Dragan Mićanović

Dragan Mićanović

Nascimento : 1970-09-30, Loznica, Serbia, Yugoslavia


Dragan Mićanović


Haiduk in Belgrade
In the 1980s, a boy named Haiduk moves with his family from a small village to the capitol of Yugoslavia, where he's going to start spreading his way of honor and true values.
Because My Thoughts Are Struggling
Knez Mihailo Obrenović
The film tells about the period of Prince Mihailo Obrenović's life shortly before and during the assassination.
Dupla Explosiva 2: E a Primeira-Dama do Crime
O casal estranho mais letal do mundo – o guarda-costas Michael Bryce e o assassino de aluguel Darius Kincaid – está de volta em outra missão com risco de vida. Ainda sem licença e sob escrutínio, Bryce é forçado a entrar em ação pela esposa ainda mais volátil de Darius, a infame vigarista internacional Sonia Kincaid. Enquanto Bryce é levado ao limite por seus dois protegidos mais perigosos, o trio se mete em uma trama global e logo descobre que eles são tudo o que se interpõe entre a Europa e um louco vingativo e poderoso.
After several miscarriages, Tereza's gynecologist, in an attempt to cheer her up, jokes she should try to conceive with a different partner. This remark shakes up her monotonous life and steers it in a new direction.
Vida Dupla
Quando Sabrina suspeita da possível infidelidade de seu marido com suas numerosas viagens de negócios a Paris, ela descobre que ele tem outra esposa e revela negócios ilegais com seu sogro, que ele não deixará de proteger. Agora não é só o casamento dela que está na linha, mas sua vida.
Debt to the Sea
At the very entrance of Boka Kotorska there is fortress named Fortica, which served as border control or quarantine in the past when ships used to dock in the bay. The most common goods taxed was salt. Its geographical position was significant during 1920s as well, while some speculate that the main hero of this story, Perisa, accumulated his fortune exactly in this way...
Doctor Guibert
Henri Charrière (Charlie Hunnam), chamado de Papillon, pequeno bandido das baixadas de Paris da década de 30, é condenado à prisão perpétua por um crime que não cometeu. Enviado para a Ilha do Diabo, Guiana Francesa, ele conhece Louis Dega, um homem que Papillon promete ajudar em troca de auxílio para escapar da prisão.
Olivia, A New York-based journalist travels to Turkey when she receives news that her sister Marla is pregnant. Marla recently ended a relationship but decides to keep the baby and that's when sinister things begin to occur.
The Rift
The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to investigate they quickly discover that something else came back from space, something not of this world. As their time runs out, the team must battle to unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission.
Before Christmas
An orphan finds a family, old couple that has no children, day before Christmas. The twists and turns of this melodramatic comedy is inspired by timeless words of Branislav Nušić.
O Novato
Donovan Ree
Quando o erro de um agente novato custa a vida de toda a sua equipe, ele é forçado a fugir e deve descobrir a verdade recriando os eventos da missão malfadada com apenas a gravação de áudio para guiá-lo.
Quando Tudo Parece Perdido
Inspirada em fatos reais, a história acontece na Bósnia e Herzegovina. Sabina, uma mulher divorciada, mãe de dois filhos pequenos, se apaixona por Sasha, um velho amigo com o qual serviu na guerra. Os dois planejam se casar, mas ele desaparece misteriosamente. Poucas semanas depois, Sabina vai ao médico e descobre que está grávida. À medida que sua gravidez avança, ela perde o emprego, e seu ex-marido tenta tirar dinheiro dela, ameaçando levar as crianças para longe. Sabina se desespera e decide acabar com a própria vida. Então, vai para um albergue e começa a engolir pílulas, ficando inconsciente. O que acontece em seguida está sujeito à opinião de quem assiste ao filme... Porém, uma coisa fica clara: Sabina nunca mais será a mesma.
