Albert López-Murtra


The Ungodly
When struggling filmmaker inadvertently records a notorious serial killer in the middle of a murderous act, he decides to use the footage to blackmail the madman into being the subject of a disturbing new documentary.
The Natural Route
Soon a man will find out that his destiny is already written and that he can't do anything to change it.
Diga Sim
Policia nacionales
Para descolar uma bolada em um programa de namoro na TV, um casal com nada em comum posa de pombinhos apaixonados. Para azar dos dois, o trambique é descoberto e eles são obrigados a bolar um plano maluco para se safar da cadeia.
The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1: The Moab Story
Luper Jove
The Tulse Luper Suitcases reconstructs the life of Tulse Luper, a professional writer and project-maker, caught up in a life of prisons. He was born in 1911 in Newport, South Wales and presumably last heard of in 1989. His life is reconstructed from the evidence of 92 suitcases found around the world - 92 being the atomic number of the element Uranium. The project includes three feature films, a TV series, 92 DVDs, CD-ROMs, and books.
Why Not Me?
Four gay French expatriots share a business in Barcelona. When they and their parents are thrown together for a "coming out" party, another French Farce ensues.