Andre medvirkende
Erik e Philip são os melhores amigos desde a infância e ambos querem ser escritores. Enquanto o manuscrito de Erik é recusado pelos editores, Philip é avidamente recebido e, da noite para o dia, torna-se uma jovem estrela na cena literária norueguesa. Logo, seus sonhos encontrarão a realidade.
Craft Service
The runner Magnus is training to be accepted into the elite squad. To join the elite he must be the best, and he is prepared to do everything to be the best
The runner Magnus is training to be accepted into the elite squad. To join the elite he must be the best, and he is prepared to do everything to be the best
Executive Producer
The runner Magnus is training to be accepted into the elite squad. To join the elite he must be the best, and he is prepared to do everything to be the best