Claudia González Carbonell
Set Decoration
Тщеславный миллиардер задался целью вписать свое имя в историю, взявшись за создание идеального фильма. Сценарий — книга Нобелевского лауреата, режиссер — модная и эксцентричная, в главных ролях — разбитной секс-символ кумир миллионов и высоколобый драматический актер. Ждать шедевра или ждать беды?
Costume Design
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Art Direction
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Production Design
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.