Next to Me
After being attacked by a group of masked hooligans, Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She decides to teach them a lesson by locking them in the school building and confronts them.
The Tenor - Lirico Spinto
The talented Korean tenor, Bae, who penetrate the audience's hears through his delicate and powerful singing, is on the rise to stardom at the European opera scene. Sawada, a Japanese music producer, is searching for a new tenor for an upcoming performance. He watches a performance of Bae and invites him to Japan, which marks the beginning of friendship. But, the thyroid cancer strikes Bae. During an operation, the nerves of his vocal cords has be cut due to the widely spread cancer. Unfortunately, Ba ends up losing his voice at the peak of his career. Sawada cant's stand to watch Bae's miserable so he starts to look for a solution.
A Sereia Assassina
Duas jovens turistas americanas viajam para uma ilha em Montenegro. Numa fortaleza militar abandonada, um velho pescador revela que há perigos, pois as águas do Mediterrâneo escondem uma assassina metade peixe, metade mulher: uma sereia.
Wrath of the Dead: Prologue
Warden Sedlar
When hell rises... One man will go to war for the survival of the humanity!
The Path Covered in Roses
Despot Stefan Lazarević
Life path of Serbian princess Olivera, youngest daughter of King Lazar and Queen Milica, which is given as a peace offer to Sultan Bajazit's harem.
Jackhammer Hit to the Head
Jealousy and mistrust come in place one night, when a woman decides to expose her aggressive self, leading to several ruined lives.
Titus Lartius
A população de Roma está faminta. Coriolano (Ralph Fiennes), considerado o herói da cidade, é um grande soldado que despreza o povo. Manipulado por políticos e até mesmo por sua própria mãe, Volumnia (Vanessa Redgrave), ele acaba sendo banido da cidade e oferece seus serviços ao maior inimigo, Tullus Aufidius (Gerard Butler). Juntos, eles marcham rumo a Roma no intuito de destruir a cidade.
Motel Nana
Ivan teaches history in a Belgrade high school. In his class, Ivan is provoked by a student and ends up slapping him on the face. In Serbia, in the heat of transitional changes, Ivan’s presence in school is no longer welcomed. He finds a temporary job opportunity in a war-scarred mountain village in Bosnia. On his way there, he meets Yasmina, a young Muslim woman, back from Germany to her homeland after the war and after being invited by an old friend – Hazim - who now runs a motel. A lone kiss in a stormy night, in a village still lying in ruins, will bring Yasmina and Ivan closer together in a joint escape from reality and to a ride on a dusty bus, where neither one of them wants to sit next to the window.
Um jovem, do ensino médio de Belgrado, fica seduzido pelo mundo dos skinheads e por seu líder, Relja. Ele junta-se à gangue na tentativa de superar o status de nerd na escola, mas logo é sugado para dentro de um mundo de violência, racismo e vandalismo.
Rock'N'Rolla: A Grande Roubada
Uri Omovich é um bilionário russo que está realizando uma alta transação com Lenny Cole, um gângster à moda antiga que sabe como cuidar de seus subalternos e dos políticos locais. Para festejar o acordo feito, Uri empresta a Lenny seu quadro favorito, mas o quadro desaparece do escritório de Lenny, o que inicia uma grande busca por seu paradeiro. Isto faz com que diversos criminosos da cidade se envolvam, entre eles One Two, um bandido de rua, e Archie, o braço direito de Lenny.
Thy Neighbors
One day in the lives of the Belgrade tower’s tenants, whose destiny is never going to be same from then on.
Agi and Ema
A warm tale of friendship forged between a lonely boy Agi and an elderly lady Ema. Abandoned by everyone, these two outcast manage to unite and overcome harsh reality.
This film was based on Zoran Zivkovic's stories, in which the main motif is number two: a number that unites a man and a woman, sky and earth, yin and yang... It also tells two stories that are merged into one whole.
