Michael V. Gazzo

Michael V. Gazzo

Nascimento : 1923-04-05,

Morte : 1995-02-14


Michael V. Gazzo


Nothing to Lose
A young street fighter seeks revenge against a powerful drug lord who killed his entire family. Using of his many special combat skills, he's about to take down a whole criminal operation, reaching his goal whatever the consequences.
O Último Grande Herói
Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien) é um garoto que é fã incondicional do personagem Jack Slater (Arnold Schwarzenegger). Ele ganha um ingresso de cinema mágico, que faz com que Danny entre no novo filme de Slater (Jack Slater IV) e passe por aventuras num mundo maluco, com desenhos animados, violência e até mesmo Catherine Tramell (personagem de Sharon Stone em Basic Instinct). Porém, há um problema: o mesmo ingresso faz com que os vilões do filme saiam para o mundo real. Slater vem atrás deles, passa por vários apuros e acaba encontrando o ator que o interpreta, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Ring of the Musketeers
Modern day "Musketeers" attempt to become protectors of the inocent. While the biking trio rescue kindnapped children, guard witnesses, and chase mafia types, they also seek the missing fourth musketeer, who wears the famous musketeers' ring.
Cookie Voltecki is the illegitimate daughter of mobster Dino Capisco, who has just finished thirteen years in prison. Since being released from jail, all that Dino wants is to settle some old scores, and make up for lost time with his daughter.
Blood Ties
Joseph Salina
An innocent American engineer is blackmailed by gangsters into a plot to assassinate his cousin, who is a judge in Sicily fighting the Mafia.
Cidade do Medo
Os moradores de Manhattan estão sendo assassinados por um psicopata. Um detetive da polícia e um empregado proprietário de um clube de strip-tease tentam encontrá-lo antes que ele assassine novamente.
Um Rally Muito Louco
Um milionário sheik árabe organiza um rali para que seu filho tenha a chance de se recuperar de um recente fracasso. Os competidores vão partir da Califórnia rumo a Connecticut, sendo que o prêmio é de 1 milhão de dólares para o primeiro colocado. Isso é mais do que suficiente para atrair competidores de toda ordem que, interessados no dinheiro, são capazes de qualquer loucura.
Impacto Súbito
Threlkis (uncredited)
Quando uma jovem vítima de estupro leva a justiça em suas próprias mãos e se torna um assassino em série, cabe a Dirty Harry Callahan, sob suspensão do SFPD, para trazê-la à justiça.
The Winter of Our Discontent
This story tells those self-denials of an honest man what necessary to reach his object of life.
Nick Tripoli
A sultry nightclub singer, a small-town girl in the big city, sets out to avenge her boyfriend's murder after he is killed while running illegal booze for the mob.
Back Roads
A prostitute and a drifter find themselves bound together as they make their way through the rural South, doing what they have to do to survive.
Gus Azziello
Loretta is a singer and escort in a mob-owned NYC nightclub and illegal casino. The favorite working girl of manager George, Loretta is unhappy with her current occupation and looking for a way out. George, meanwhile, is losing his stranglehold on the business. Complications arise when Loretta finds herself falling for a man she meets in her off-hours.
The Border
Chico Suarez
Frank Cooper, a senior immigration police, remains a daily struggle against mafias operating between Mexico and the United States. Although it has a good standing with the poorest of Mexican towns near the border. Two are Leina and Benny, a couple of young boys who have decided to marry and have chosen Frank as best man. The problems are not slow to appear when Suarez, a mobster local forces Benny to work for him in their dirty business. Now, for Frank, the job becomes personal.
Alligator: O Jacaré Gigante
Chief Clark
Família volta da Flórida para Chicago, trazendo filhote de jacaré. O pai, querendo se livrar do problema de criar o réptil, joga o filhote na privada. Ele sobrevive e, nos esgotos, alimenta-se de lixo radioativo, tornando-se monstro gigantesco que sai às ruas da cidade fazendo vítimas.
