Blue McDonnell


One Bad Mice
Johnny (Art Duarte) is out for justice against the mobsters that have raped his sister (Blue McDonnell), storming his way into their strongholds and shooting down anyone that stands in his way, while also seeking revenge against head honcho (Gary Head) for the murder of his father who was killed right in front of him at a young age.
Newton Boys: Os Irmãos Fora-da-Lei
Em 1919 quatro irmãos texanos, Willis, Jess (Ethan Hawke), Joe e Dock, liderados por Willis, começam a se tornar, com a ajuda do especialista em nitroglicerina Brentwood Glasscock, a mais bem sucedida quadrilha de assaltantes de bancos de sua época. Quando as portas dos cofres dos bancos se tornam mais seguras eles tentam diversificar assaltando um trem, que transporta milhões de dólares.