Tailor's Secret
The story is set in an ambiance of a dark utopian future, a city of mentally dead zombies under the firm grip of military dictatorship. Boldly, like a man on a mission, the Tailor will walk the Kafkaesque and macabre streets of a city where terror and gloom roam freely, in his Diogenes’ search for purity and love.
A Condessa Branca
Um diplomata cego norte-americano abre uma casa noturna e acaba abrigando no local uma aristocrata russa refugiada que está tentando ganhar a vida como pode. Ela logo se torna a atração principal do local, mas a beira de um cenário conturbado e com uma guerra civil prestes a explodir, ela passa por uma série de dificuldades. Ao mesmo tempo, o seu protetor também tenta controlar as pressões da melhor maneira possível, mas as coisas estão cada vez mais complicadas e tudo se transforma em uma grande corrida para que a jovem russa consiga reencontrar a sua filha. Enquanto tudo isso acontece, os dois percebem que existe algo mais entre eles.
Nem Tudo é o Que Parece
Planejando se aposentar e começar uma nova vida, sr. X, um traficante bem sucedido de West End, recebe um pedido de um último favor: negociar a venda de um milhão de pílulas de ecstasy. Infelizmente para o sr. X., as pílulas foram roubadas de um grande traficante sérvio que irá cortar sua cabeça se ele vendê-las. E com um czar do crime de Londres prometendo aposentá-lo permanentemente se ele não vender, sr. X tem toda razão de estar preocupado com o seu futuro. Não há nada pelo qual valha a pena perder a cabeça.
Em Má Companhia
Michelle Petrov
Após um talentoso agente ser morto em ação, a organização decide contratar seu irmão gêmeo para concluir sua missão. O problema é que ele é Jake Hayes, um malandro das ruas que não tem o menor jeito para agente secreto. Para minimizar este problema a CIA coloca ao seu lado Gaylord Oakes, um agente experiente que tem por missão lhe ensinar como fala, anda e age um agente da CIA.
Nemanja leads a normal life with a steady job and a fiancée, until he is waylaid by a sudden downpour in a seedy hotel called The Wheel. The hotel is populated by seemingly upstanding citizens, until Nemanya is accused of being the notorious Laughing Monster, a serial killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood.
Barking at the Stars
Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.
Tango Is a Sad Thought to Be Danced
A famous fashion designer returns to his birthplace in a tiny Serb town, in the wake of the recent war. Although the inhabitants still love to dance the tango and live life's pleasures to the full, the Mafia have gained a foothold.
Premeditated Murder
Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogdan, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an uneducated major, a Chekist who has, perhaps, the power to save a political prisoner who is the grandmother's friend. As Jelena wonders which man was her grandfather (the Chekist or the husband), Bogdan recovers from his wounds and must decide whether to return to the front. Jelena pleads; duty calls.
Dark Is the Night
Manojlo Mane Belezada
Belgrade in 1992. - breaking up of Yugoslavia, blockade, shortages, food queues, student rebellion. Life of two Belgrade families and personal drama of their members, caused by social breakdown and civil war.
The Hottest Day of the Year
Marko, Zoran and Saša are best friends, living a casual student life in Belgrade. They plan to escape the sweltering summer heat by driving to the coast. To guarantee their departure they swap favors. But events take a wrong turn. A road movie - fueled by dreams, propelled by unforeseen events.
Forces in the Air
Lale, sin Miletov
Mile is a cab driver who lives a life for which he himself sometimes does not know where he is headed. On one hand, he has a ten year old relationship with a woman he fools into marrying her, and on the other he has a wife and an adult son with whom he constantly comes into conflict. When Mile's wife realizes what life is like, things take another direction.
Your Guardian
The start of the Yugoslav civil war forces freshly graduated Mina to choose between being an obedient daughter or escaping abroad with her lover so he wouldn't serve in the army.
The Absurd Scam
The film is conceived as a video game where every link in society, from the highest to the lowest has its role in creating the perfect vision of fraud, not knowing who cheats, and who is deceived.