Carlo Galbiati

Nascimento : 1990-01-01, Gavardo, Italy


The road is dark and it’s a thin thin line
A film by Carlo Galbiati.
Pace non cerco, guerra non sopporto
The sight of a landscape is suddenly interrupted by the passing of a train entering the frame. It blurs the vision, covers the sounds of nature. Trains, as taught by Film History, represent a technological fascination, an industrial attraction, but are also the symbol of a progress careless towards the world and human beings (suffice to think of the founding myth of the Old West), aimed at commodities, at an economic rather than moral value. In the same way Ramiro, a debuting musician, is overwhelmed by the “productive machine” which seduces him, but also startles and scares him, because it sells off people and makes them all the same.
Debora is a young writer, we see her signing a contract with a publishing house. After the joy for the achieved goal, the phase of rationalization takes over, inevitable, giving rise to a growing disenchantment.