Chile, September 1986. Tamara, commander of the communist guerrilla group Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, and her comrades-in-arms set out to overthrow the military regime installed in 1973 by assassinating the dictator Augusto Pinochet.
É véspera de Natal de 1986, e Borja é um adolescente precoce com uma paixão pelo cinema. À medida que sua família se reúne para celebrar o feriado, as forças combinadas do calor sufocante do Chile, das bebidas fluidas e do desejo reprimido contribuem para a erupção de segredos de longa data.
Jorge, a biology teacher, lost his wife 5 years ago, and has not been able to overcome his grief. His children consider their grandfather Roberto as their main father figure. Everything changes when the latter is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and they have to put him in a rest-home. It is then that Jorge reconsiders his damaged relationship with his father and children.