Third Assistant Director
Em um vilarejo pobre no centro da Península de Anatólia, três jovens garotas foram entregues pelo pai a uma rica família da cidade grande, na intenção de trabalharem como babás e empregadas domésticas. Uma a uma, foram enviadas de volta, por desagradarem aos patrões. Enquanto o pai das três tenta consertar a situação, para dar melhores condições de vida às garotas, elas sonham com um futuro longe dali.
Art Direction
Ali Baltaoglu, a construction magnate with high-fying ambitions and deep ties with the government who dreams of carrying Europe’s Alps to the Black Sea in a Dubai-like metropolitan city concept, sponsors three guys -who are not even in the flm business- to flm a documentary about the urban legends of Turkey’s Black Sea region. Ali Baltaoglu plans to use the documentary as a covert advertisement and propaganda tool for the beneft of his mountain city project 'Kackar MegaMount 2023' which was planned to be built within Kackar Mountains National Park.
Joined by a reticent driver who cannot drive, they set out to locate the legendary Swearing Ofu Hodja, a saintly and foul-mouthed imam with supernatural powers who works miracles, supports nuclear fusion, and condemns all kinds of authority. The team tumbles through a series of misadventures brought on them by the mysterious hodja, changing their lives forever in this war between matter and meaning.