A year ago Ricardo and Felipe, in charge of taking the children to a camp, stayed outside the train leaving the children inside. Clara no longer trusts them and this year she decides to take the children personally with the help of her friend Susana. However, now they will be the ones who, as a result of an accident, are separated from the children.
Pablo spends the afternoons in his neighbourhood with his older brother and his friends. Summer is the craziest scenario of their lives, as if the world had been left to children alone. Despite the confusing reality in which he grows up, for Pablo every day is an opportunity to discover the world and understand it in his own way.
Um pai e um avô se ofereceram para acompanhar seis crianças a caminho de um acampamento nas Astúrias. Quando o trem parte sem os adultos, uma louca perseguição começa para alcançar as crianças, deixadas sozinhas no trem noturno.