Claudia González Carbonell
Set Decoration
Em busca de importância e prestígio social, um empresário bilionário decide fazer um filme que perpetue seu legado. Para isso, ele contrata um time formado pela famosa cineasta Lola Cuevas e dois atores renomados, donos de enorme talento, mas com um ego ainda maior: o ator hollywoodiano Félix Rivero, e o ator de teatro radical Iván Torres. Ambos são lendas, mas não exatamente melhores amigos. Através de uma série de provas cada vez mais excêntrica estabelecidas por Lola, Félix e Iván devem enfrentar não apenas um ao outro, mas também seus próprios egos.
Costume Design
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Art Direction
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Production Design
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.