-se um Dono
O curso de férias é muito chato! Isso é o que acham Mason, Aidan, Maddie, Melinda e Luke no primeiro dia de aula. Mas quando conhecem Chewy, um lindo cãozinho, os dias ficarão menos entediantes.
Eyes of the Beholder
A crazed escaped mental patient holds 2 couples hostage and terrorizes them in a Malibu beach home during a stormy night.
Presumed Guilty
Jessie Weston is an ex-con recently released from prison after serving two years for auto theft. He is welcomed back into his small California down by his best friend Dillion and his older brother, Paul. But Jessie is not warmly received by his old girlfriend Mary, whom is the daughter of the arrogant and corrupt sheriff, who was the reason why he locked Jessie up in the first place. When Dillion is murdered by two thugs looking him up for late payments, the sheriff and his MORE murderously corrupt deputy frame Jessie for it in order to organize a vigilante group to hunt him down. Jessie must go on the run, with Mary tagging along, to try to prove his innocence and kill all the bad guys out to kill him.