A con artist tries to help his fellow neighbors pay their rent when they face eviction.
A bus driver loves to seduce all the women he can find and brags about his conquests, until he finds the one woman he can't have.
A young man tries to get away from his disfunctional family by working with his friend, a rich boy who lives in excess and sleaze, but he will soon realize how reckless his friend is and that he is submerged in a life of crime, vice and deadly bets.
Softcore sex-farce about a guy with a really big lump in his underpants...and all the women who flock to him.
Mamá de Rosy
Punks kill people and rape people and stuff... and cops kinda do their own thing... and there's boobs and blood and motorcycles... the end.
The two largest ranches in a small town are operated entirely by women, because their menfolk have all emigrated. Seceral of the younger women have boyfriend troubles, and all the women band together to vote their own representative into City Hall as Mayor.
Stranger with a dark past infects a small-town girl with HIV, and the contagion spreads out from there. Public health officials get involved...
A man is falsely suspected one by a drug dealer organization, massacre in a local restaurant. After his twin brother was able to free him from jail they together revenge on the corrupt sheriff and the drug traffickers.
Mexican feature film
Street-vendor believes he's wanted for a murder he didn't commit, so he hides among the "gleaners" at the city dump.
Mexican feature film
Miembra liga de la moral
Courtroom drama focused on the background of a man accused of rape.
Young rural-gentry dude sows wild oats, settles down to raise a family, and fights in the Revolution, all at the same time.
In Panamá City, a man stalks a well-to-do adolescent, without knowing that she is the daughter he procreated when he raped a woman.
Arácnea's residents have been desperately searching for a source of food to save the life of their queen (a big spider). Earth is chosen, since human brains are apparently like health food for alien spiders.
Embora um casal tenha acabado de se casar, eles querem se separar logo após o casamento. Mas há um problema: o apartamento em que vivem pertence a ambos em partes iguais; portanto eles têm ...
Three bad dudes are each hot for Lupe. They kill a guy while committing some crimes together, and that guy's brother goes gunning for them. Eventually, he meets Lupe; she helps him track down the killers and a thing develops between them.
The Blue Demon faces a murderous satanic hypnotist.
Two young ladies hire bodyguards. Romance blooms.
Three big-city wimps have to pass for machos when they go to their home-town.
Little cowboy-fella, believed to be an orphan, helps his sheriff buddy to stamp out crime. Second of two in series.
Masked hero with a bullwhip. Number 2 of 4.
Scheming and double-crosses as an old man and his doxy go to Guatemala to retrieve a stolen treasure that he hid there in years past.
Masked hero in bondage gear battles crime. First of four in series.
A sympathetic elder docsplains life to a teenaged girl in his neighborhood.
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
Masked hero fights crime on horseback. #3 in the series "El Latigo Negro."
Graciela Elizondo
The discovery of a young woman murdered in her car triggers unrelated problems among a diverse group of people.
Four young ladies, four fiances, nine crises. Then, the big day.
Priest puppet-masters the lives of some parishioners, his goal being to make sure the two most eligible young ladies in town marry his scapegrace nephews.
Ambitious non-starter gets a job as a bill-collector at a beauty-products company and tries to bluff his way into a management position, then tries a couple of other business schemes with minimal success.
Three murder-mystery fans team up to play detective together; they catch some thieves at the workplace of one of them, then get caught up in an old-dark-house situation...
Crooked promoter has a secret weapon who goes around beating fighters to death after their matches if they aren't in line with his rigging schedule. Part one of two.
Scheming secretary sabotages her boss's wedding plans and snags him for herself. She, him, his brother and the abandoned pregnant fiance all suffer as a result.
Sofía de la Llave (Chofi) (as Malena Cervantes)
Chofi marry Alberto and very much in love, but her mother continues to intervene in the couple's relationship, which will lead to divorce.
College student enters the pro wrestling circuit, hoping to find out who killed his father. Third of four in a series.
The disembodied head of Pancho Villa, kept in a glass jar in a research institute, is the narrator of several short stories from his own life, stories that might or might not have happened but are the stuff of legend.