Travessia a Cuba
Rossellini (as Michael Gazzo)
An adventurer gets caught up in a plot to kill Fidel Castro.
Beggarman, Thief
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh
Harry the Trainer
The Pittsburgh basketball team is hopeless. Maybe with the aid of an astrologer, and some new astrologically compatible players, they can become winners.
Beach Patrol
Jan Plummer, a policewoman recently transferred from LA narcotics to a beach patrol unit, spots a fugitive drug kingpin on the beach and becomes a target for murder.
Amor e Balas
Charlie Congers é um policial escolhido pelo governo dos Estados Unidos para ir até a Suíça capturar a bela amante de um chefão do crime. Mas seus planos começam a sair errado quando, durante sua fuga, uma forte atração começa a tomar conta deles, criando laços que irão atrapalhar a missão. Perseguidos por toda a Europa, eles terão que fugir de redes de intrigas políticas e de várias outras ameaças.
Rei dos Ciganos
Spiro Giorgio
Zharko, leader of the Romanis in NYC, passes his position of leadership on to his unwilling grandson, Dave, leading to infighting between Dave and his father.
A wanna-be concert pianist spends his days making a living by collecting debts for his Mafioso father, a lifestyle that could eventually ruin his dreams of a musical career.
Domingo Negro
An Israeli anti-terrorist agent must stop a disgruntled Vietnam vet cooperating in a Black September PLO plot to commit a terrorist attack at the Super Bowl.
Brinks: The Great Robbery
Mario Russo
In this telling of the infamous 1950 robbery, James McNally is portrayed as the one gang member who maintains his silence in the face of extreme police pressure. When he is sent up to prison and sees the other gang members letting him take all the heat, he still doesn't come clean to the cops. He feels a loyalty to his best friend, who was also in on the crime. But what will his best friend choose to do?
O Poderoso Chefão: Parte II
Frank Pentangeli
Após a máfia matar sua família, o jovem Vito foge da sua cidade na Sicília e vai para a América. Vito luta para manter sua família. Ele mata Black Hand Fanucci, que exigia dos comerciantes uma parte dos seus ganhos. Com a morte de Fanucci, o poderio de Vito cresce, mas sua família é o que mais importa para ele. Agora baseado no Lago Tahoe, Michael planeja fazer incursões em Las Vegas e Havana instalando negócios ligados ao lazer, mas descobre que aliados como Hyman Roth estão tentando matá-lo.
Crazy Joe
The rise and fall of a Mafia gangster, based on the life of murdered New York gangster "Crazy" Joey Gallo.
Klobouk plný deště
Theatre Play
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
A Black Suit
A Brooklyn mobster and his gang try to rub out their rivals.
A Hatful of Rain
A 1968 made-for-television remake of the 1957 film, based on the disturbing 1956 Michael V. Gazzo play, as performed by members of The Actors' Studio on ABC (American Broadcasting Company) television.
A Hatful of Rain
A 1968 made-for-television remake of the 1957 film, based on the disturbing 1956 Michael V. Gazzo play, as performed by members of The Actors' Studio on ABC (American Broadcasting Company) television.
Balada Sangrenta
Em Nova Orleans vive Danny Fisher (Elvis Presley), um jovem que tinha se envolvido com gangues. Agora Danny trabalha como cantor de bares à noite, se tornando um grande sucesso. Até ser obrigado a cantar na casa noturna de um gângster.
Cárcere Sem Grades
A Korean War veteran's morphine addiction wreaks havoc upon his family.
Cárcere Sem Grades
Theatre Play
A Korean War veteran's morphine addiction wreaks havoc upon his family.
Sindicato de Ladrões
Bit Part (uncredited)
Terry Malloy sonha com as glórias do boxe, mas foi convencido pelo corrupto mafioso Johnny Friendly, para quem trabalha, a perder uma luta. Quando Terry presencia um assassinato cometido pelos capangas do chefe, ele se sente responsável pelo crime.